JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 21/07/2024

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “JJV Offs”!

Everything to gain!

I hesitated a lot 6 years ago before opening the store... And then, I told myself that I had nothing to lose and rather everything to gain! As the sayings go, “He who tries nothing, achieves nothing” and “He who lives will see”…

I hesitated, because the gaming world was a little present but spread out a lot around Vaison. I wondered if I would have enough players or those close to players to be able to offer board games in Vaison and its surroundings.

And not to simplify things, I gave myself the additional objective of specializing also with independent games, always very interesting, but nevertheless less known to the general public...

And since “luck favors the bold”, always according to a saying, I ended up taking a year to mature my project and train myself in the necessary tools and launched myself.

Since I love challenges, I said to myself why not also offer Vaison moments where we Play the Game!

So, alongside in-store and online sales, I launched in-store game events which were going pretty well until covid.

And word of mouth has meant that private and public structures have trusted me to provide support to their residents and employees.

And then as a local business, I offered cyberspace which was very useful when it was still available. Too bad the abuse from some people forced me to put an end to it…

However, I remain focused every day on the photocopying, scanning and Pick Up parcel services that are useful to you on a daily basis.

When I look back on its first six years, I have gained a lot with all of you on a daily basis.

I matured, learned, made mistakes in order to progress better later, “braced myself and let it be said” as a great businesswoman from Vaison had advised me…

But that’s how I am, I don’t know how to do things by halves, but I have learned to stay calm in the face of life’s challenges.

I also don't know how to reciprocate harm when it is done to me... You don't heal a wound by moving a knife...

All these negative and above all mostly positive experiences allowed me to gain from it!

Thank you again to everyone for sharing my fun journey and living your passion for board games with me. ;)

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 14/07/2024

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “JJV Offs”!

A daily victory!

When I see the playful world that is shared more and more on a daily basis, I tell myself that we are lucky to have so many choices of board games...

The more varied the choice of games and adapted to all of us, the more we want to start or get back into board games.

And then, sharing a fun moment around a table is so unique and enjoyable that it would be a shame to deprive yourself of it.

We have talented creators who allow us to play in different universes and with various styles of game mechanics, from the simplest to the most complex…

The daily victory is to succeed in bringing together amateurs and seasoned gamers to share a pleasant moment together.

My greatest victory is seeing you fully enjoy the moment around the games during outdoor activities and events.

Seeing you create or bond with other players through games is a huge reward for me!

So as long as you live the fun adventure to the fullest with me, I will continue to offer you games and activities as unique as you all!

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 07/07/2024

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “JJV Offs”!

I had a dream !

I have always dreamed of working in a field that brings people together and brings smiles to their faces...

This is also why I worked as a waitress with a smile and motivation, because in the restaurant people come together to enjoy a good time.

When I worked at Picard, I carefully learned about the cold chain process and product compositions to be able to best advise customers.

And then I moved towards entertainment for children and teenagers, because providing them with support and a smile on a daily basis is great.

Without forgetting what we receive in return: the smiles, the moments of complicity, the activities that make them grow and gain self-confidence, among other things…

I often meet up with the children and teenagers I had during the post-Christmas events in the town where I come from. It’s always a pleasure to see how they have evolved.

I may be naive, but I think that you can bring people together and get closer to them when you have the necessary open-mindedness to do so…

And so I took the chance to have a commercial premises to launch my slightly crazy, but so exciting project of creating the store so that in Vaison we too can Play the Game!

Because beyond looking at game boxes to read what is written there, I have tested the majority of the games that I offer you.

For what ?

Quite simply because, who can tell you about games better than a passionate person who has been playing since they were a child?

I continue to play every day and I am curious about all types of games long before being simply a store that sells games.

And then the ultimate project concerning the store, it was for me the consecration with the animations!

Rather present in store before covid, I can now offer you and enjoy exquisite moments during outdoor activities with you!

I had a dream, on my modest scale, to succeed in bringing people together and I believe that I am in the process of making it come true, so thank you for your daily trust and enthusiasm, once again. ;)

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 30/06/2024

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “JJV Offs”!

I have good hope

Thanks again to everyone who came to celebrate the store's 6th anniversary with me, you are awesome as always. ;)

When I see what I started with 6 years ago and where the store is today, I am very happy and proud.

Proud because my daily involvement allows us to further develop the world of board games in the area and to bring in even more players. ;)

Very happy because for most of you, you have been there since the beginning of the store and that is priceless!

I landed in a very discreet gaming world at the start and non-existent game activities, with player development in Vaison and its surroundings.

I am quite proud to be able to say that I have brought my modest, playful touch to Vaison and its surroundings via dynamic activities that adapt to each of you.

I hope to continue to bring you my enthusiasm around board games through activities, in the store and online via the blog and video of quick games that I offer you daily.

If you would like to join us in the gaming world, you are welcome. Young and old, beginners or more experienced, there is something for everyone!

The “Discovery Games” events at the store aim to introduce newbies to the world of board games.

So, don’t hesitate to come join me to open up to board games! ;)

I am hopeful that the gaming world continues to be as dynamic and humanly enriching.

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 23/06/2024

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “JJV Offs”!

There will be sport!

Board games are not just games sitting quietly around a table.

Many games are played or can be played outside to have fun while enjoying the good weather.

I am thinking, for example, of molki, the game of papattes, kub and many other outdoor games which are just brilliant!

And many games can also be adapted to make them a little more sporty…

Have you ever tried to play jungle speed by putting the totem on the other side of the room you are playing in?

Don't leave anything lying around because it can quickly end up becoming anything. But it promises eventful games... ;)

We can also adapt games to make them life-size formats where we are at the heart of the game.

For example, this is what I did for the 5th anniversary by offering you a giant Mad Trip in the store!

What a pleasure to have seen you having fun enjoying the course that I have proposed to you, both the youngest and the oldest!

For the store's 6th anniversary, I plan to offer you an original game to celebrate with you!

Brain gymnastics is always relevant whether we play a game outdoors or around a table, because we have to admit, we generally like to win. ;)

We know that we cannot win all the time, but at least we will have won in strategy, in deduction, in logic, in resources, but above all in good times shared around board games.

In short, we will continue to move to play the game in Vaison and elsewhere. ;)

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 16/06/2024

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “JJV Offs”!

In Vaison, we play the game!

Almost 6 years ago, I opened the store with the aim of developing the fun world of board games in Vaison and its surroundings.

Several attacks later, I made sure to still hold the bar firmly, sometimes with gritted teeth, but always with determination.

When I opened the store, there were no toy libraries and other game stores in Vaison and that was a shame... ;)

I took the risky gamble of opening a board game store in a slightly more isolated street in the city center of Vaison.

And then, I offered a stand at the games festival with the mistigri baronnies toy library.

And one thing led to another, or rather word of mouth, game activities began at Mac Donald in Saint Romain.

And everything came together, to my greatest happiness with activities with game libraries, town halls, associations and various private and public structures, including Sereno for example…

The store's opening audience grew to more and more gamers, but in the beginning, discovery was at the heart of the store.

This is also why I wanted to continue to develop game discovery activities with “Jeux discover” within the store.

Initiating board games doesn't scare me, you are welcome to discover a daily game of games together around a table where we create good memories.

Because the more players we have, the more we play!

Since the start of the store, I not only wanted to sell board games in store and online, but also to play and help gamists and amateurs in the sector play!

Thank you to all those who participate with me on a daily basis in this magnificent game of the playful world!

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 09/06/2024

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “JJV Offs”!

Daily golden moments with you!

An independent store is a daily race, although I'm not looking for the gold medal.

A podium of personal glory doesn’t interest me either…

I have never tried to be better than anyone except myself.

For me, everyone has room to develop their desires and passions.

So I really don’t understand the point of the principle of “competition” which pushes some people to put obstacles in the way of others…

The day is not coming when you will see me belittling or trying to destroy someone, even if the opposite is more than true.

In the store as in everyday life, putting others down has never been part of my life and believe me it never will be!

No, I would not belittle, but I would not keep silent in the face of this kind of baseness either…

The only thing that interests me is to see the gaming world progress and evolve so that we can all enjoy it together.

The rest is only vile and childish in my eyes...

I long for every moment I share with those who share the passion for board games with me ;)

Moreover, those who meet me on a daily basis have a glimpse of who I am in the store and during events.

My real customer words can be found here:


So, thank you to everyone who has supported the store on a daily basis for almost 6 years and welcome to everyone who continues to join me along the way. ;)

In Vaison, we play the game! My gold medal is you!

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 02/06/2024

Hello everyone!

Welcome to a new opus of “JJV Offs”!

Take gem all, on the way to even more nuggets and fun moments with you!

As the store's 6th anniversary approaches, I feel in an even more playful mood than usual!

Each year that passes is a source of personal enrichment for me…

Our exchanges, the game world which continually evolves, the game activities that we share; the simplest things that make me the most happy every day.

I plan to continue to collect and preserve each of these precious exchanges inside and outside the store in my memory.

All these moments which are all gems that I seize on the fly and keep with me on my playful journey at your side.

From the first events at Mac Donald's in Saint Romain en Viennois to current events, all these experiences have brought me even more experience and good memories.

Your trust in well-known and lesser-known board games, validated and renewed on a daily basis, I am only rich in all that...

I always have lots of new ideas in mind that I will present to you little by little so that we play the game with ever more enthusiasm and sharing. ;)

New partnerships, evolving game activities and why not even more games, among other things...

Do you want to continue enjoying the fun world together? So let's go !

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 26/05/2024

Hello everyone!

Welcome to a new opus of “JJV Offs”!

Penny papers, we try, we adjust and we progress.

A store is a daily adventure. Sometimes things work the first time and sometimes you have to try again and even change your strategy when necessary.

To try to move the store forward, I set achievable goals for myself, even if it means achieving them gradually.

Because sometimes, when we demand too much from ourselves, we don't achieve things any better. You have to know how to find the right balance...

The store is therefore progressing slowly but surely, just like me, to be sustainable over time.

The mistakes I made along the way allowed me to improve the store and grow along the way. We never stop learning as long as we remain curious and open to the world around us.

I am naturally curious about almost all subjects, except what people say and anything close to it, because I like to discover things and getting out of my comfort zone doesn't put me at ease, but it 'is always useful and informative.

When I offer you themes every 3 months, I continue to discover things before sharing them with you for anyone who might also be curious. :)

The adventure is never easy, but it provides unique and enriching moments. I am very happy to be able to share them with you on a daily basis. ;)

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 19/05/2024

Hello everyone!

Welcome to a new opus of “JJV Offs”!

Chili dice, the dice are cast and life spices up their score.

The die is cast throughout the year. And sometimes they don’t lack spice…

It happened to me when I embarked on a new project, to wonder if I was capable of carrying it out and to be afraid to commit to it thinking that I would not be qualified enough to carry it out…

I'm thinking, for example, of the first team building around the second year of the store where I was asked to lead a group of 20 people.

So many people for this type of event for the first time, it was really stressful, I assure you.

I felt like I had forgotten half of my equipment and then didn't know where to stand in front of 20 pairs of eyes...

And then, I tried everything and launched different styles of play mixing cooperation and competitive. This isn't the best idea I could have had...

Clearly competitiveness won out over cooperation and they all lost.

And I can tell you that I felt the spices of life there... :s . I was very hot because I was so stressed...

And then, DING, I said to myself, damn it, we're going to try to integrate role play which will allow them to integrate the competitive game and end up being forced to cooperate and succeed together.

Competent and competitive each in their field, I understood that this team needed to see that they all had weak points to help each other.

Finally, realizing that their colleagues also had shortcomings allowed them to create the beginnings of cohesion by initiating a more calm dialogue.

In the end, I still managed to initiate the beginnings of a dialogue in this team. The following team building sessions went very well. ;)

In short, one of the spicy episodes of the store.

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 12/05/2024

Hello everyone!

Welcome to a new opus of “JJV Offs”!

Oceanos, oceans of shared fun moments.

Since I dove into the gaming world with you in 2018, I don't regret having taken the plunge into the deep end of gaming makers. ;)

With so many talented authors and creators, we have not finished surfing on an ever more interesting and creative gaming world.

The wave of board games arrived in Vaison a few years ago and many players are joining in the pleasure of the playful ocean.

I personally like playing with you and discovering with you all these new things that are available to us. There are so many innovative and original games to try that one year is not enough... :)

The Cannes International Games Festival allows you to discover part of them in advance so that you can then show them to you in animation and offer them to you in store as soon as they are released.

There hasn't been a single moment in almost 6 years when I haven't enjoyed fun moments and discussions with you all, so thank you!

Thank you for your trust and enthusiasm on a daily basis and for ensuring that in Vaison too, we play the game. ;)

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 05/05/2024

Hello everyone!

Welcome to a new opus of “JJV Offs”!

Without tail or head, resolve the insolvent.

Sometimes we have the impression that certain things cannot be solved. And yet, there is often a solution to be found or an alternative that offers a good compromise.

At the moment we can feel overwhelmed, which is completely normal, then by thinking about it with a clear head, find the beginnings of solutions.

I have already had to end partnerships because the relationship was no longer professional on the applicant's side.

I can make concessions and adjustments to best suit what a partner is asking of me, but as the expression goes “when respect is no longer served, you have to know how to leave the table”…

So I went to sit at other tables, much more welcoming, who see on a daily basis my investment in our partnerships and do not listen to defamatory rumors...

And then there are also these partnerships which stop, due to lack of time, but which are added to other partnerships or become your references without you having to ask. :)

Thank you to all these people who showed me that even in partnerships, mutual respect is necessary to work on healthy foundations and that in the end actions speak more than words...

And above all, thank you to all my partners who make the everyday life of the gaming world a magical moment!

I am very happy that our partnerships continue and allow us to contribute to the development of the board game world in Vaison and its surroundings!

Difficulties shape us much more than when everything works the first time. So thank you all for these daily experiences. :)

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 28/04/2024

Hello everyone!

Welcome to a new opus of “JJV Offs”!

Santo Domingo: conquering new horizons.

When it comes to the gaming world, I feel like an adventurer every day!

I try to never rest on my laurels and make you new, fun suggestions.

I am proactive and your curiosity allows us to spend unique and original moments!

Having a giant Mad Trip at the store is done! Playing it for seniors and little ones in animation is done! Playing a giant One Key again and looking for clues among the games in store is done!

These examples among many others of everything I like to offer you on a daily basis in entertainment and in the store, I will continue to offer them to you in the future!

I am playful by nature and sharing a fun moment with you is always an important and unique moment for me.

I am lucky to have players of all ages and backgrounds, which makes our discussions very interesting for me.

Just as I like to share with you my passion for board games, I like when we share your interests as well, because in addition to being a player, I am curious.

I still have plenty of fun magic tricks up my sleeves to offer you original play times and fun nuggets for all types of players. ;)

There are always new horizons to explore and I have not finished offering you new things. So it's up to you to discover a fun world with inexhaustible inspiration.

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 21/04/2024

Hello everyone!

Welcome to a new opus of “JJV Offs”!

Yum yum island: fun pleasures shared with you all year round.

Since 2018, I have been lucky to enjoy unique fun moments with you throughout the year and I can never thank you enough for that!

Everything started with Mac Donald from Saint Romain en Viennois (thanks to them) who trusted me at the start of the game activities.

And then, little by little, more and more of you asked me for entertainment times and I am very grateful to you.

I followed you with my eyes closed to make the most of it and be able to offer you personalized play times that suit you!

As the name of the store indicates, I didn't just want to offer you attractive prices, I especially wanted to develop game activities around the store.

I am very happy to see players create connections and friendships during the playtime that I offer. This was one of my objectives when proposing playtime: to bring people together.

All the moments that we share with acquaintances, friends, with our loved ones around games and in general are unique and precious moments frozen in time.

As long as I can contribute with my modest little stones to develop the playful world, then my main goal is achieved!

I knew almost 6 years ago, when no one yet believed in it, that there was a receptive audience for board games in Vaison and its surroundings!

I am happy to be able to say that now every day, in Vaison, we play the game! ;)

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 14/04/2024

Hello everyone!

Welcome to a new opus of “JJV Offs”!

Rainforest: after the rain comes the good weather.

To grow, a plant needs sun but also water. The same is true for a business.

It is always rewarding to see a company grow and progress over time, but difficulty allows you to rethink your strategy and strengthen your company.

Difficulties often leave us in the lurch for a moment, but when you care about your business, you find the perfect solution.

And then, the difficulties also allow us to develop in a better way and even to obtain even better than we had anticipated.

Because when everything flows naturally, we might tend to rest on our laurels, while difficulties are sources of reflection and progress...

How ? Because difficulty forces us to step out of our comfort zone by questioning our practices to adapt them even better to what suits us.

When everything goes as planned, we don't think beyond what we had planned, while difficulties, although complex, always allow us to evolve.

Sometimes in the wrong direction, with errors, but these errors are sources of experience and we do not start from scratch; and sometimes in a good way, when we can adapt to the changes made and make them a source of professional and personal enrichment.

I am very happy to have been able to learn and enrich myself from each personal and professional experience and to continue to be able to do so on a daily basis...

Good or bad experience, they teach me on a daily basis how to evolve. There is always something to remember from each one.

So, thank you all for sharing my daily experience ;)

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 07/04/2024

Hello everyone!

Welcome to a new opus of “JJV Offs”!

Captain’s war: always on deck in good times and bad.

In everyday life, there are good times and bad times, business is no exception.

In almost 6 years of existence, I have been affected by Covid, inflation and slander.

Covid has allowed me better daily organization and a better balance between professional and personal lives.

The inflation of offering an even more scalable and varied range of games, to adapt even better to you who have been with me since the beginning or joined me along the way.

And the backbiting armored me as a trader from a large family of Vaisonnais traders had advised me. Thank you :)

I am still very lucky to have this ability to know how to absorb everything that is negative in order to ultimately be able to draw something positive from it. And that’s a real chance!

I am not and will never be stopped by the bad elements that confront me, quite the contrary; they are all the more important drivers of evolution and readjustment.

In almost 6 years of existence, I have been delighted to develop an entertainment offering that suits you, to offer you special games and to grow and expand the store.

The lively moments that I share with you all delight me as much as each other, because you are all unique and that’s great. Thank you for these moments. ;)

The classics and well-known games are excellent, but I like to introduce you to lesser-known fun nuggets, thank you for trusting me and playing the game. ;)

Since June 2018, I have evolved a lot and made the store evolve. I am proud of what I offer you on a daily basis, even if I must admit that I sacrifice myself to test games... I do it with pleasure as a curious serial gamer and even more for you, to be able to present them to you or make them play ;)

I have always been on deck to bring my modest chest of playful treasures and I will continue to be there through thick and thin by holding the helm firmly!

My primary goal is and will always remain: to share with you my passion for board games.

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 31/03/2024

Hello everyone!

Welcome to a new opus of “JJV Offs”!

Costa Ruana: put your pawns in place and readjust your plans.

At the heart of an independent boutique, there are moments simpler than others.

I like to have strategies to develop the store and sustain partnerships that contribute to the development of the gaming world in Vaison and its surroundings.

It is more important to me to develop the gaming world on my modest scale of a small shop, than to obtain any personal merits.

I only compete with myself, and no one else, to make whatever contribution I think makes sense to the gaming world.

For me, a board game is a unique moment that we share with people we like. It is much more than a simple box, simple pawns, simple dice or simple cards.

When you enjoy playing board games and you think back to a game you played, you remember the people you played with, the emotions you felt or made people feel while playing, and a unique moment suspended in time.

Putting boxes on a table, not for me... My players know very well that if I put a game on a table, it's to open it and play with them...

And then there are other moments, less simple, where you have to know how to play against an unfavorable hand...

Being taken for what you are not in playing the werewolf of Thiercellieux, for example, is nice, it can help you win a game...

Being taken for what you are not in real life, "by competition" for example, is less pleasant, and it doesn't serve much purpose except to show your double game to the eyes of all…

In real life, as in games, knowing how to win is good, but learning when you lose is even better...

In real life I play fair and I can look at myself in the mirror without flinching and sleep with a clear conscience.

 In a werewolf I would be the witch who, in the shadows and in silence, can end or continue a game.

In both cases, I wouldn't play the part where the dice are loaded and we don't play the game!

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 24/03/2024

Hello everyone!

Welcome to a new opus of “JJV Offs”!

Trial of the temples: building your store stone by stone.

As we build a building with time and experience, I am moving the store forward stone by stone.

There are stones that hold in place and then others that we must abandon along the way to make the most judicious choices and allow our temple to stand.

A broken or poorly balanced stone does not provide lasting balance when you want to build over time.

We then put strategies in place and make sure to place the right elements in them to progress gradually.

Sometimes we lose a little along the way, but we realize that what we lost brings us something even better.

When an investment strategy does not work, we must start from this experience to try a more constructive strategy.

I am very happy to have developed certain partnerships, even if they stopped, they were very enriching.

So, thank you to these game libraries, associations, structures or individuals who helped me understand where I was making a mistake.

From my mistakes, I learn and progress with more wisdom than before.

Thank you for showing me another point of view and allowing me to develop the store and the activities on a solid base.

All these people who have contributed and have been contributing for years now to enrich my playful temple will recognize themselves.

I am very happy to share these daily challenges with you and I will continue to change my strategy if it is not in line with what I intend to bring as a modest playful contribution on my part.

Thank you to everyone who makes my ludical temple a place of sharing, passion and of course games. ;)

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 17/03/2024

Welcome to a new opus of “JJV Offs”!

Kingdom of sand: playful shifting sands

The playful world is always on the move despite the challenges encountered along the way…

In this kingdom where there are many fun nuggets, there is bound to be a game so that you can have a good time with family or friends...

The world of board games has been evolving for several years towards original and always innovative forms.

Whether you are looking for more of a moment of relaxation or a game with complex mechanics to build your strategy, you will find this at the heart of board games.

I like to play quite quietly like with games like Splendor, Butine or Hive.

But I also like to play in a more advanced way like with games like Roll for the Galaxy, Terra Formas or Packet Row.

I like to play quick or longer games depending on the time I have and what I feel like at the moment.

I am very happy to be able to share this passion with you and your loved ones!

I will continue on my small scale as an independent store to bring you closer to the playful world with passion and enthusiasm.

Because once you start playing, you get a taste for it and you want more ;)

Thank you for contributing, thanks to the diversity of your tastes for games, to the development of ever more choices within the gaming world.

The gaming world is moving forward thanks to us, to you and all the players who offer us their games, distribute them and make them known!

Thank you to the playful world for always providing us with more surprises and discoveries, keep it up, we love it. ;)

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 10/03/2024

Hello everyone!

Welcome to a new opus of “JJV Offs”!

Eye of Itzamna: at the heart of the temple in the game.

Let's take a look at the fascinating world of board games.

At the heart of the game temple, we discover fascinating treasures!

The world of board games is constantly evolving, which allows the different players in the game to offer diverse and varied fun adventures...

Fun nuggets that allow you to get together around a table and spend a unique moment of complicity together.

Always curious and on the lookout, I like to discover new things so that I can introduce them to you in turn.

Sometimes you have to go on a fun adventure to find wonders that sometimes go unnoticed as the range of board games is so enormous these days.

Between 1000 and 1500 games are now released per year, and that's not even for toys, but only board games!

We cannot humanly know everything, but it is a daily quest to find what you like the most among this diversity to offer them to you in store.

And among all this we have to make choices, not always easy, but always oriented towards an original playful proposition that stands out from what is done everywhere.

I like to offer you original choices and you embark on the daily quests of the fun adventure of the world of board games ;)

More and more of you are trying the fun adventure alongside me, so I intend to continue to offer you original choices that are all as unique as you too are ;)

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 03/03/2024

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “Offs du JJV”!

The magic of board games.

Entering the immersive world of board games is rediscovering the simple joys of gathering around a table.

From the laughter that erupts during a round of bluffing, the friendly competition that fuels strategic battles, or the suspenseful anticipation of a surprising twist, they foster a sense of togetherness and lasting memories.

Board games have evolved considerably over time.

 They can emphasize strategy and resource management or encourage collaboration and teamwork.

With such a wide range of choices, there's a board game for everyone, making it an inclusive and accessible form of entertainment.

 Physically manipulating playing pieces, rolling dice and shuffling cards engages our senses and stimulates cognitive functions.

Board games offer face-to-face interaction, eye contact, and the ability to read facial expressions and body language.

These social elements help improve communication skills, empathy and the development of emotional intelligence.

Beyond their entertainment value, many games promote critical thinking, problem solving, and strategic planning.

Players must analyze complex situations, make decisions and adapt to changing circumstances.

Additionally, games often incorporate themed elements that introduce players to historical events, scientific concepts, or cultural phenomena, making learning an engaging and immersive experience.

Online platforms provide virtual gaming experiences, connecting individuals from different parts of the world.

Board game conventions and get-togethers create spaces where enthusiasts can share their love for the hobby, discover new games, and forge friendships.

Digital integration, companion apps, and augmented reality have expanded gameplay possibilities, enhancing immersion without losing the charm of physical components.

Additionally, crowdfunding platforms have allowed independent designers to bring their creative visions to life, driving a wave of unique and unconventional games that push the boundaries of what a board game can be.

Board games provide respite, reminding us of the joy of human connection and the thrill of shared experiences.

 They bridge the generation gap, promote social interaction, and provide a tangible and immersive entertainment option.

So gather your friends, and let the magic of board games transport you to a world of fun, laughter and unforgettable memories.

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 25/02/2024

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “Offs du JJV”!

June 2023 and 5 years with you.

Again this year, many of you participated in the various events that I proposed during the outdoor activities!

A little more shy with the game offered in store, thank you to those who tried their luck and left with their souvenir photo and their surprise. ;)

You made some nice and beautiful reds and greens… ;)

We will meet during the year for various and varied games, life-size or normal. :)

From the moment you want to continue following the fun adventure by my side, I will always be there to advise you and discuss board games with you.

I like to make you discover games as much as to discover them thanks to you. This exchange between us is very enriching and I am happy that we can have them on a daily basis.

Whether for services or games, you are always welcome for good conversations around games or in general.

From first to fifth year, I am grateful to have been able to share around board games with you.

I will always be satisfied with these moments and discussions around the games that we have on a daily basis.

Every day, I remember your smiles, our exchanges, your curiosity, our sharing. ;)

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 18/02/2024

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “Offs du JJV”!

December 2022, the rise of board games.

Once the crisis passed, the boom for board games experienced a new craze.

A need to meet and share together to help recreate the links among the communities of players.

Gaming associations, town halls, leisure and reception centres, or quite simply individuals and gaming enthusiasts have relaunched the gaming world.

By your desire to get together for a good time shared and your mood, the playful world was able to find its superb!

The Christmas and outdoor activities allowed us to play together again in complete freedom and to let the creativity of each of us express itself...

Many of you have followed the Christmas games on the site as well as the stories related to the Tales and Legends theme.

I had the pleasure of co-hosting with great animation teams like Lia Team and Team Fada!

Crazy teams, moments of delirium and unforgettable moments for the public as for us! ;)

I am very happy to find my different players all year round in animation, on the times that I propose but also at the end of the year with these brilliant teams. :)

The end of 2022 brought many new projects, in the Vaucluse in particular with the creation of new gaming associations!

I am very happy to see that in 5 years, the gaming world has evolved and that its different actors have not finished surprising us!

That's good, I'm like you, I like novelty! ;)

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 11/02/2024

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “Offs du JJV”!

June 2022: 4 years store.

I had the pleasure in June 2022 to share a privileged moment with all of you during the game activities and during the store's anniversary on Saturday June 25, 2022.

I didn't even stammer too much during the speech in store and yet it's not my forte...^^

And as always my guests were there and ready to play and have a good time together.

After looking for the key game with One Key, practicing different challenges with Olémains, for some you even played werewolf at 45!

I will repeat myself, but I love your enthusiasm and your unfailing enthusiasm when it comes to discovering the personalized animations that I am preparing for you.

I like to design unique game times, because I love to offer you a unique experience like you...

Animating with you is for me really playing the game of the playful world.

When I think that five years ago, I struggled to offer game animations, because no one knew what it consisted of.

And then, I had partners who trusted me like Mac Donald of Saint Romain in Viennois or town halls.

Then finally, I am now delighted to be able to say that my outdoor activities are complete and booked in advance. :)

This 4th year allowed me to start a very positive turn for the animations and for the sales in store or online.

I'm so happy that you continue to be present on a daily basis that I always have new ideas that come to me to share even more original times with you. ;)

I am satisfied to have held on despite the covid and to continue to love sharing with you my passion for board games. ;)

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 04/02/2024

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “Offs du JJV”!

December 2021: the comeback of entertainment!

From 2021, I was able to resume the animations with you and I was very happy about it.

Always on the lookout for new things to offer you to spend good fun times with you, I love to offer you unique and original times during the entertainment.

 Whether it's with my animations, the coeur ludique or the fada team, I was very happy to find you in animations.

Giving time to those who appreciate it and allowing me to share unforgettable moments with them is priceless.

 And when you can also animate with teams as fantastic as the Fada team or the playful heart, it's just the icing on the playful cake!

Return also orders from town hall and associations or even for schools show that you trust me and that makes me very happy.

 I love every opportunity to develop the playful world on my small scale and share it with you, it's magic.

 Every moment with you is unique and priceless.

 They are just as beneficial to me as they are to you!

Thank you for all these good times and see you soon in animation. ;)

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 28/01/2024

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “Offs du JJV”!

June 2021: 3 years of the store!

In June 2021, we were starting to see things a little clearer after the crisis.

We could manage to pick up things where they had slowed down a bit in 2020.

I held the helm of the boat as best I could among the swells of this period and never let go!

Because this project of bringing you a bit of the playful world to Vaison and its surroundings, I still believed in it and always despite this troubled period...

It hasn't always been easy and I know that sisters and colleagues have unfortunately remained on the floor, and I'm sorry for them.

To have held on and still be there thanks to and with you is the best thing I can hope for the store.

I was very proud to have been nominated in 4 categories for the Women's Success Trophy on March 8, 2021!

Nominated in the benevolence, digital, originality and agility categories; I won the latter for my adaptation and my flexibility during the crisis.

I received special congratulations from the jury for being nominated in so many categories.

What I retain from this trophy is my adaptability to offer you my vision of the playful world.

I would always make sure to share the playful world with you at my modest independent boutique scale.

Because this playful world that we share together is always full of surprises!

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 21/01/2024

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “Offs du JJV”!

December 2020, a special Christmas.

2020 has really been a particularly strange year because of the covid and Christmas was no exception...

All the barrier gestures that forced me to stop outdoor activities and in the store, that's what I missed the most during this time...

 Because having shared playing time with you since June 2018, and not being able to do it anymore was frustrating.

I had to adapt to the situation, like many sisters and brothers in the gaming world or not.

We had to find ways to continue to spread the gaming world and I made sure to have supported the medical staff in my own way.

 The people concerned will recognize themselves and I thank them again for everything they have done in this stressful daily life and what they continue to do on a daily basis for all of us!

So we had a special Christmas, but you were there as always when it comes to the store and online games!

 So thank you for your enthusiasm for the playful world, and my store by the way. ;)

 And then from 2021, when it was possible, we made up for it!

We haven't resumed a good rhythm of playful moments all together, so let's not stop there! ;)

 Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 14/01/2024

Hello everyone!

Welcome to a new opus of “Offs du JJV”!

Mars 2020, the covid…

Just out of the Cannes International Games Festival in 2020, I did not imagine (like many other traders) the impact that Covid-19 would have on my business...

Barely a month after a completely normal game festival, we are forced to close our stores, because they are not essential...

We did not know then what this thing was and the impact it would have on health mainly and then on the health of our businesses.

Closed to customers but open for withdrawal in front of the store, I made a very risky choice at this time hoping to find you there!

I have chosen to stop deliveries and only rely on Click and Collect so as not to risk the health of my deliverers to begin with, nor that of my remote customers.

And you did something just awesome for the store: you stuck with the store and quickly showed your support via Click and Collect!

Thank you for your enthusiasm for the world of board games despite these uncertain times.

And above all, thank you for trusting me and for continuing to trust me on a daily basis!

I have a thought for the female and male colleagues who have been forced to close their shops, as well as all the businesses affected.

A positive thing resulting from this crisis, is a better daily organization of my work and a better balance between professional and personal lives.

Because even if some will not understand that I give opening hours to also have a personal life, you are a large majority to understand that this balance is necessary in our lives.

And yes, I often opened longer and rendered services before that to "troubleshoot"... But when the troubleshooting does not allow you to do anything other than work, you have to say stop.

If this upsets some, then on good terms, so be it...

My customers and loyal players know that this does not impact my involvement with them on a daily basis.

Because if I can't balance my personal time equally with my professional time then I won't be able to share my passion for board games with you in the best possible way!

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 07/01/2024

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “Offs du JJV”!

December 2019, a Christmas under good omens!

Christmas is a special time of the year!

 Much more than the exchange of gifts and meals with our loved ones, Christmas is a time to take the time to find each other.

It is clear that when you want to return to board games, good advice is essential so as not to have games that will remain in a closet.

Board games help many of us take a moment of relaxation with loved ones!

Because board games can bring us closer and allow us to share much more than a game around a game...

In close collaboration with toy libraries, town halls and associations, I modestly bring my small stone to the building of the playful world.

Participating in different events, I like to bring my personal touch of serial gamer. ;)

None of the game times that I offer are alike, simply because you too are unique!

Just as I particularly appreciate the manual animations and Enchanted Christmas games that I offer to children every year at this time of year.

This is an opportunity in an ever-changing world, to offer them a fun moment of respite!

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 31/12/2023

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “Offs du JJV”!

June 2019, one year with you!

During the one year of the store, I was delighted to see my fifty guests on different playing times and to be able to offer them games such as Shabadabada or Contrario.

Each team was keen to win and above all to have fun together.

I always have at heart to share with you and to share playful moments with you.

Because the playful world is full of moments shared around various and varied games.

Tonight my clients are going to play games of atmosphere, strategy, resources, etc...

No matter your style of play, the times spent together are the ones we always remember.

I remember my first game night where I was quite impressed, because 35 players anyway…^^

The last time I had been MDJ for 35 people (game master), it was with my animation colleagues and we had a good evening!

Because yes the animators can be very playful…^^ It is certainly from the animation that I drew part of my enthusiasm in addition to my experience. ;)

For me, these are those moments of animation that I still share with my animation colleagues, during playtime with you and with my friends that I cherish.

I know for many of my clients who you will spend the evening with whether it is tonight or with colleagues and friends throughout the year and what types of games you will be playing. :)

So I wish you tonight to enjoy all these unique moments with your loved ones (around a game or not;))

Happy New Year's Eve, have a nice day and have a good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 24/12/2023

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “Offs du JJV”!

 December 2018, the store's first Christmas.

During the first Christmas of the store, I was touched by your enthusiasm for board games.

Many of you then trusted me with your surprises, association purchases, town halls and schools.

The growth of the store and the fun world in and around Vaison started with you and continues with you!

From its first Christmas, the store has counted many little players during, according to you, "attractive children's activities" and always free during Enchanted Christmas!

 From the first Christmas of the store and still now, you have given me your trust for your games and animations in your structures.

Seeing the playful world being discovered or rediscovered is my best reward.

 I like to believe that board games can become or become again an always interesting and entertaining passion.

When I was told five and a half years ago that board games would not work in Vaison and its surroundings, I did well to believe in my project and carry it out despite everything.

Because even now, there are always more and more of you at the playful rendezvous!

And other shops, toy libraries and game associations have emerged in half a decade, so it's very pleasant for me to see that my project was far from being a bad idea. ;)

Thank you for this 6th Christmas with you and among you!

Happy Christmas’ Eve, Happy New Year's Eve and always a good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 17/12/2023

Hello everyone !

 Welcome to a new opus of “Offs du JJV”!

 June 25, 2018: The heart of the matter.

When we bought the building containing the store premises, I already knew that I was going to create a business in it.

 So I observed what was missing among the diverse and varied range of our businesses in Vaison and compared with my passions to create the store.

 I have always had the ambition to develop the world of games in Vaison and its surroundings.

When I opened the store five and a half years ago, there wasn't much on offer for local gamers.

With the doubts of knowing if you would be at the playful rendezvous, I still decided to go for it and see what it would give...

Looking back, if I had to do it again, I would do things the same way, because my successes have taught me, but my failures have allowed me to grow and improve the store.

We learn a lot from failures than from successes, because we learn to define ourselves outside our comfort zone.

Getting out of your comfort zone is sometimes scary, but it is also stimulating and always rewarding.

In five and a half years, I have enjoyed and I still enjoy seeing the playful world evolve and develop in our beautiful region.

Thank you again to all my customers from here and elsewhere for your enthusiasm and our sharing within the store and outside.

 Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 10/12/2023

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “Offs du JJV”!

August 2017: retraining, training, creation!

After being an animator for years, I wanted to move into another career path.

 When we acquired the local store, the idea to germinate in my mind, to create a board game store.

 At this time, Vaison sadly saw a symbol disappear, the paradise of babies...

 Fan of board games since my youngest age, I wanted to share with you my passion for games.

So I took a year to train myself in business management to prepare for the opening of the store in the most serene way possible.

To create the site, even if I was good at coding, I took courses to improve myself and be able to customize the site as much as possible.

And then come the stages of creation where you mature your project with encouragement on the one hand and non-constructive criticism on the other...

I then started from the negative to develop the positive.

Because the negative can help you become more sure of your project.

How ?

 As far as I am concerned, by being even more vigilant than if I had only had constructive criticism.

Because if our project will always bother some people (and yes, there are always dissatisfied people), it will delight a large number of people.

 So, believe in your projects, give yourself the tools to be able to achieve them and never stop progressing. ;)

And for entertainment, I already had many years of experience behind me and an adaptability to my entertainment groups that allow me to personalize the play times that we share together as much as possible.

I intend to remain a force of proposal to offer you unique moments, passionate conversations around board games.

Sharing my passion for board games with all of you will always be my best motivation!

 So thank you! ;)

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 03/12/2023

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “Offs du JJV”!

The games that forge us and accompany us.

Board games have always accompanied me since I was young.

Starting with the battle, going through the werewolf and continuing with Patchistory, among many others; I find it a source of fun and discovery.

They allowed me to escape from everyday life and to get to know myself and you.

Because behind a board game, it is above all a shared and unique moment.

A board game is not just an object!

A board game is moments, conversations, laughter, giggles, etc...

Who doesn't remember memorable parties around a board game all together?

And then, from the store, the games allow me to share good conversations and good times with you!

My favorite moment of all would be when I started playing!

My first battle with my grandma around 3 years old.

 And you, what would be your favorite moment around a board game?

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 26/11/2023

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “Offs du JJV”!

Cluedo, Mysteries of Peking: developing a logical mind.

I love when an air of mystery and reflection surrounds me…

That's what's great about investigation games or role-playing games!

We can integrate an atmosphere to make the game even more addictive.

A werewolf with good background music and a good playmaker is great!

I really like to incorporate an air of mystery into all my werewolf games, for example.

My players appreciate it and ask for more and I love being able to offer them the game this way!

For logic and investigation games like Cluedo or

The mysteries of Peking, we begin to look for some leads and, by deduction, solve investigations by following clues.

The competitive side with other players is quite stimulating. You learn to have to think faster and more efficiently than others if you want to hope to win.

We develop a logical mind that then makes us want to test much more complex games.

We start with simpler games, then we move on to more complicated games, to end up with expert games.

And then developing a logical mind is always useful in everyday life!

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 19/11/2023

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “Offs du JJV”!

Puzzle: my insoluble disinterest.

I like a wide variety of board games, but I have to admit that puzzles are the exception that proves the rule for me.

A game logic that is completely beyond me, whereas, according to friends, they are much less complicated than the expert games we play together...

I have no idea why I can't grasp the logic of the puzzles, but it won't.

After all, we can't love everything and be interested in everything around us.

You could easily beat me at rubik's kub for example.

The only time I managed to make it complete as a child was because I had peeled off the labels and reattached them in the correct order afterwards… ^^

We agree that it doesn't matter. ;)

However, I like games that have a high demand for logic and thinking.

 I love the simplicity as well as the complexity of a game, because it opens up to different game mechanics.

I like when the games are very difficult and you have to rack your brains to know which strategy will be effective.

The puzzles will live up to their names as far as I'm concerned.

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 12/11/2023

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Welcome to a new opus of “Offs du JJV”!

Trivial pursuit: to develop one's knowledge and cultivate oneself.

One of the general knowledge games that marked my childhood is Trivial Pursuit.

The Genius version allowed me to play with my older cousins.

It started with the desire to want to play the same games as my cousins, then it continued with the desire to discover and learn new things.

With well-known categories such as cinema, heritage, music, history, geography, etc., I loved discovering new things while playing.

As a team with one of my cousins ​​ten years older than me, we complemented each other according to the areas of the questions.

But beyond that, we were all playing together and laughing as we learned.

Especially since the Trivial Pursuit is now adapted in several versions and themes, which allows you to play a variety of general knowledge.

Since I was little, I have always been very curious and I have always liked to learn things, so a game that combined play and knowledge was a great discovery for me.

Some general knowledge games now sound much more dynamic and sometimes offer the addition of challenges to set the mood a little more.

What we did to spice up the game with my cousins ​​was to add pledges and constraints or advantages and special points through various challenges.

This could make games of general knowledge just so laughable and unforgettable!

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 05/11/2023

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Welcome to a new opus of “Offs du JJV”!

Yu Gi Oh: managing combos, effective and destructive strategies.

Among all these games that I played a lot, there are card games such as heros dei, magic or even yu gi oh.

Less interested in magic and moderately in hero dei, my teenage preference was for Yu gi oh!

I adhered much more to this universe than those of magic and heros dei.

I loved the fact that we could start from small cards to make super powerful combos!

When I came across the red-eyed black dragon or even alpha the master of beasts or other special or rare cards, I was super happy.

I remember creating all kinds of effective and destructive strategies that allowed me to win outright against other players.

Even when I played again 15 years after quitting with a client, I managed to do a combo that won me in the second round.

I was as surprised as my client, because I thought that in 15 years that I had not played there, I would be rusty...

There is always a way to find a combo to counter his opponent's attacks or to return his attacks to him.

Sometimes, you even have to sacrifice a little to protect yourself and react to win the game or gain experience.

 Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 29/10/2023

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “Offs du JJV”!

King Arthur, Atmosfear: challenge the game and surpass yourself.

I've played a lot of different games since I was young and I keep discovering new ones every day.

Because yes, the play experience is diverse and varied now thanks to talented authors, illustrators and creators.

When we talk about electronic games, it is technology that is at the service of the excellence of a board game.

I am thinking in particular of games like King Arthur or Atmosfear.

King Arthur which offers quests activated when our characters go to the place of its realization.

Atmosfear, where this game with a VHS tape (yes me too, I got old talking about it ^^) allowed to have ambient noises and the rest of the puzzles in a mysterious universe…

These games that are magnified by technology and making this type of game just unmissable and unforgettable!

Yes, these are games from the 80s-90s!

These games where you play against the game and where you have to try to brainstorm to try to win!

These games whose descendants could be these games guided by an application and where you have to solve an investigation or run away!

The 80s and 90s marked authors and inspired more modern games.

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 22/10/2023

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Welcome to a new opus of “Offs du JJV”!

Mille Borne: managing your game and dirty tricks.

The Mille bornes is one of the other games that marked my childhood.

Progressing over the limits and hazards that we are asked throughout the game, taught me very young to manage the frustration linked to the difficulty.

Because yes, the dirty tricks can be numerous to the thousand limits, that's why we love or hate this kind of games in general...^^

You have to manage your game well to move forward without letting others progress too much to try to prevent them from winning.

A red light, a punctured wheel, an accident, or a lack of gas can slow you down for a while...

You can also curb the enthusiasm of other players thanks to speed limits.

The dirty tricks limit you for a moment, but with the right assets, you always manage to get back on your way.

And then, for those who play the game, the difficulties are part of the game and then make us progress faster to the next mile!

The dirty tricks, if you don't know how to manage your cards in hand, always end up leaving you on the sidelines.

I remain determined to share the playful world with you, because my driving force is these moments that we share!

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 15/10/2023

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “Offs du JJV”!

Uno: the American 8 that reveals personalities!

Uno was one of the games that marked my gaming life among many others.

The uno always allows you to have a good time no matter who you play with.

Because the Uno is simple to handle and easier to access than the American 8.

No need to know the values ​​and special effects of the cards to play, because everything is noted on them.

The American 8 is already a very good classic, but the uno has given it a more generic dimension by making it accessible to everyone.

Easy to play, the uno allows you to see the personality of the players around the table.

Some will struggle to land a +2 or +4 on players around them, while others will feel less remorse. :)

Within the framework of the game everything is possible, because it remains only a game.

You have to take it a little seriously but not too seriously to have fun together.

As Vladimir Jankélévith says, “Eliminate one of the two opposites, play or seriousness, and adventure ceases to be adventurous”.

Since I love to live this adventure with you, I will continue to seriously surprise you with new things.

Some players turn out to be accomplices, teasers, good or bad players, but above all motivated players!

The Uno with its simplicity, allows moments of sharing often hectic, but always stimulating!

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 08/10/2023

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Welcome to a new opus of “Offs du JJV”!

Super challenges: agility, dexterity, strategy.

In 1986, the Super Challenges game appeared.

I got to know him long after, because my cousins ​​gave me their board games when they no longer wanted them.

I played there a lot with them while my uncle came to tease us and encourage us around the endless games we were playing.

Super Challenges is a board game where you have to perform various successive challenges such as the mini-bowling strike, knock down the pins with an object hanging from the rope or even puzzles and logic challenges.

As a child, I really liked the diversity of challenges that this game offered.

 To initiate and play with children, it is a very good game.

 It allows you to test your agility, dexterity and strategy.

Perhaps the ancestor of many of our modern board games. :)

 For me, Super Challenges cultivated my curious side about all kinds of games from an early age.

I was then very inclined to discover various and varied games, which from a very young age made me a curious player.

I tested flop, good games and unforgettable games!

Curious player, I am always able now to discover new playful nuggets!

The playful world is full of discoveries, good or bad, but always interesting.

And then, in the game world or in life in general, it takes everything to make a world!

 In any case, being a curious player allows me to share with you my passion for the game and that's pretty good. ;)

 Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 01/10/2023

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “Offs du JJV”!

La coinche: managing your game and that of others.

A variant of belote, the coinche allows you to play combos a little more strategically via a success contract.

With his or her playing partner, communicate in a subtle way to achieve the best combos and score the most points possible.

Communication then has a central place to try to create the maximum number of combos without the value of the trump or even better, in the value of the trump to score even more points.

Already atypical in adolescence, with my clique of friends, we played coinche and werewolf among many other board games.

At a time when other teenagers were playing the console, we were playing it too, but not only…

When we helped and spent time with the elderly people in the neighborhood whom we helped on a daily basis, we played belote and coinche with them…

Andrée, 96, was my first coinche partner when I was 12.

She had been a primary school teacher and followed the rules to the letter. So I was able to learn coinche on a good basis.

It was Andrée who allowed me to teach it to other friends who also wanted to discover this game.

See, it is not only a question of having the right cards in hand, it is above all necessary to know how to use them.

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 24/09/2023

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “Offs du JJV”!

Risk: beginning of diplomacy, or not…

I started playing Risk around 6 years old with a homemade version.

A school planisphere as a board, dice recovered from other games at home, hand-made pawns with cardboard or wood and a whiteboard marker to schematize the conquered territories...

Risk, I had seen it on television and so I created my version to play with my friends on the playground.

 For the table, a cut tree trunk and gym balls as chairs.

Risk is a way to learn the game strategy of conquest of territory and not to spoil anything by the way, we learned by playing countries and capitals. :)

So, is Risk a game of diplomacy?

Child, I believed it, adult, I doubt it…^^

We create alliances sometimes, but these same alliances can end up turning against us.

Because yes, our ultimate goal, to all players, is to win the most territories anyway...

So, we can inadvertently have to conquer a territory and pass on that of an ally... But hey, it's only in the pure chance of the game...^^

As part of the game, everything is allowed as long as we follow the rules of the game. ;)

Risk allows you to think about how to conquer territories without forgetting to keep those you already have.

It's a bit like the challenge of a daily business...

Invite new customers to join the fun adventure and continue to satisfy loyal customers.

You are important to me, and I promise, I won't take any Risks and will remain a diplomat to meet this daily challenge! ;)

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 17/09/2023

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “Offs du JJV”!

Chess: between strategy and instinct.

A memory of chess that has marked me the most are the times when I failed to win.

 When you win, you're happy, but you miss the thrill of difficulty.

Because if, as in life, a game of chess goes by too peacefully, you could end up getting bored.

Chess teaches us to challenge our strategies and make them evolve with the challenges we face.

Because failures are an integral part of our successes.

We can mostly encounter more failures than successes, but we always end up overcoming the difficulties.

Of course we can come across players who cheat and try to break the rules of the game...

So at this time, it is good to move the piece that we had planned aside to be able to counteract this failure.

You can tell by the way everyone has their pawns, if they are playing tricks and going it alone.

And then some go up the towers, looking for a Tempo and find themselves facing a Castling.

 There are bad players, who will believe that they won because they knocked over the game board.

 These same players who will never learn from their failures, will not checkmate and with impossible successes.

Let them believe they are treading on the king, without any purpose since they do not know how to appropriate him wisely.

When we don't stick to our positions, we never remain subdued in the face of failures.

 Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 10/09/2023

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “Offs du JJV”!

The battle: learn to overlap and enter into conflict.

My memory of the battle begins at 3 years old, when I played with my cousins.

No Batawaf or Batanimo at that time, but a good old deck of 32 or 54 cards would do.

In ascending order or by values ​​for Jacks, Queens, Kings, Aces and Jokers.

Whoever had the strongest card won both cards in play, or more when there was one battle or multiple battles.

A game of chance, the battle game allows you to gently learn about card games and the battle brings the concept of confrontation with the other player(s).

He gently learns to win and lose and to react to the risk factor of the cards in his hand.

Learning to play by following rules that put all players on an equal footing also allows young children to learn and then enjoy the games.

With the battle, we learn to confront two cards by their values, making win the strongest, but we can also lose stronger cards in the battles.

The setting of the game quite often makes it easier to manage the emotions linked to victory or defeat, because you can take revenge or even have a good time.

A game is sometimes like in life, as Philippe Le Guillou says “Life is a game. You have to know how to lose”.

But whatever happens, as Jack London puts it, “Life is not just about having the right cards in your hand; sometimes it's knowing how to play well with a bad game”.

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 03/09/2023

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of the JJV Offs!

I believe that together we can enjoy the playful world even more.

I am proud to be able to say that the store has contributed to developing the playful world in Vaison and its surroundings.

In Vaison now, thanks to the impetus of toy libraries, associations, companies and passionate players, we Play the Game!

Five years ago, the situation was not the same. A few players were playing among themselves and the game animations were running timidly.

Over the years, game associations and toy libraries have opened their doors and allowed a greater number of players to join the fun adventure.

Events such as the Cannes International Games Festival, Octogones in Lyon or even the Parthenay Games Festival, among others, contribute to this influence of the games.

In Vaison and its surroundings, I spared no effort to help promote the world of games on my modest scale as a small shop.

One of my great pride is to see new players joining the gaming world and getting involved with enthusiasm.

I will continue by your side the promotion of board games, games that bring us closer!

I am very happy to be proactive and to see new partnerships being established in the interest of the fun and intriguing world of board games.

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 27/08/2023

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of the JJV Offs!

Do not respond negatively to negativity.

The life of a business is not always rosy.

As soon as we try to try things, it is not always pleasant for some.

Afterwards, if we ask ourselves the question of knowing for whom and why we created, we know why we continue.

Because yes, we can't please everyone, that's obvious and so much the better!

As long as what I do is relevant to my clients and my players, then for me that is the most important thing.

What touched and hurt me via mean-spirited remarks at the start of the store, now only strengthens me even more.

This is what this former nice shopkeeper from Vaison had encouraged me to do, shield herself and ignore her.

Thank you for this very nice advice, because over time I understood and I continue to understand what you wanted to say. :)

Regarding the request for solidarity from a colleague who has soiled my business since it has existed, I just answer her this "No, thank you".

No conflicts for me, no dramas, no animosity.

When a dog barks at you, you're not going to bark back.

The same goes for the negativity that some people apply on a daily basis.

You are alone with your negativity, so good luck to you because it must be difficult to bear.

I am not a negative person, so bark, I will continue to be positive and believe in this for everyone who also believes in me and my store. :)

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 20/08/2023

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of the JJV Offs!

 Failures driving success.

 From an early age, I learned that not every failure was final when I played chess.

In everyday life, I missed a lot of things that allowed me to progress and improve.

 Because to fail is to succeed in fits and starts. A failure gives us experience and allows us to have experience.

And then failing is also proof that we have tried. The real failure is what you didn't try.

 I failed when I wanted to create certain animation times, which allowed me to better design the following animation times.

 I failed when I encoded pages of my site, even managing to make it overload and disappear momentarily…

But the following times, I did not start from nothing, but from the experience that these failures gave me.

A failure is only definitive if it is useless and does not teach us anything.

Sometimes our greatest failures contribute to creating our greatest successes afterwards!

 Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 13/08/2023

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of the JJV Offs!

You are my greatest wealth.

Much more than being happy to live from my passion, sharing it with you is my ultimate goal.

Yes you !

You who allow the gaming world to become popular in Vaison and its surroundings and even elsewhere. ;)

You who believed in the store from the start or who join me on the way to live the playful adventure.

You who have created toy libraries and associations to play even more.

You with whom I play daily during game animations.

You beginners, intermediate or expert players with whom I have the pleasure of discovering and making people discover new games.

You organizations, teachers, centers, town halls, associations that allow me to discover and develop games in Vaison and its surroundings.

You the volunteers and animators that I have the pleasure of overseeing or helping during the various play times that I offer.

You companies that allow me to help unite your teams through games.

And you my daily customers who offer me the chance to offer you a range of classic to original games.

When I opened, my little extra was to see the development of game animations and sharing around games, that's what is done and is not ready to end! ;)

Thank you to all of you my amateur gamers, enthusiasts, fine connoisseurs!

My greatest wealth is what we share on a daily basis. My greatest wealth is you! ;)

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 06/08/2023

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of the JJV Offs!

And then everything falls into place thanks to and with you.

During these first five years with you, I was able to develop the store.

Because your constructive opinion on the store is very important to me, I remain at your disposal on a daily basis.

Thanks to your proposals to improve the store, its evolution has always been in the right direction thanks to you.

And little by little everything fell into place. First with the sale of games, then with services and finally with animations.

I would not have been and I still would not be able to offer beautiful playful nuggets or unique moments without your enthusiasm for board games or your desire to discover them.

5 years ago in Vaison, board games were not as common as they are now.

You have and continue to trust me and I strive to ensure that you can continue to do so. :)

I still have plenty of good ideas to offer you, and as long as you trust me, I still have plenty of surprises in store for you.

Thank you. For everything. THANKS.

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 30/07/2023

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of the JJV Offs!

Let's talk about this passion for the game that drives me.

Born from my earliest childhood, the game has always been for me above all a way of sharing with other players.

Whether it was with my grandfather, when I started playing or now that I play with you on a daily basis; playing board games, for me, is above all about sharing.

Because beyond the fun that a game provides, sharing a moment with other players is a moment suspended in time, unique and irreplaceable.

We discover each person through their way of playing and interacting with others.

What is interesting is to see players discover themselves through the game, because it allows them to open up a little more to the other players around the table.

I particularly like when the games animations allow people who did not know each other to discover each other and to make acquaintances, or even better very often friends.

So do I drive my passion for games or does it drive me?

Good question…

One thing is sure, my passion for games allows me to share good times with you all and that is priceless!

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 23/07/2023

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of the JJV Offs!

Stay the course, experience at your service.

With great achievements already accomplished with you by my side, I do not intend to stop in my tracks.

When I look back 5 years, when I created the store, I intended to develop game animations that did not exist in Vaison.

Some immediately trusted me, seeking my experience in animation to energize their organizations.

I would also like to thank these first people and companies who believed in my game animation project from the start.

I would particularly mention Mac Donald de Saint Romain en Viennois and their kind recommendation to other companies and institutions after having tested the game animations. :)

Thank you also to the town halls and toy libraries for your trust for 5 years now, thank you Vaison, where we Play the Game. ;)

And thank you around Vaison and elsewhere where we also play the game. ;)

Thank you especially to you my customers and everyday players, who allow me to continue the fun adventure by your side. ;)

Thank you to the entertainment teams that I joined or managed, particularly my Italian-Maltese froufrous team (Thank you frou frou team, grazzie mille frou frou team) and especially the entertainment team with whom everything started and continues every christmas, I named team fada. ;)

I would like to thank Angie, Cece, Clairounette, Julie Gege, Marie M., Yaume tomette, Kit and Kat, Angél-hic, Laeti titia, Magic Dom Dom.

I would end up thanking my husband, his parents, my relatives and friends, who even if they may have had doubts continue to support me and believe in my store. :)

I'm happy to see that we haven't gone from 0 game animation in 2018, to a year of games in advance, toy libraries that flourish in Vaison and its surroundings, partnerships that I appreciate more than anything!

Great achievements, failures too, but always great human and enriching adventures thanks to all of you!

So thank you very much to everyone, and we're staying the course, towards new projects and new adventures, promise. ;)

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 16/07/2023

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of the JJV Offs!

I give you my time to save moments with you.

I have the daily pleasure of being able to exchange with you around board games.

As Pascal Obispo says so well in his song "Giving is like receiving, but without realizing it".

I am happy to offer you playtime adapted to each of you, because you are all unique and that is what is magical.

 That's why I appreciate since the beginning of the store all these moments that we share.

Each in your own way, you bring me much more than you can think.

It may not seem like much, but discovering you through games or talks allows me to enrich myself.

By playing with you or teaching you to play, I discover you as you are, all great in your own way.

I learn a lot of things thanks to you and I particularly appreciate that we can enrich each other by rubbing shoulders with each other.


My goal with the store is that we Play the Game in Vaison and I think we are not doing too badly. ;)

We Play the Game in Vaison but not only, so thank you very much!

Thank you so much for these moments.

Grazie per tutti questi momenti.

Muchas gracias para todos estos momentos.

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 09/07/2023

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of the JJV Offs!

My happiness is hidden in the little things we share together.

Curious and passionate player, I like to unearth playful nuggets to be able to share them with you during playtime or make you discover them at the store.

Because sharing my passion for games with you enriches me as much as you do. You're not the only ones discovering things.

I really appreciate when you also make me discover games that have escaped my radar as a curious player. :)

Because yes, it must be said, with a year between 1000 and 1500 minimum games that come out, we humanly cannot know everything ^^.

With other passionate players, whether professional or avid gamers, we each play games that focus on our own interests.

We can thus discover even more novelties and make them discover to be able to make you discover always more playful novelties.

Because beyond just playing a board game, the moments we share together are all unique.

Because no player and no game is alike, the moments shared around board games are irreplaceable.


Whether I'm playing with other expert players, curious gamers, or beginners, I love sharing with you.

Introducing board games does not scare me, because every beginner player can also find a game that allows them to have fun with other players.

I also like to share very strategic games with my expert players! I also like games that beat you up ;)

Hey, as part of the game, we have the right! ;)

But through all this variety of games and possible games, what I appreciate above all is to share unique moments with you!

The moments shared with you, around a game, or services are my daily extras, so thank you!


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 02/07/2023

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of the JJV Offs!

Alone in the face of doubt, I stand up.

The life of an independent business can be quite random.

During the covid crisis, for example, I wondered if the store would be able to operate despite the closure and the restrictions first.

That's where you came in and where you were great, because even closed, you continued to trust me.

I was very lucky to have you, as you have allowed me during this time to keep the boat afloat through Click and Collect and shopping on the store site.

I had a lot of doubts, doubts that you swept away with your kindness and your loyalty to the store.

So, thank you very much for that!

And then being an independent shop means that I can only count on myself…

No branch or large group to back you up when times get tough.

Even if I was asked to take over as a franchise the suite of a large brand, my choice to be an independent boutique was carefully considered.

I didn't want to be able to just give you generic choices of board games, but also to be able to give you a range of indie publishers.

I have always had at heart, even in the face of difficulty, never to let go.

For what ?

Because sharing the best of the fun world has always been and will always be my driving force.

If something is difficult, it is not impossible!

I doubt, I sometimes succeed, I often make mistakes, but I always learn!

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 25/06/2023

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of the JJV Offs!

5 years of the store, thank you!

I remember the first game I sold at the store was a 6 that takes, the day after it opened to a lovely gentleman who is always at the playful rendezvous of the store. ;)

I remember my first game animations at the store with Camille, Yanis, Tristan, Sophie, Jessica, Claire, Vanessa, Pierre, Lilah, Sarah, Adem, Maxime… among others… ;)

I remember my first outdoor activities for McDonald's in Saint Romain en Viennois, the first game festivals and activities in the store's toy libraries. ;)

I remember our moments of games shared within the various festivals, seminars, games animations, team-building, volunteering throughout the year. ;)

I remember everything ! From all of you! From every unique and magical moment that we have been sharing every day since June 25, 2018!

 Thank you all for allowing me to continue sharing my passion for the game with you! ;)

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 18/06/2023

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of the JJV Offs!

Always listening to you is important to me.

Since I opened the store on June 25, 2018, I have done my best to constantly listen to you.

And this is not ready to change, because listening to you is better to guide you.

This requires daily benevolence during entertainment times, advice (I hope) wise and in accordance with your interests or desires for games of the moment.

Accompany you on a daily basis when sending and receiving parcels, for your physical and digital document services and to accommodate your luggage when you visit Vaison.

It is by listening to you that I make progress:

-my range of games so that it adapts better to you.

- my animations to adapt them to the particularity of each of you who participate.

-the site on which you find the online games with descriptive sheets and videos.

- information from the game world or current themes that I offer on the store's blog and social networks.

- my passion for the game by sharing it with you every day!

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 11/06/2023

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of the JJV Offs!

 A vague uncertainty: start a project!

The life of a business is not only made up of ups, it is also made up of downs.

 When you set up your creative project, there is some doubt about the feasibility of your project.

We wonder if the project is viable in the long term and if the public will be there.

 When I launched my project to create the store in April 2018 in Vaison, I didn't know if customers would buy into it.

Quite simply because in 2018, the gaming world was not as developed as it is now in Vaison.

There was no game association or toy library to contribute to the dissemination of the playful world.

The various events that we go through with a company can comfort us in our idea or on the contrary plunge us even more into doubt.

 It's not always easy on a daily basis, but I think it was the hardships I went through in the store that allowed me to believe even more in my project every day.

 I am delighted today to see loyal customers and friendly players throughout the year.

 Whether you are customers from Vaison, the surrounding area, other regions or other countries, thank you all for sharing this daily life with me.

I am proud to be able to offer you fun nuggets on a daily basis and the moments we share are my most beautiful guest book, so thank you!

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 04/06/2023

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of the JJV Offs!

The game, an inestimable heritage!

We, as we have inherited our games from ancient civilizations, board games are passed down from generation to generation.

Grandparents who through play enjoy a good time with their children and grandchildren.

Parents who share a moment or a passion with their children around games.

We have always played board games with our loved ones and acquaintances to have a good time together.

Since the 80s and the rise of board games, we are lucky to have more and more games of different styles and difficulties to adapt to all players, children, novices, insiders or experts.

The professionalization of the gaming world has given free rein to the creativity of authors, illustrators, young and old.

Always good ideas to share and develop to make all types of players play.

Real professions behind magnificent playful nuggets!

And yes, the game world is serious because otherwise it's not game ;)

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 28/05/2023

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of the JJV Offs!

Unforgettable moments around board games!

I have the chance to work in a fun and attractive field all year round.

The hardest times are when I sacrifice myself to discover new games so that I can introduce you to them and share them with you afterwards.

Being forced to play to discover new games while having fun with friends and colleagues, it does not look like it but it is exhausting. ;)

Friends, colleagues of the moment during special events, I evolve in an environment where people are all a little crazy like me (you have to to play all these magnificent games ^^).

From one-off moments to moments that recur every year with fad teams, I am overwhelmed.

Great fun teams who are committed to spreading the fun world of board games everywhere we go.

Be careful, toy librarians and gamers of all kinds are on their way to torture you and make you discover fun nuggets throughout the year in France and elsewhere;)

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 21/05/2023

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of the JJV Offs!

Share a passion to make it even more alive!

The store is called Joue le Jeu Vaison, and it is not by chance.

All year round, I try to play the game and offer you fair prices.

Excluding the increase in distributors, the price of games does not vary depending on the time of year when you come to buy them at the store.

But Joue le Jeu is not only for the sale of board games.

I'm glad that the game animations are back, especially after the covid, and that you're still so motivated to play.

Having a passion is already great, but sharing it is the ultimate consecration for me.

Making you discover games from large and small distributors, sharing moments around board games with you, it's a daily gift.

It makes it a little more concrete and makes it more alive, because these are unique moments and time that you give me.

Thank you for believing and for continuing to believe in my board game animation project.

Don't change, you are all magnificent as you are and our shared moments will always remain anchored in me.

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 14/05/2023

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of the JJV Offs!

Play to create links between players!

The game creates a link between players by encouraging them to share common rules, but always different strategies.

By sharing a game and teasing or cooperating with other players during games, we get to know each other a little better.

We discover the fine strategists, the players who cooperate to beat other players, the players who play it solo.

The game creates a closeness between the players, because it allows them to get to know each other in a framework that is common to them.

Many of my players during animation times have discovered commonalities, in addition to board games, with others.

I am thinking, for example, of this shy child who did not dare to play with other children, because she was afraid of “being ridiculous” because she had not played board games much before.

So I took the time to play with her a little to begin with, then little by little, she managed to talk to the other children and play with them without me being present around the play table.

At the end of the animation time, she had made new friends and was happy to have managed to play with the others, she had even won a few games.

As you can see, young or old, we can always find something to gather around board games.

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 07/05/2023

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of the JJV Offs!

Play to help build self-confidence!

Playing allows you to discover yourself and develop your self-confidence.

We discover through the game that we can develop various strategies according to our choices and the games we play.

You then learn to trust yourself by trying something new with the framework of the rules of the game.

Everyone advances according to the same rules, which makes it possible to develop tools at their own pace.

I remember this 85-year-old player who was afraid of being lost while playing with her children and grandchildren, because they were more used to playing board games than she was.

We started every day with games based on classic games she had already played and now she plays the game of discovering new games every time.

She succeeded, by gaining self-confidence, in developing her curiosity and enthusiasm for games.

Now, she is no longer afraid to test new animation games and she even often asks her children and grandchildren to play together when they get together as a family outside animation times.

The board game allows you to have an equal footing with all players and to dare to develop game strategies from the simplest to the most complicated.

The board game is an engine of moments shared together, because we listen to the other players to progress in the game.

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 30/04/2023

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of the JJV Offs!

Playing is sharing with others!

Playing a board game is always a moment that brings us all together around a table regardless of the type of game we play.

This is an opportunity to share a good time with the people you appreciate the most.

Ambient games, cards, dice, roles, board games bring us together and allow us to share a privileged moment with other players.

Much more than a game, it is a moment of sharing that we offer ourselves and our loved ones, sometimes discovering that they can be bad losers or bad winners.

The great thing about board games is that there are so many varieties of games that one can explore different themes and mechanics at any time.

For example, I am quite bad at immediate memory games, but I make up for it with strategy or logic games that I particularly enjoy.

For 10 minutes or 10 hours of play (or more, huh, it's not forbidden ;) ), the game allows a unique and timeless moment.

A time that we devote to ourselves and to others.

Because yes, playing is also opening up to others.

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 23/04/2023

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of the JJV Offs!

Born during the rise of board games!

Born in the late 80s, I was born at the propitious moment in the development of board games that preceded our current board games.

The 80s and 90s saw the board game take a turn by becoming a more developed and affordable family practice.

Following wider diversification in these years, the rise of board games exploded in the 80s.

Games became more varied and therefore reached a wider audience.

These same 80s when we see the development of toy libraries and the professionalization of the field thanks to events such as the Spiel des Jahres from 1978 in Germany and especially the Cannes International Games Festival.

I played games that no longer exist such as the secret phone, let's draw fashion, trap marbles, mouse catcher and many more...

We have all also already played these games that still exist such as Uno, monopoly, good pay, destiny, doctor maboul, power 4, trivial puirsuit, gluttonous hippo, sinking touchdown, twister, etc…

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 16/04/2023

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of the JJV Offs!

Playing is learning while having fun!

The game is an incredible tool to learn lots of new things.

In addition to learning to follow rules on an equal footing between all players, the game allows you to discover various worlds and develop your knowledge.

When playing Timeline, for example, placing major events in chronological order helps memorize these events, or at least get an idea of ​​their time of existence in relation to other events.

The game also develops curiosity if you look into it even a little. ;)

We discover that Hanabi for example means in Japanese "fireworks" by the ideograms flower and fire 花火.

Even by playing Uno, you learn to play American 8.

By playing Reversi, we learn moves that we also make in the game of go.

Even much more than learning, we have fun with loved ones and we sometimes discover hidden facets that only reveal themselves during a moment around a board game. ;)

For example, when playing Jokes de Papa against my best friend, I like to make a particular expression that makes him burst out laughing every time, as you know with Jokes de Papa, you laugh, you lose ^^.

By playing with you around a table on a daily basis, I discover you are determined, strategists, and even sometimes a little trickster. ;)

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 09/04/2023

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of the JJV Offs!

Playing is developing your logical mind!

When we get out of our comfort zone, the game allows us to develop our logical mind.

The rules of the game, indicating how to play, guide us to organize ourselves by adapting to the constraints and possibilities that each game offers us.

This involves integrating the rules as the game progresses at first so that you can then find your own mechanics and play according to the interests you want to derive from the game afterwards.

Are we going to try collaborations to progress faster in a game or on the contrary try to block other players to win solo?

Each game leads to a different level of thinking, even the simplest ones such as discard games or aperitif games.

The Connect 4, for example, mobilizes the reflection on the fact of aligning four pawns of our color without forgetting to block the lines of pawns of the other player.

Resource games encourage us to weigh the pros and cons of combos or actions that will earn us or make us lose points.

The Uno allows him unions and disunions of the players throughout the game. Yes, yes, we know that the "+4" are given to annoy his neighbor, huh! ;)

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 02/04/2023

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of the JJV Offs!

Playing is getting to know each other!

We discover a lot of things by playing board games.

You can be a novice or a seasoned player, you always end up discovering new themes or game mechanisms to challenge yourself. It is not always easy to step out of your comfort zone, board games being no exception, to approach and discover things that are unknown to us.

By opening up to games that we do not know, we sometimes discover unsuspected facets of ourselves, as for example during semi-cooperative games.

I am thinking in particular of Galérapagos, to name just one, where we either develop the desire to rot others (in the context of the game of course ^^), to help each other and sometimes end up losing because eliminating by players with whom we had ephemeral alliances…^^

In the end, semi or cooperative or even competitive games, we all want to win, but we can't all win.

Where we all win is by sharing a good time gathered around a game.

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 26/03/2023

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of the JJV Offs!

A passion that makes you creative!

Among the creations that I have been led to carry out with you, some remain in my mind more particularly.

Brico’récup is one of them.

Recovering objects intended to be thrown away to give them a second life is a project that I co-host with pleasure with my former colleagues.

The times of collaborative games during the Christmas workshops where all the children create Christmas decorations and play together around our big games and board games also delight me a lot.

Intergenerational games throughout the year that allow families to laugh and enjoy good times together are priceless.

I have created unique workshops for all of you and I will continue to do so, because I love sharing my passion with you.

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 19/03/2023


Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of the JJV Offs!

A passion develops!

And since a passion develops, as it goes.

From chess to newer games, I developed a taste for the game quite quickly.

From the creation of my first mini-games and stories to the development of specific board games with children, teenagers and their parents and grandparents when I was an animator, everything has been there.

I also rely a lot on my past and present experiences in animation to try to always offer unique playing times adapted to the different audiences with whom I work on a daily basis.

No audience is the same, so none of my animations are alike. I like to offer you moments of games that look like you.

Playing with you and sharing this passion with you allows me to develop it even more.

Very happy to contribute to the game world on my modest scale, I am very satisfied when I see smiles on your faces and bonds that are created between players.

My most beautiful driving force in this adventure is you, so thank you very much for traveling in my fun bus!

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 12/03/2023


Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of the JJV Offs!

When the passion for the game takes you!

The passion for the game took me when I was about 2 or 3 years old.

It started with a basic battle game with my grandparents, then it continued with chess from the age of 3.

By dint of determination and failures, I ended up, thanks to my grandfather, a former chess competitor, by winning against him at the age of 5.

It was also at this same age that I began to learn to read and write, which allowed me to start creating my first board games.

Apart from having created a Risk with the world map of my schoolgirl desk and pawns and dice taken from different games, I was already creating stories.

Quite short, given my young age, but always sharing them with friends and girlfriends.

From the age of 9, I created stories in game books and others that looked like falling in love with escape games that we played at school with my little friends on the playground.

Since December 2022, I have embarked on game books for children and adults on the store's website.

You will also be able to find some in December 2023.

 Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 05/03/2023


Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “Offs du JJV! »


The Cannes Games Festival.


This year the gaming world is celebrating a special anniversary! 35 years is not nothing!

It has now been 35 years since a game first received the golden ace award.

A fun little flashback...

February 1988, two years after the creation of the Games Festival in Cannes where scrabble and classic games are kings, the world of games takes a decisive turn...

Arrive the famous Golden Ace and Game of the Year with different categories.

So 35 years this year that games are awarded and rewarded for their originality!

The first golden ace in 1988 was Super Gang, where gangs of evildoers run rampant.

Their goal is to bring in as much money as possible by doing heists and other thunderous activities until the police come in, we try to send him to the other players to save his skin...

Since 1988, the game world has evolved and its specialization has made it and still makes it unique in its kind...

Happy Birthday Ace of Gold Game of the Year!

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 26/02/2023


Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “Offs du JJV! »


Let's play again, let's play always!


In case you still have some doubts, I'm a gamer! ;)

Video games, board games, I am an addicted gamer… ;)

Naturally curious about what is happening in the gaming world, I am able to test all the games that are offered to me.

And because I like to share a lot, I'm having you test it too. ;)

What's just magical is that over time, you've learned to trust me and put yourself to the test of various and varied games!

New or old games, nothing stops me from sharing good times around games with you.

Because a good game is above all a game that brings us together.

I even test children's games and toys before offering them ^^.

As one of my 8-year-old clients who discovered my secret said:

“You remained a child inside”.

That's quite right ;)

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 19/02/2023


Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “Offs du JJV! »

The game, a universe always in motion.

The universe of the board game world as it is now has nothing to do with what it has been for a few decades...

He is now proactive and dynamic!

No more monotonous games that lasted for hours!

Classics are always good, but innovation is not bad, quite the contrary...

We see a lot of innovative games coming out with original mechanics powered by dynamic creators and illustrators.

Playful nuggets sometimes hidden in small publishers and distributors of board games.

The choice to offer you small publishers is vital for us.

We sometimes pass because of real good games because of the lack of knowledge of these nuggets and that's a shame...

We sacrifice ourselves on a daily basis to open the boxes, discover the rules and the equipment of the game and above all to play and play again to offer you games that we know.

Afterwards, we are not robots, with more than 1000 games produced per year, we honestly cannot test everything…

So let's test the games that are important to you and to us to offer them to you to share great moments with your loved ones around board games.

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 12/02/2023


Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “Offs du JJV! ".


The loyalty of our customers matters to us.


Today we are going to talk about loyalty, because yours is very important to me!

More and more of you are joining the fun adventure by our side and that's great!

You have been there for many since June 25, 2018 and for a very long time, I hope!

Create a link thanks to you and our greatest success on a daily basis!

Giving you more benefit to the store, it seemed natural to us to formalize the thing with the jokers collected in store and online!

Listening to your requests and proposals on a daily basis, the various changes we make are intended to adapt to you as well as possible.

This is why, in addition to Jokers, we now offer you gift vouchers and we accept Cadhoc and Kadéos checks in store and on the site.

Thank you to all our customers, games, animations, cyberspace, parcels and copies for your daily loyalty!

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 05/02/2023


Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “Offs du JJV! ".


Events for a variety of audiences


Throughout the year, I offer my players activities adapted to each of them.

My players go from 3 and a half years old (and if, the half counts;)) to 102 years old soon!

To play with family or friends, I offer you during my activities in your structures and associations unique game times each time.

No two game times are alike, simply because none of you are alike :)

And it is you who make playtime even more interesting, because you are always ready to play in a good mood, always open to new games.

The diversity of the games offered in my field, allows me to offer you games to please and enjoy playing all together around a table.

Whether in a residential home, with pitchouns, children, teenagers, friends or families, a game is always a pleasure that I share with you.

Whether in partnership with the town hall that previously employed me or with associations in the west; whether with structures and associations of Vaucluse, the pleasure is always the same:


Share with you the pleasure of a game and contribute, on my modest scale, to the fun world! :)


Share with you my passion for games, it's the icing on the cake of the store;)

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 29/01/2023


Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “Offs du JJV! »


Discover yourself (re) through games.


Ah, I will never stop saying it, the board game is a real wealth!

Cultural, playful, entertaining as you wish!

Many novice players of my animations have discovered a universe that they did not even imagine and now do not want to stop. :)

It is true that once the passion for the game takes you, you always want more...

Some players have discovered a passion, others a hobby, but the goal remains the same: to share the pleasure of board games.

A board game brings people together around a table for tens of minutes to hours of unforgettable play!

Whether you embody a character, manage your resources or play card discard games, the fun remains the same.

With a universe so diverse and varied that you no longer know where to start, the board game allows you to vary the pleasure thanks to the diversity of game proposals found there!

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 22/01/2023


Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “Offs du JJV! ".


Creating unique moments doesn't just put games on a table.


Playtime is a very concrete way for me to share my passion with you.

Far beyond just games placed on tables, sharing games with you is essential for me.

It invites me to offer you always unique moments depending on the players around the table and the games we share.

Not playing with you my players is inconceivable for me.

I love these moments when we exchange around and on the game in progress…

I would not offer you "commercial" animation but rather lively and always shared in a good atmosphere and good humor.

I like to help you discover your playful interests and guide you to moments that you can share around you with your friends and family.

My goal is fun!

Good day and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

JJV's Offs

On 15/01/2023


Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “Offs du JJV! ".


Playing not to take yourself seriously


Board games have long been considered too serious.

Serious leisure that cultivates and enriches thanks to the different themes and different origins of the games, it allows you to meet a cultural and serious side.

With many professional authors and illustrators, the gaming world is a very serious business.

But not only...and fortunately...

They are a long way from the games that can sometimes seem daunting and endless.

Board games these days are dynamic, more advanced and above all entertaining.

Playing is an opportunity to access a new part of oneself. A freedom that the games allow thanks to the rules.

Playing is learning not to take yourself seriously.

Good day and good game ;)