2 words game

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone!

Today we are going to talk about one finger!

All together, point to a number of fingers hoping to guess the number face down, from 2 to 5 players for 10 minutes from 8 years old!

In one finger, don't lose sight of the other players to see who will point their finger on the map!

A draw pile of button cards is placed in the center of the table, with the numbers visible.

We then announce a number between 0 and the number of fingers placed on the card, therefore from 0 to 5 maximum.

Players then immediately choose to either lift their finger from the card or leave it resting on the card.

The announcement is successful if the number of fingers remaining on the card corresponds to the number announced by the player and the effect of the card is applied.

The player who made the announcement wins the card and another card from the pile is revealed, changing the player who announced the number.

If the announcement is missed, we play again with the same card until the announcement is successful.

The red button allows you to win the card if the announcement is successful, the thief button allows you to steal a card of the same number announced from the piles of other players if it is of the same value.

The double button card allows you to place another button, number face up, and play to win two cards at once.

When there is only one card left and the draw pile is exhausted, the game is over and each player counts the number of cards he has accumulated in front of him.

The player with the most cards wins the game!

Good day and good game ;)

On 26/07/2024

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone!

Today we’re going to talk about The Diary of a Wimpy Kid!

Be the first to complete the challenges within the time limit, from 2 to 6 players from 20 to 40 minutes from 8 years old!

Ready, set… Hurry!

Greg and his friends challenge you, each one faster and funnier than the last!

The game “Diary of a Wimpy Kid; 10 second challenge” includes everything you need to deflate your best friends.

It's not that the challenges are difficult (okay, some are), but you'll need luck and skill to complete them in less than 10 seconds.

There are ball challenges, cube challenges, intellectual challenges and challenges that sometimes literally bring you closer to your opponents!

Move forward on the board each time you complete a challenge. It's much more fun than letting others overtake you!

Things will get tougher when, with the dice and the ball on your head, you will have to kneel down and name 8 teachers, types of ice cream or breeds of dog at the same time.

The game board tells you the actions you must perform and if you progress quickly, your life will not be that of a loser, but of a glorious victor.

There are 3 categories of challenges: solo, categories and two players. Will you be the champion or the loser?

Choose one of six characters to move, place them at the start, and let the race begin! Players take turns rolling the die and moving around the game board, taking on challenges as they arise.

Each round, players draw a challenge card and determine whether they will accept the challenge or pass it on to the next player. Challenges can be solo, category-based, or two-player. Successfully pass a card to advance as instructed, but fail and you will have to move back one space.

The last four squares on the game board are “no” squares. On your turn, instead of rolling the die, you take a challenge card and complete the challenge.

This time you can't refuse it.

The first player to complete their race wins!

Good day and good game

On 19/07/2024

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone!

Today we're going to talk about Stupid Giants!

Be the first giant to climb the mountain to catch 7 stars and win the game, 3 to 6 players for 30 minutes from 7 years old!

In Stupid Giants, let's chase the stars to become the best giant!

The first player takes 2 actions. Pray to the Ancestor and take a free rock without anything on it to move it either to a space on the ground (never in the water), or to another free rock or occupied only by the Head of the Ancestor.

 Finally, he must take the Head of the Ancestor and place it on the displaced rock! Climb the mountain to jump and catch stars!

From the next round, everyone first has 2 free actions, to distribute freely: pray to the Ancestor, then move OR the opposite OR pray twice (to move 2 rocks) OR move their giant twice.

Then, he can stop his turn OR... let out another cry! Another giant (any one) then rolls the big opposition die: As long as the giant receives flowers, he can continue!

With each new cry, the big opposition die will be thrown...

In short, a giant's turn ends when the player decides to do so OR... when he receives a nonos or a carcass in his face OR... when he has caught stars OR when he has lost a fight.

At the end of these 2 actions, a giant can stop its turn OR... show its stupidity and let out a cry of giant effort! Alerted by this cry, another giant (any one) rolls the small opposition die.

Then he decides again whether to stop his turn OR... let out another cry of effort!

Another giant (any) then rolls the medium opposition die.

He moves his giant to a neighboring square: on the ground or on a rock located maximum 1 level higher.

Giants never move diagonally!

Jumping ! A giant who spends an action to move to a neighboring square located 2, 3 or 4 rocks lower, performs a jump.

He grabs 2, 3 or 4 stars respectively and advances his little cube on the score board! His turn is over.

Coming down from a single rock is not jumping, it is called walking for a giant and his tour continues...

The fall of a giant (shot to the carcass, defeat in a fight) never allows you to catch stars.

If a giant jumps from 5 rocks (the maximum height) he does not catch stars, but enters the legend!

The game is then immediately over, the other giants stand up and applaud his victory by KO!

If there is no victory by KO then the first giant to obtain 7 stars wins the game!

Good day and good game ;)

On 12/07/2024

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone!

Today we're going to talk about Flip Hop!

Do the snail break dance as quickly as possible, with 2 to 4 players for 15 minutes from 6 years old!

In Flip Hop, recompose the snail dance in the correct order before the other players to win the break dance card.

We turn over an “objectives” card to place it face up on the table.

The goal is then to be the first to reconstruct the composition of the nine snails in the order and orientation of the “objective” card with its cards in front of you.

The first player to succeed wins the “objective” card, if of course they make no mistake.

If he makes a mistake, he obtains a pledge such as playing with one hand, doing a trick even when two cards are changed or even applauding each time a partner activates his pledge, etc.

If a player obtains 2 “Objective” cards, his opponents can impose a permanent pledge of their choice on him.

For the competitive variant, when a player has reconstituted an objective and has placed his hand in the middle of the table, if the arrangement of this player's snails does not correspond to the "Objective" card, the player receives a penalty in place of a pledge.

He then takes the “Objective” card and places it face down in front of him.

 If a player receives 2 penalties, he is excluded from the game.

For the children's variation, when playing with younger children, allow them to play without the orientation of the card.

For a young child, have them play solo. When he thinks he has the solution, check to see if he wins the card. After 3 points scored, he wins the game.

The first player to win three “objective” cards wins the game!

Good day and good game ;)

On 05/07/2024

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone!

Today we're going to talk about Into the Blue!

Dive in search of precious resources, 2 to 5 players for 20 minutes, ages 8 and up!

In Into the Blue, explore the depths and collect precious goods, but be careful, you are not the only one who wants to seize these submerged wonders...

On his turn, the active player throws the 6 dice into the lid of the box. Among these 6 dice, he can choose to reroll the dice of his choice, a maximum of two times. He places the dice he wishes to keep in front of him, and throws the other dice back into the lid of the box.

At the end of his three throws, the result can no longer be modified.

If the player keeps certain dice after the first roll, he can choose to reroll any of these dice on the third roll.

The player then arranges his dice, from smallest to largest. Only dice forming an uninterrupted sequence of numbers starting with 1 (1, 2, 3, etc.) are taken into account.

The final result forms an unbroken sequence of numbers starting with 1. If a number is missing in the sequence, all dice with a higher value are lost.

The player must then choose any number from the validated sequence and place on the corresponding level of the game board as many of their Shell tokens as there are dice displaying this number.

During the game, each player establishes his presence on each diving level by stacking his Shell tokens there.

If a player's final result does not include a 1, all 6 dice are lost. Their turn ends and it is up to the next player to play.

If a player's final result contains an unbroken sequence of numbers 1 to 5 along with a chest symbol, they have made a perfect dive. He then does not place any Shell tokens on the board, but randomly chooses one of the Chest tokens at the bottom of the game board. These can have different values ​​(5, 6, 6, 7 and 8), and the player keeps the secret. value of the chest he won. He then immediately plays a new round.

Clarification: when you perform a perfect dive, you must collect a Chest token. You cannot choose to give it up to place a Shell token on the board.

The end of the game is triggered if either a player places their last Shell token on the board or if a player manages to win the last Chest token (by performing a dive).

perfect) and in this case only, the other players do not have a last turn and the game ends instantly.

The player who has placed the most Shell tokens on a level wins the Main Treasure token of the level. The 2nd player with the most Shell tokens on the same level wins the Secondary Treasure token. Proceed in this way for each dive level.

Several players can be tied on the same level. In this case, the player with the most pawns on the level immediately above wins the disputed token by the corresponding tie.

If the tie continues, continue to proceed in this way with the level above, up to level 1 if necessary.

If the tied players have the same number of shell tokens up to and including level 1, the player with the most unused shell tokens wins the level.

If the players still cannot decide between themselves, the player who played their last turn first wins the tie.

The player with the most points wins the game!

Good day and good game ;)

On 28/06/2024

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we're going to talk about Full Speed!

Rank the different objects and animals in order of speed, from 10 to 30 minutes for 2 to 8 players!

In Full Speed, placing the cards in the right place will prevent us from drawing penalty cards.

We place all the cards in a pile face down on the table, then we place a first card in the center of the table.

A player then draws a first card and has the other players guess his speed by showing the entire card except the speed which he hides with his fingers.

The player questioned by the first player has three possibilities for placing the card on the speed line:

- On the left, if he thinks that the card is slower than one of the cards already on the table.

- On the right, if he thinks that the card is faster than another face up card.

- Above, if he thinks that the card is as fast as one of the cards already on the table.

If he made no mistake, the card remains on the Speed ​​line, but if it was not correct, he takes the penalty card and places it face up in front of him.

As you play, the Speed ​​line will expand and the placement of cards will be more difficult to perform.

As soon as there are 12 cards lined up, the player who has just placed the twelfth removes the first and last card from the Speed ​​line and the game continues.

The game ends as soon as 3 penalty cards are collected with 4 players and 5 with 2 and 3 players.

The game continues with the remaining players until there is a winner. 

Good day and good game ;)

On 21/06/2024

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we're going to talk about Cross Fire!

Don't get caught in crossfire, 5 to 10 players for 5 to 10 minutes from 14 years old!

In Cross Fire, we will play hidden roles either VIP protectors or VIP enforcers, but also personal objectives.

In Cross Fire mode, players form two teams, blue and red. The red team must reach the VIPs and the blue team must prevent the VIPs from being hit.

After looking at the cards of the different characters, we learn about their role in the game and their specificities.

Then we shuffle the cards again to distribute them to the next player who will do the same.

You will then have to claim a role with the card placed in front of it face down, trying to hide your true role to achieve your objective.

By discussing with the other players, about the roles that we try to deduce with the previous shuffling of the cards and their words, we try to determine what the role of the other players is.

To claim another role, you change the meaning of your card. We cannot show our card face up to the other players, but we can very well claim to be playing a role that is not ours to achieve our objectives.

Then, after 3 minutes of discussion and bluffing, on the count of 3, we point our finger at another player.

With his finger still pointed at another player, the game leader announces:

- If you are not armed, lower your finger.

- Agents, reveal your role card.

- If you have been targeted by an agent, lower your weapon and reveal your role card.

- VIP reveal your role cards. Are you targeted?

Yes: the red team wins; No: the blue team wins.

Some cards have victory or defeat conditions and are announced at that time.

With Sniper mode, the sniper will attempt to kill the assassins by placing his sniper shot cards before the time runs out. At the end of the round, the players targeted by sniper fire are shot down and reveal their role cards.

If all assassins are killed, the blue team wins; but if the sniper kills a VIP or a civilian, the red team wins.

If no team has won at this stage, the assassins not defeated reveal their role cards; we count down again to 3 until the final resolution.

To win at Crossfire, let your instincts guide you.

Your first lead is the role the players say they have. If too many players have the same role, someone is bound to be lying...

Your second avenue is observing the cards before the start of the game. Did you see the same cards as what other players announced?

Perhaps you have found allies... Each piece of information is very useful; it's up to you to put the pieces of these bits of information together.

So who is lying? Who tells the truth? Who should hide their identity? Who seems to be looking for the truth? Who seems evasive or too talkative?

We add up the points from each round and the player with the most points wins the game.

Will you be caught in the crossfire?

Good day and good game ;)

On 14/06/2024

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about 8 bit box!

3,2,1, ready, fire, go for a wild Olympic race, among other things, 40 minutes of 4 to 6 players from 8 years old!

In 8 bit box, we play Pixoid, Outspeed and Stadium! Defeat the ghosts, win the race and prove yourself at the games!

And today, we're going to talk about Stadium and its 10 team events to achieve victory over other athletes.

The best athletes from the Blue Starz and Red Sunz are expected on the athletics track!

You have trained your whole life for this event. It's up to you to show what you're worth, but keep in mind that you will be stronger as a team.

Manage your efforts as best as possible during all the events so that your nation shines by winning as many medals as possible!

Using your controller, decide how much Energy you want to spend in the current Trial.

Each Event being different, you will need to be on the same wavelength as your Team partners to be able to go the distance, and thus win a maximum of Medals at the end of 10 Events.

Each type of Medal earns a certain number of points.

Trial tiles come in three types: standard Trial tiles, Rest Trial tiles, and Final Trial tiles.

When the Trials are set up, they form an athletics track.

During this phase, the first player reveals the next tile still face down according to the direction of the game.

During this phase, play the current Event as indicated by the explanations read by the first player.

You are never allowed to program your controller with a number greater than the amount of energy remaining on your Energy track. You can always program 0. The cube on your Energy track can never go beyond 30 or below 0.

If the Crucible allows you to communicate with other players, everyone at the table must be able to hear you. You can never show your controller to other players until the Crucible asks you to reveal it.

So who will win after the following events: track cycling, horse riding, golf, team gymnastics, 4X100m relay, weightlifting, pole vault, archery, pole vault, 100 meters, beach volleyball, fencing, rugby , taekwendo and the final, basketball.

When the Trial ends, award the corresponding Medal(s) as described in the explanation of each Trial.

The game ends when the Medal of the 10th Event has been awarded. Each Team adds up its victory points.

The team with the most victory points at the end of the game wins.

Good day and good game ;)

On 07/06/2024

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Take gem all!

In Take gem all, find the best word for 20 minutes, from 8 years old and from 2 to 10 players to win as many gems as possible!

In Take Gem All, grab as many precious stones as possible by being the fastest player to give an answer corresponding to the theme played and starting with one of the four letters in play!

But be careful; beware of trap cards that could slow you down and diamonds that could disrupt the flow of the game...

Once the theme is known, players must be the quickest to find an answer related to this theme and whose first letter begins with one of the 4 letters proposed by the Precious Stones.

The first player to give a correct answer wins the Gemstone of the letter used:

- Emeralds (green) are worth 1 point

- Sapphires (blue) are worth 2 points

- Rubies (red) are worth 3 points

- Diamonds (gray) allow you to steal a stone from another player.

There are 4 kinds of trap cards, bamboo, carat'strophe, cursed stone and diamond fever which allow other players to play, replace the precious stones, have to discard a stone and use the letters following the letters drawn to create words.

The game ends once all Theme cards have been played. Players count their points and the player with the most wins. In the event of a tie, the tied players compete in a final round.

Good day and good game ;)

On 31/05/2024

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we're going to talk about Penny Papers!

In Penny Papers, go on a 30-minute adventure, from 8 years old and from 1 to 4 players without forgetting the peppers to score the highest score!

Adventure is before us with this series of small strategic games.

We roll the 3 dice and the result is common for all players, who write down the path they wish to take to obtain objectives.

We then advance to the heart of the adventure in more depth to complete our grid in order to score as many points as possible.

All players write numbers into their grid optimally to get the most victory points.

 Test your ability to manage space and use dice special effects wisely.

Oh, and don't miss an opportunity to upset your opponents' grids when dangers appear!

Influence the grids of other players with your roll of the dice and adapt to the different results to win this adventure!

The number of players is unlimited since everyone plays at the same time!

Good day and good game ;)

On 24/05/2024

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we're going to talk about Chili Dice!

In Chili Dice, create dice combos for 30 minutes, from 8 years old and from 1 to 4 players without forgetting the chili peppers to score the highest score!

In Chili Dice, you can roll the dice as many times as you want during a round to try to maximize your score.

But you only have thirty dice rolls at most in the entire game, so be careful when you try your luck!

Chili Dice includes a set of six six-sided dice, with one side on each die having red pips instead of white, with a red 1 on one die, a red 2 on another, and so on.

On a turn, you roll all the dice, set aside any dice you want, and rotate any red die facing the side you want (or leave them as is).

You can re-roll the remaining dice and repeat the process, noting each roll on the score sheet.

 When you stop, you score the dice in one of the ten fields on the score sheet, scoring for the numbers 1 through 6 (the red die doubling your score, if present); a straight; red dice; sets; and everything you have in front of you.

If you complete all ten fields before maxing out your rolls, you receive 5 points for each unused roll.

Whoever scores the most points wins!

Good day and good game ;)

On 17/05/2024

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Oceanos!

 In Oceanos, play as an expedition captain for 15 to 20 minutes, from 8 years old and 2 to 4 players collect astonishing animal species!

Throughout the game, the player composes his underwater expedition by arranging his exploration cards on three superimposed lines.

Each captain chooses an expedition card and passes them to the other captains who do the same. The exploration cards contain several elements that allow you to score points or improve your submarine.

 Each submarine is made up of five elements which improve as you progress through the levels: a thruster, an engine, a cockpit, an aquarium and a diving hatch.

Exploration cards represent the discoveries of expeditions which are either positive (animals, corals, treasures), negative (kraken eyes) or improvements (bases and crystals).

 The game is played in 3 rounds of rounds. Each player chooses a color and assembles their submarine with the level pieces, then after placing the diver and fuel tokens, we randomly draw a kraken token for the 3 sizes.

 The expedition cards of the round are distributed, then each player receives an exploration card per possessed periscope.

You choose an exploration card to play face down in front of you, then the players place them from left to right on the same line. We will have one line of exploration cards per round. Fuel tokens allow you to keep a card face down for safekeeping.

The diver token allows you to recover the treasures found there and all those on the cards under which they are found on the ascent on a map with a treasure.

To improve your submarine, the crystals placed before the base will determine its level at the end of the round.

You earn points based on the animals collected and the submarine thrusters.

Then we count the Kraken's points with a token. It is the player who has the most on his cards who loses the points associated with the token of the current level.

At the end of the game, the player with the most victory points is the winner.

Good day and good game ;)

On 10/05/2024

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we're going to talk about Sans queue ni tête!

Place your chameleons for 15 to 20 minutes, from 8 years old and from 2 to 4 players to win the game!

You have to rebuild the chameleons on the table piece by piece and try not to be the color with the most points on any of them.

At the end of a round, the player whose color has the most points on a chameleon will score those points.

Players can score on multiple chameleons at once.

Once a player reaches 32 points, the game is over and the player with the fewest points wins.

A complete game takes place over several turns, a turn is made up of 6 turns, a turn is made up of 3 phases

1.Choose cards Each player secretly selects the card he wishes to play and places it face down on the table.

2. Roll the dice When each player has a face down card in front of them, everyone rolls their die. The player with the lowest score starts. In the event of a tie, tied players reroll their dice until a winner emerges.

3. Playing card The first player reveals his card and plays it. Then, starting with the player to their left, the other players take turns doing the same in a clockwise direction.

Once you start building a chameleon, you need to finish building it by placing cards on it clockwise.

When all players have played, begin the next round by starting again from phase 1.

Good day and good game ;)

On 03/05/2024

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Santo Domingo!

Place your goods and actions for 20 to 30 minutes, from 8 years old and from 2 to 6 players to gain the maximum number of life points!

In Santo Domingo, you must try to make the best possible use of your 8 Action cards.

Each round, players simultaneously choose an Action card.

The cards are then resolved in ascending order. You will therefore have to estimate as best as possible which card your opponents will choose.

Depending on the cards played, you will obtain victory points (VP) (cards 1, 2 and 6) or goods (cards 3, 4 and 5).

The Merchant (card 7) will then allow you to exchange your goods for VPs. The Beggar (card 8) will allow you to regain control of your cards.

The game ends when a player obtains 30 VP. At the end of this round, the player with the most VP wins the game.

A Santo Domingo game takes place over several rounds. Each round is broken down into three phases:

1. Restock

Advance all the markers on the game board a number of spaces depending on the number of players.

2. Play an Action card

Each player chooses one or more Action cards to play for this round: 2 cards during a game with 2 or 3 players and 1 card during a game with 4, 5 or 6 players.

You will find a reminder of the number of playing cards in the upper corners of the game board. The card(s) are placed face down in front of the players.

When all players are ready, all cards are revealed simultaneously.

3. Resolve Action cards

The effect of each card is then applied in ascending order of card values ​​(starting with the Captain, if he has been played). The effects of identical Action cards are applied at the same time (there is no order of play).

The cards played remain visible until the end of the round; they will only be discarded face down once all the cards have been resolved.

All players have the same 8 action cards: Captain, Admiral, Governor, Frigate, Galleon, Customs Officer, Merchant and Beggars.

Depending on the cards, you will receive life points or goods. These can move our hit point slider up or down.

Players who did not play Beggar during this round now discard the cards played into a personal discard pile, face down.

As the rounds progress, these players will have fewer and fewer cards to play, until they play a Beggar which will allow them to take their cards back into their hands.

The game board markers remain where they are for the next round.

If no one has reached 30 VP or more, a new round begins.

Good day and good game ;)

On 26/04/2024

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we're going to talk about Yum Yum Island!

Feed the animals blindly but guided in 20 minutes, from 6 years old and from 2 to 5 players to earn points!

More information: Joulejeuvaison.com

Good day and good game ;)

Yum Yum Island is populated with hungry animals, animals that you and your fellow players must feed before the island giant can take food from you and fill its own belly first.

In the game Yum Yum Island, players take on the role of pelicans trying to feed the animals on the island.

Each animal is represented by a cardboard cutout with a second raised level to identify the animal's mouth.

Inside the mouth are two numbers – one green and one red – which indicate the amount of vegetarian and meat-based food the animal needs to be satisfied.

On their turn, a player first rolls the die to determine the difficulty level of this round, then they put on the blindfold so they cannot see the playing area.

The player collects a certain amount of food from the supply (which contains a mix of red and green tokens), reaches out and tries to place the food into an animal's mouth.

Any food that falls out or does not meet the animal's needs is placed in the giant's intestinal tract.

The die roll can allow other players to give advice (“Move left! Remove your hand!”) or allow the player to collect some food or receive help during the turn.

Blindfolded, let yourself be guided by the other players to feed the animals and give the corresponding number of foods each turn.

But be careful, if you make a mistake and the giant's stomach is full before all the animals on the different islands are fed, the giant wins and all the players lose!

The gourmet islands are yours! Yum, yum!

Good day and good game ;)

On 19/04/2024

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Rainforest!

Rearrange the species of the jungle in 20 to 30 minutes, from 8 years old and from 2 to 4 players to recreate a cradle of diversity!

In Rainforest, harmoniously arrange your jungle with different types of vegetation and reintroduce the region's emblematic animal species to help their preservation.

On his turn, the player performs two obligatory actions in order:

1 Take the first Jungle tile from a pile then all the Species tokens of a single color or type from the same zone.

2 Distribute the Species tokens collected on your Jungle tiles inwait in its blank zone then validate those which are completed by moving them into its jungle.

The player chooses one of the 5 areas on the board and performs these two steps in order:

He takes the first Jungle tile from the pile and can either place it in one of the spaces in his blank area, or place it back under the pile if he does not want to take it or if he already has 3 tiles in his pile blank area.

Then he must take all the Species tokens of a single color or type of his choice in this same zone. The totem animal assigned to each player at the start of the game will earn them more points.

The player who collects the last Species token in a zone can immediately exchange one of his Species tokens collected during this turn or from his reserve with any Species token from the central board.

If the player creates an area of ​​3 or 4 tiles of the same color connected and the two Protected Area tokens of the color are available for the game, the player can immediately recover the token of 3 or 4 tiles.

A player can only have one Protected Area token per color.

The player places the Protected Area token on one of the tiles of their choice in the connected area in question.

If the player combines the 5 colors in his jungle, he collects the Balance token and places it on the tile of the 5th color. A player can only have one Balance token.

If a player has more Species tokens than he can store in his reserve (limited to 2), he must discard the excess into the bag.

He manages his reserve as he wishes: he can discard tokens reserved for previous rounds to store new ones collected this round.

When a player validates their 9th Jungle tile, they trigger the end of the game. The players complete the round of the table until they return to the player who has the Binoculars token, so that everyone has played the same number of rounds. They then move on to counting points.

Each Jungle tile validated in the jungle earns the number of points indicated on it, the Totem Species tokens, protected area and the balance tokens add or multiply the additional points.

The player who obtains the most points wins the game. In the event of a tie, the players share the victory.

Will you manage to make your jungle a cradle of diversity?

Good day and good game ;)

On 12/04/2024

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we’re going to talk about Captain’s War!

Go in search of treasures for 30 to 45 minutes, from 12 years old and from 1 to 6 players to score as many points as possible!

More information: Joulejeuvaison.com

Good day and good game ;)

In the game Captain's War, you play as pirate captains in search of reputation.

Accumulate resources and gold and adorn yourself with attributes worthy of a legend of the 7 seas! Upgrade your boat and attack your rivals to weaken them before the final battle.

The most famous pirate at the end of the game will be declared the winner!

The game takes place in 3 stages:


The active player rolls the dice, discards 1, then everyone chooses two outcomes to expand.


Once your Resources and Gold Coins have been recovered, spend them on the Attributes of a captain or a new Ship. And don't forget to recruit Pirates into your crew!


At the end of the turn, when all the pirates have made their resource choices, their acquisitions and their advances, the active player can trigger a boarding attack.

It's up to you to find the balance and not fall into the bluffers' traps!


The Captains’ War box allows you to play an adventure for 2 to 6 players! To do this, you will need to open the sealed package and follow the instructions.

Thanks to this package, your game choices and your situation will have consequences on the rest of the adventure. Throughout the latter, you will learn to use the additional modules (Features and Arsenal) which are found in the black sealed envelopes. These modules will be added to your main sheet to offer you new gaming sensations.

Enough to offer great replayability and an expert mode to players who have experienced the classic game mode!

SINGLE-player mode.

The Captains’ War box will allow you to play in single-player mode! This game mode requires the use of the 4 legendary Captains cards available in the sealed deck present in the box.

Face them alone to write your name in pirate legend!

Good day and good game ;)

On 05/04/2024

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Costa Ruana!

Collect treasures with your tribes for 20 to 60 minutes, from 8 years old and from 2 to 6 players to score as many points as possible!

In Costa Ruana, you are a tribal leader. Send your natives to neighboring islands to get your hands on more pirate treasure than your rivals.

 If you become a shaman, your decisions affect events, so your rivals will try to influence you through fair or foul means...

Your goal is to score the most points by having treasures in your cabin and natives in your stash at the end of the fifth round.

Treasures are the key: each turn, you collect one on each island on which your tribe is in the majority (or minority, if other tribes are tied there).

Cards allow you to move treasure, place natives on islands, bring them home, or move them between islands.

Each turn, everyone plays a face-up card in front of any player (including themselves), followed by another face-down card (also in front of anyone).

Finally, you can place a native on any card played, even a hidden card played by an opponent, if you are very daring! — to copy its effect for yourself.

The background of each card is four colors, but in each round only two-color cards will be resolved, affecting the players they are played in front of.

The shaman determines these colors by turning over one of the two condition cards. If you are the shaman, use your power to the best of your ability; otherwise, try to guess others or influence the shaman.

Memorize the number of treasures in other players' cabins and carefully manage your natives: a few points can make the difference!

Intriguing, double riddles and bluffs: welcome to Costa Ruana!

Good day and good game ;)

On 29/03/2024

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about the Trial of the Temples!

You will be put to the test for 30 to 60 minutes, from 14 years old and 2 to 4 players to become the best adventurer!

The game offers you a challenge based on choice of placement and ability to adapt.

Game situations will very often lead players to have to answer this question:

“Is it better for me to place myself in a certain place to accumulate resources or is it better for me to position myself here to prevent the development of other players?

“Similarly, decisions made by other players can upset your turn strategy and force you to improvise a new one on the fly.

During the game, players accumulate Power Cubes which will allow them to unlock spells in their Grimoire; some provide immediate bonuses, others are more long-term oriented.

Here again, it is a matter of choice and this “personalization” aspect allows you to opt for several game strategies.

 As is often the case in games developed by Emperor S4, the Trial of the Temples offers a game with simple mechanics to learn but which offer a rich gaming experience conducive to twists and turns!

The game works on a principle of accumulation of Victory Points: at the end of the game, the player who has collected the most wins.

A complete game takes place in 5 turns maximum but can end sooner depending on the players' actions!

Pay attention to the actions of others because some may want to end the game faster than you want!

In summary, the Temples test offers, in a package of simple rules and an interesting aesthetic, a game combining reflection, planning and adaptation and the slightest decision (of placement or development) has consequences.

To discover and savor!

Good day and good game ;)

On 22/03/2024

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about the Kingdom of Sand!

It's up to you to build your oases in 20 to 40 minutes, from 16 years old and from 3 to 6 players, and regenerate the magic of the kingdom of sand!

The Sand Kingdom, a parallel reality source of magic, is dying.

After thousands of years of overuse, magic has almost disappeared.

Faced with peril, the Queen of Ragusa embarked on a quest to save her home, traveling to the Kingdom of Sand.

With the kingdom in peril, time bends and reality shifts uncontrollably in the physical world.

As a royal magician, you must act quickly to help him stabilize and regenerate magic.

As she travels the plane awakening the power of the glyphs, you, as the royal magician, must act quickly to assemble these glyphs and stabilize the magic to rebuild the Sand Kingdom.

Who will help the queen save Ragusa and become the hero of the Sand Kingdom?A single player mode is possible.

The game has a simple mode for easy and quick initiation and familiarization with its mechanisms.

An advanced mode, including the use of special powers, adds tactical depth and replayability.

Good day and good game ;)

On 15/03/2024

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about the eye of Itzamna!

Follow in the footsteps of the great explorers for 90 to 120 minutes for 1 to 4 players in the heart of the temple!

Jonathan Eaton, billionaire owner of Vestigium Industries, combines running the world's largest company with adventures in temples and mazes.

 He leaves everyone perplexed when he announces his retirement.

And even more so when he explains how he will choose his successor: like a modern-day Willy Wonka, he challenges you and your friends to participate in the competition of the century. The winner will receive all Vestigium shares and will be the richest person in the world.

Are you up for it?

Go to your House of Treasures and visit the legendary temple of Itzamna, a Mayan god with great powers.

Search your way through the temple and find the jewel that is the Eye of Itzamna.

Have you completed the quest? Meet for new adventures to replay your game on the site indicated on the game box.

Good day and good game ;)

On 08/03/2024

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Baf!

Brave heroes, from 3 to 5 players for 20 minutes, defeat the monsters to win!

In Baf, players are adventurers rushing through a perilous dungeon to root out evil, earning coins, and upgrading their abilities along the way. After three levels (with three monster towers in each level), they face the Dungeon Lord and the Dragon.

Each player has two heroes, one for their right hand and one for their left hand.

Players simultaneously reveal two dungeon maps each and quickly get their hands on the maps they want their heroes to fight.

If you win, you claim the card as loot or gear that increases your hero's abilities.

 Equipment cards are placed partially below your hero card, with the ability symbol sticking out.

This way, the four different types of abilities – Melee, Ranged, Magic, and Stealth – are built in one direction each, starting from your hero.

For particularly strong monsters, your heroes can combine their power by hitting the monster with both of your hands.

Each player controls 2 brave heroes who have joined a party of adventurers.

 They go together to explore a dangerous dungeon on 3 floors.

At each round reveal the monsters of the turn then quickly slap them to get rid of them and strip them of their powers and treasures.

 But don't get the wrong hand because each one represents a hero with his strengths and weaknesses!

It might just be the monster slapping you!

Good day and good game ;)

On 01/03/2024

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Gold Up!

Moussaillons, from 2 to 10 players for 15 minutes, find the treasures!

In Gold Up, you are a pirate whose objective is to collect as many gold coins as possible.

These treasures are locked in chests that you will need to open with the right keys.

The color of each chest indicates the color of the key that opens it.

Be the smartest by using your keys at the right time to recover the biggest chests or steal the loot of other pirates using the special cards!

But be careful, robbing a pirate is a dangerous game and his revenge could be terrible...

Collect one of the 7 sets of chests using the correct keys.

Use the Joker key to open any chest.

Steal your opponents' keys using the Key Thief card.

Steal your opponents' chests using the Chest Thief card.

Arrange the chests in 3,2,1,2,3 on the table then distribute 5 key cards to each player.

Collect the chests of one of the 7 series using the corresponding color keys or joker keys that replace any color.

Steal keys or chests from other pirates with special cards, but be careful not to get them stolen back.

Once there are no more chests in the center of the table, the point values ​​of each chest won by the players are counted.

Whoever has the highest value of gold coins wins the game.

On board, sailors!

Good day and good game ;)

Just activate the English subtitles.

On 23/02/2024

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Patatrap Quest!

Go on a quest, for 2 to 4 players for 10 minutes, and find the objects to defeat the big bosses!


For a very, very long time, the castle of Patatrap has been regularly invaded by all sorts of threatening and more or less evil creatures.

This is how the order of the intrepid was created, bringing together all the adventurers and adventurers of the region ready to defend the castle of Patatrap and its fabulous Tower with 1000 mirrors!

In turn, each player must move their Character token on the trapdoors of the game board. Use the mirrors to see the contents of the trapdoors.

The goal?

Collect useful equipment to fight the final Big Bad!

The first player who manages to land three blows wins the game. But watch out for trapped hatches, you'll have to remember their location...

Finally, unless the elf, the ghost or even the thief decides to get involved and make a mess.

A real dungeon crawler for children! Includes 5 different endlessly replayable adventures.
Do you dare to face Sheuloub the spider, Michel the werewolf, Elvys the vampire, Smok the dragon or even Babakazoo the cursed king?

To win Patatrap Quest, you must be the first player to successfully attack the "Big Bad" in the castle three times.
The castle consists of a wall of mirrors surrounding a central pillar. On a turn, roll the dice, then move a distance equal to the face of the die or the sum of the faces of the die.

When you land on a space in the castle, your character lowers a lever and whatever is depicted under that lever is then visible in the mirror.

Sometimes you need to scavenge gear, sometimes you need to trade boards, and sometimes you do something else.
When you have the right gear and can access the stairway to the top of the pillar, you can take on the Big Bad.

Draw the topmost token from its stack, then look at it secretly. If you can discard the represented object, you recover this token; otherwise, you're kicked out of the castle and have to start moving in again.


The first player to collect three tokens wins.

Patatrap Quest includes five Big Bads, each with its own stack of chips.


Good day and good game ;)

On 16/02/2024

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !


Today we are going to talk about Team Team!


Together, from 2 to 6 players for 10 to 20 minutes, find which animal is where!


As you might guess from the name, in Team Team you play as a team, with each team consisting of a speaker and a builder.


Each builder has a set of five tiles, with the tiles featuring five shapes, five colors, and five animals; each team's tiles have a different layout of these features.


Each builder lays his tiles in a row in front of him, and he wishes to arrange these tiles according to a pattern known only to the speaker, the pattern being the same for all teams.

At the start of a round, one of the speakers reveals a sound card, like "Woof!" or "Bong!", then they place a pattern card on a screen that is only visible through the speakers.


The pattern can be 3-5 animals in a row, 3-5 shapes in a row, or 3-5 colors in a row. The game then begins. Each builder begins by placing a finger on two different tiles, then their interlocutor:


Make the sound once - Bong! - if the builder has to finger different tiles.

Make the sound twice - Bong! Bof! — whether the builder should swap the finger tiles.

Make the sound three times - Bong! Bof! Bof! — if all the tiles are laid out correctly.

At this point, the builder slaps the multicolored tile in the center of the table.


If that team's tile layout is correct - and with only 3-4 tiles depicted on a template card, the tiles must be in the correct order and adjacent to each other - then they claim the template card as a point.


If they are incorrect, each other team scores a point.


The first team to score 3 points wins.


Good day and good game ;)


Just activate the English subtitles.

On 09/02/2024

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Just Desserts!

To your desserts, from 2 to 5 players for 25 minutes, to place perfect orders!

It's Dessert Night!

The guests are here, and they are hungry!

Serve them their favorite sweets in this delicious dessert distribution game.

Become the best server of the evening by ensuring that all guests get their perfect desserts!

The guests are here, and they're hungry, so try to be the best waiter in this cafe by making sure all the guests get their perfect desserts!

In this card game, each player starts with a hand of three dessert cards while three guest cards are placed in the center of the table; each dessert card shows 1-3 tastes it satisfies, such as chocolate, fruit or pastry, while guest cards show what they crave as well as what they refuse to eat.

You take turns drawing a dessert card, adding a guest card to the table from the draw pile, then performing one of three actions:

- Serve (and claim) one or two guests by discarding one or more dessert cards to give them what they want (while avoiding what they don't want); if you give a guest their favorite item, you receive a tip with an additional dessert menu.

- Draw another dessert card.

- Lay down as many dessert cards as you want, then draw as many cards from the deck.

At the end of your turn, discard guests from the table so that only one guest from each "suit" is still waiting to be served - but the guest heading for the door (top of the discard pile) can still be claimed by any server.

If at any time you have served three guests of the same costume or five guests of different costumes, then you have won!

Just desserts includes game variations that let you steal guests from another server by sending more candy, force other servers to each drop a guest, and throw a surprise party to claim a guest out of turn.

Good day and good game ;)


On 02/02/2024

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Chimera!

Create your chimeras, from 2 to 5 players for 30 minutes to 45 minutes, and score the most points!

In Chimera, each player embodies a magician at the court of a King who has decided to entrust his Kingdom to the best Court Magician.

Each magician now has the task of convincing the king that he is the best magician in the court.

To do this, they organize a big magic tournament with various competitions.

For each competition, players must craft a fabulous creature made up of a mix of three real animals.

These chimeras then compete in various trials to determine the best magician.

Three-ingredient creatures are created simultaneously by all players drawing from the three decks of creatures in front of them, placing the cards face down on one of the four contest areas in front of them.

Once players have chosen their three ingredient creatures for each of the four contests, they can trade ingredient creature pieces between their four different contest tiles.

Contests can include Mud Wrestling, Funniest Creature, First Blood Battle, Potato Sack Race, and Cutest Creature.

 Only four are chosen from the available contest play, and only the first and second place players in each contest receive points.

The first player to complete their selections for all four contests can declare they are done, putting a 30 second time limit for all other players to complete their choices.

Voting takes place between players to see who has the best creature featured in each contest.

Three rounds are played with the aforementioned stages, with creature and contest cards being reshuffled and redrawn.

Each round lasts approximately 10-15 minutes, for a total of 30-45 minutes per game.

1- Look for the natures of animals most suitable for competitions.

2- Merge your animals to create your chimeras.

3- Optimize your creations to win as many competitions as possible.

Good day and good game ;)

On 26/01/2024

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Pantacle!

Light the 5 fires, from 3 to 5 players for 45 to 60 minutes, thanks to your adepts!

Play as a wizard and be the first to light the 5 Pantacle fires!

Each player must gather enough resources (Influence (cubes), Adepts (meeples), Powers (tokens)) to light the flames of the PANTACLE one by one.

These resources can only be obtained by requesting favors from the Guardians of the PANTACLE.

There are 7 types of favors that provide either resources or powers whose effects will aid your progress. Be careful though!

 If another player has the correct set of cards in hand, they can counter your request and bribe you for the favor.

To ignite a flame on the PANTACLE, players must regularly sacrifice accumulated resources.

The more the players progress, the more the PANTACLE resists and the more the game becomes complex.

Indeed, a player who lights a flame receives a reward (resource, power) but also a curse, despite the sacrifice of resources.

To do this, seek the guardians of Pantacle who will bring you the necessary powers, influence and followers.

But beware of your opponents because, if one of them has the right combination of cards in hand, they can thwart you and steal the benefit offered by the guardians.

Guardians can suspend a curse for a while, but will other players let them?

1. Ask the Guardians of the Pantacle to acquire influence, powers or followers that you will place on your player board.

2. When you have enough followers, power and influence, sacrifice them to light one of your flames on the Pantacle.

3. The difficulty increases for each flame lit: you will receive a curse that you can cancel by requesting the Guardians or by meeting its criteria.

4. Beware of your opponents. If they have the right combination of cards, they will be able to counter you when you call on the Guardians and steal the benefit of your solicitation.

The first player to light 5 fires wins the game!

Good day and good game ;)

On 19/01/2024

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Evil High Priest!

Recruit in the Lovecraftian universe, from 2 to 5 players for 40 to 90 minutes, and win the most victory points!

Evil High Priest is a worker-placement game in which the players take the part of priests of a Lovecraftian entity. All players worship the same Great Old One, but they are emphatically not allies.

When they awaken their Great Old One, he will decide which among them is the best (based on VPs) and appoint that priest, and that priest only, to be the High Priest, who wins.

The game contains cards, cardboard tokens, and multiple different boards - each player has an inner sanctum, plus a priest board to manage his sect. In addition there is a town board, representing Lovecraft country; a ritual board, representing magic spells; and a cult board, representing the Great Old One you seek to release.

The game is performed in Action phases. the players take turns moving their cultists to activate various sites on the different boards, gathering resources, summoning monsters, shattering Elder Signs, and launching investigator raids (which attack all players). When all players run out of cultists, the Action phase ends, and players recover their cultists, freeing up the board sites for the next Action phase.

Victory is determined when the last Elder Sign blocking your Great Old One is shattered, and at this point everyone totes up points. Different resources are worth different amounts, but the most valuable are the Elder Signs.

Driving the game are the player's need to recruit more cultists & gather more resources, balanced against his need to shatter Elder Signs and protect himself against the deadly investigator raids.

Unusual among worker placement games, the cult board can be swapped out between games, for a different experience.

The Cthulhu cult board does not play the same as the Black Goat cult board, and they require different tactics and planning.

 Good day and good game ;)

On 12/01/2024

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

 Today we are going to talk about Monster Chase!

 Go on a monster hunt, from 1 to 6 players from 10 minutes, by finding what scares them!

 Monster Hunt is a cooperative memory game for players ages 3-7.

 In the game, monsters come out from under the bed and try to surround it.

 Each monster is only afraid of one toy that will banish it to the closet among the ten available to find.

 If the players manage to send all the monsters to the closet before they can close the circle around the bed, they win!

Otherwise, the monsters are declared the winner.

In game terms, face down cards are placed on the table with tiles and then placed around those cards.

 To start, a card is revealed that represents a monster and the toy it is afraid of.

 In turn order, each player must now find the toy that scares that monster, with the toy hidden in the face-down tiles.

If players make three mistakes while searching for this toy, a new monster spawns with a different toy needed to scare it away.

Once all the monsters are out, you only have three chances to win by getting rid of all the monsters.

The rules offer different levels of difficulty to adapt to the player's experience and/or maturity, such as a tile that shuffles other tiles and a tile that instantly spawns a new monster.

 Good day and good game ;)


On 05/01/2024

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Story cubes!

Sharpen your mind and imagination, from 1 to 12 players from 20 minutes, by creating original stories!

Story Cubes is a game where you have 9 dice to create stories.
54 images that allow you to create different stories in each game.

You can play either simultaneously and create a story all together or choose to roll the dice each in turn and create a story with the 9 images of the turn.

With the 9 cubes you can generate 9 random images, then use them to invent a story that begins with "Once upon a time..." and use the 9 elements as part of the story.

Whether you play alone or with others, the game allows you to develop and express your narrative creativity.
The game can be played as an improvisational game where each player contributes a part of the story, picking up where the last one left off.

 One can earn reward points for fluency and originality in story creation, inventiveness, imagination, drama and humor.

It's up to you to set your points allocation criteria according to your centers of interest, with more or less serious criteria, to enjoy the game as you wish.

So get started and give free rein to your imagination to have a good time with family or friends.

Good day and good game ;)


On 29/12/2023

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about the King of Buckets!

Use your cards, from 2 to 6 players from 20 minutes, and be the last to see more buckets!

In Bucket King, players lay down sets of animal cards to try and topple everyone else's bucket pyramids.

Cards in hand can be used to defend your own buckets and attack those of others - and if you knock a bucket low in someone's pyramid, you risk causing a cascade that will cost even more!

Each turn, the active player plays cards or loses buckets; the game is played in rounds with a new round starting after someone loses one or more buckets.

At the start of each turn, the active player chooses 1-3 cards in hand of the same color/animal, places them face up in front of him, announces their sum, then draws a card to add to his hand.

Each subsequent player must deposit 1 to 3 cards of the same color as the initial player with a sum higher than that announced previously or else lose a bucket.

If the game goes around the table to the first player of the turn, he can add 1 to 3 new cards to those previously played, and then announce the sum of all the cards in front of him.

When a player cannot or chooses not to defend their pyramid by playing cards, they remove a bucket of that card color from their pyramid by pushing, swiping, or poking it with one finger.

If he does not have a bucket of the required color, he removes a bucket of his choice.

 That player then begins a new turn after everyone has emptied their played cards.

In a two- or four-player game, the game ends when one player loses their last bucket; in a five- or six-player game, a player who loses their last bucket is out of the game, and the game ends when only three players have buckets left in play.

Whoever has the most buckets remaining in their pyramid wins.

Good day and good game ;)

On 22/12/2023

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Speed Color Team!

Add color to your challenges, as a team for 10 minutes, by completing the objectives!

Place a line of uncolored face cards in front of each team and the markers in the center of the table in the game box.

As a team, discover the cards with the colors to be made, memorize them, then try to reproduce them all together.

How ? By coloring the black white cards of your line before the other players.

Take the markers corresponding to the colors corresponding to those you need to restore colors to the card in front of you.

And since remembering colors and coloring is child's play, we add a little difficulty. ;)

We will add team challenges in a limited time, not to mention the markers whose color is not indicated anywhere!

It will therefore be necessary to communicate on the colors found and coordinate to use other colors while they are already used either by his teammates or by the players of the opposing team...

Who will be able to combine team challenge and communication to color the team cards as quickly as possible?

You can either play with one card in front of each team or several to spice up the game. ;)

The first team to finish coloring the cards in front of them or the most cards wins the game!

Good day and good game ;)

On 15/12/2023

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Bubblee Pop!

No time to bubble, solo or in duo for 20 minutes, form your combos to win the game!


Line them all up!

In Bubblee Pop, players compete to save the Bubblees by lining up three of them horizontally or vertically.
Once lined up, the Bubblees give the player points and trigger special powers.


If you stack them the wrong way, you risk losing the game immediately.
Once the reversible board is installed between the two players, 3 black Bubblees take place on each of the players' planets.


It is then the Sky which is set up by the standard installation of colored Bubblees, so that two identical colors are not adjacent.
It's up to you to pop the Bubblees by assembling them by color and in groups of 3 or more via gravity which makes them fall 2 by 2 on your planet.

When things go wrong, powers are triggered and victory points are accumulated.
Fill the sky by drawing Bubblees from the bag. The active player may eventually swap 2 adjacent Bubblees in the sky before obligatorily causing 2 to fall, horizontally or vertically adjacent.

These Bubblees, once they land, if they form an alignment (not diagonal) of 3 or more of the same color, are removed and placed in the scoring area.

This triggers a power depending on the color, a power that remains optional:

- Swap bubbles on your planet or the opposing planet;
- Send a Bubblee or drop one from the sky at his opponent;
- Finally, recover an uncovered Bubblee from his planet and place it in his score zone.
- Black Bubblees, on the other hand, have no powers. Finally, any holes left by the bursts are filled by making the Bubblees "fall" from above.

A single player mode is available where the objective is to empty the opposing planet which starts in a filling state indicated by the level chosen. There are 20 of increasing difficulty.

The only difference in the rules is that when a cluster of 3 Bubblees forms, you can choose to send one (see 2 if the combination is 4 or more Bubblees) to the neighboring planet, keeping the d column. origin before deciding to use the power.


The Black Bubblees are then obstacles that may be the only ones left on the otherwise emptied planet.

Good day and good game ;)

On 08/12/2023

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about 8 bit box!

Lovers of old-school video games, get out your coffee tables!

8Bit Box is a set of 3 board games, directly inspired by retrogaming for about 30 minutes and 3 to 6 players.

Each game board will remind you of the biggest names in video games of the 80s, which you will have the pleasure of introducing to your loved ones for incredible moments with friends or family.

With its 6 controllers, 8Bit Box allows you to invite up to 6 players for frenetic games.

 It contains all the basic equipment, common to all of your games (pawns, dice, tokens, etc.).

 The 3 included games are presented individually, like the game cartridges of yesteryear.

Each contains the specific hardware needed to play it, which complements that of 8Bit Box.

As for the controllers, they allow each player to plan and perform their game actions, such as the movement of characters or vehicles.

 All together, you play board games on a table that take up the major themes of video games.

It is clearer ?

So, don't wait any longer: unplug the screens, and open the 8Bit Box!

In the center of a printed circuit, Pixoid tries to escape the Bugs who want to catch him.

Controllers in hand, the Pixoid player and each Bug player move around the circuit.

Pixoid must survive as long as possible without being hit.

Bugs players, meanwhile, must coordinate their moves to capture Pixoid.

In this asymmetrical game in "all against one" mode, the players take turns embodying the brave Pixoid.

A fun and jubilant tribute to one of the most famous video games on the planet.

Pilot in the middle of obstacles and under the fire of opponents! Using your controller, you zigzag through a canyon to cross the finish line first.

Know how to position yourself wisely at each new course tile revealed, watch your fuel, and pick up the right bonus at the right time to leave your competitors in the dust!

A great futuristic racing classic, full of adrenaline and fun!

In this multi-test game, you will have to know how to manage your energy to become the God of the stadium.

Use your controller wisely to measure your effort, and know how to trust your teammates to take over if you are out of breath.

10 events await you: which team will bring back the most medals?

Stadium is a revamp of old-school sports games, swapping the frenzy of the controller for a tasty mix of management, tactical opportunism and team spirit.

Good day and good game ;)

On 01/12/2023

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Loops!

Embark on a journey of at least 15 minutes from 2 to 10 players for a high-flying moment.

Settle into the cockpit and take off for an uncontrolled adventure...

In LOOPS, players fly the same plane together, taking turns controlling its altitude and direction.

Keep the right cards in hand and trap your opponents by changing the direction or attitude of the plane.

The players take turns placing an altitude card (or several if they are identical), respecting 2 conditions:

- One direction: to the right or to the left; which indicates the order in which the players around the table must play.

- A base: positive or negative; which indicates whether the altitude of the aircraft should increase or decrease.

When a player cannot place any card during his turn, he recovers all the cards placed on the table.

Keep the right cards in hand to never be blocked.

Trap your opponents by changing the direction or attitude of the plane using special cards.

Be the first to run out of cards to win the game.

Good day and good game ;)

On 24/11/2023

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about the game of the goose!

A good classic, from 2 to 6 players and about 20 minutes, to land on the right squares. To your geese!

The game of the goose is a parlor game where pawns are moved according to the results of two dice.

Traditionally, this game of pure chance comprises 63 squares arranged in an inwardly-wound spiral with a number of traps.

The goal is to get to the last square first.

The basic rule is intangible. The game is played with 2 dice. A first move decides who will start.

The goose signals the lucky squares arranged 9 by 9.

No one can stop on these beneficial squares and the roll is then doubled.

• Who rolls 9 on the first roll, will go to 26 if he did it by 6 and 3, or to 53 if he did it by 4 and 5.

• Who drops to 6, where there is a bridge, will go to 12.

• Who drops to 19, where there is a hotel, rests when everyone plays 2 times.

• Which falls to 31, where there is a well waiting to be raised.

• Who drops to 42, where there is a maze returns to 304.

• Who falls to 52, where there is a prison waiting to be picked up.

• Who falls to 58, where there is death, starts again.

The first to reach 63, in the garden of the goose, wins the game.

 On condition of getting it right, otherwise he goes back, on as many squares as he has left to go.

If a player lands on a square already occupied by another player, he sends the latter back to the square from which he started.

There can only be one player per space.

Good day and good game ;)

On 17/11/2023

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Battle Gum!

No time to bubble! From 2 to 4 players and about 15 minutes, discard all your cards, but watch out for the traps!

We are here in a discard game where you will have to be the first to have no more cards in your hand.

It all starts with the usual distribution which will be divided into three parts.

Three cards in the players' hand, three cards placed in front of them face down and three others face up.

At the start of the game, players will be able to freely switch between their hand and the visible cards.

To initiate a trick, a player can place up to three cards provided that they are of the same value.

The following players must place one or more cards of equal or higher value than those already placed.

If by chance a player can no longer play cards that meet this rule, he collects all the cards already played and adds them to his hand.

A player who has played draws again to have three cards in hand again.

When the draw pile is exhausted, attack the cards placed in front of you.

In the deck of 54 cards, 22 have special powers. The 1 for example can also land a 13 (the strongest card).

The 8 will skip the next trick, etc.

The rules are proposed with variants which make the pile played disappear under certain conditions.

Good day and good game ;)

On 10/11/2023

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Witty Pong!

Ping, Pong, Ting, Tong! Something very strange is happening in the jungle for 2-8 players and about 15 minutes.

In Witty Pong, the ping pong table is recreated by laying four cards in a 2x2 square, with a ball token being placed on one of the cards.

 On their turn, a player turns over a card and places it on one of the three cards not covered by the ball. Two situations can occur:

• If the card represents a ball somewhere in the illustration, the player must move the ball token to a new card. If he says something or hesitates too long, he loses one of the three banana tokens he started the game with.

• If the card does not have a marble on it, the player must say the word “appropriate”, the word being determined by the letters and colors of the three cards uncovered. The word begins with "P" or "T" depending on which letter is displayed more frequently, and ends with "ong" or "ing" depending on whether more blue or red paddles are displayed. If he says the wrong word or takes too long, he loses a banana.

Lose all your bananas and you're out of the game. The last player standing wins.

 The game includes advanced rules that change what to say if the same letter or color is on all three palettes; additional rules allow for competitive play in which players can steal bananas from each other if they say the correct word first.

Good day and good game ;)

On 03/11/2023

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Chapito!

Experience 15 minutes of pure balance for 2 to 4 players! Join the circus and become the best acrobat to win!

The Chapito circus is back in town with a breathtaking acrobatic show!

Stack the character blocks on top of each other by

trying to reproduce one of the figures indicated by your cards.

Keep your balance well so as not to bring down the whole show!

Place the 3 Podium tiles in the center of the table, spacing them about 10 centimeters apart.

Place the 9 Character blocks around the Podium tiles.

Shuffle the cards and deal 4 to each player.

Everyone tries to reproduce on a podium one of the

figures imposed by the cards in his hand.

Either choose a Character block that is not yet in play on a Podium tile to place it above any block (or stack of blocks) already in play, or on an empty Podium tile.

Either move a block or stack of blocks already in play above another block (or stack of blocks), or onto an empty Podium tile.

When a player moves multiple blocks at once, they can only do so by holding the lowest block in the stack.

Blocks can only be placed in their upright position, without rotation or flipping.

 It is forbidden to make the exact opposite movement to that of the previous player.

At any time, even if it is not his turn, a player can shout: “Photo!” if a stack of blocks meets the conditions indicated by one of the cards in his hand.

He reveals his card and we check that he was not mistaken.

- if he is right, he places the card in front of him, face up and draws a new one from the pile to add it to his hand; then play resumes.

- if he made a mistake, he takes the card back in hand and the game continues.

If the same pile of Character blocks corresponds to several cards of a player, he can place them all in front of him to validate them.

He then draws to always have 4 cards in his hand.

If the card a player has just drawn corresponds to the layout of a stack in play, he can announce it and place it immediately before completing his hand again.

If a player knocks down a block or knocks over a stack of characters, their turn ends immediately, they must return one of the cards placed in front of them to the draw pile as a penalty.

If he doesn't have any, he doesn't return any and the turn passes to the next player.

Blocks that have fallen or are still in hand are replaced around the podiums.

The first player who manages to place 7 cards in front of him wins the game.

If several players play their seventh card at the same time, they share the victory.

Good day and good game ;)

On 27/10/2023

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Unsuspected Treasures!

Collect old furniture from a bulky waste collection site and make a profit by reselling it, for about 30 minutes for 3 to 6 players.

On a first-come, first-served basis, players can only take a few items at a time.

 And they must beware of thieves, who are on the prowl and just waiting to steal goods collected from players' homes.

 Each player takes a set of cards numbered from 0 to 5.

Each round consists of three phases which are played in the following order:

Deposit of new goods

The most valuable treasures to discover are at the bulky collection site. And they are increasing day by day!

Draw 1 mission card from the mission card pile and place it face up next to the other face up mission cards.

Take a merchandise tile from the cloth bag for each symbol on the mission card you just drew and place them in the bulky collection site, sorted according to their values.

Keep drawing mission cards until there are at least 2 goods tiles per player in the bulky collection site.

Any goods tiles in the possession of the players or that are next to the mission cards remain where they are and are not put in the bag.

Selection of the numbered card

Each player secretly chooses one of their 6 numbered cards and places it face down in their playing area.

After all players have finished placing their selected cards, all players turn their card face up.


If several players choose the same number, they fight over who can access the site.

Only the player with the lowest numbered contest token can leave their card on the table and can loot the bulky collection site.

The thief can steal as many goods tiles from his teammates as there are players heading to the bulky waste collection site.

Players who "stay at home" are not at risk of having their belongings stolen from the thief.

Once a player has all the goods corresponding to one of the mission cards, they can complete the mission by exchanging these goods.

A radio tile can also be used as a joker for any other commodity tile.

Once all the players have finished ransacking the bulky waste collection site, everyone gets their numbered card.

 Players may keep any collected goods tiles that have not been used to complete a mission.

 If there are any Mission cards and/or Goods tiles left, these also remain where they are.

Once the last mission card has been drawn from the reserve pile, the round is played until the end.

The game ends once the round is over.

Each player adds up the value of his completed missions, including the value of the goods tiles he still has in his possession.

The player with the highest score wins.

Good day and good game ;)

On 20/10/2023

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

 Today we are going to talk about Big Money!

 Who, of the 2 to 5 players, will manage to become the richest millionaire in 30 minutes?

Everyone gets rich, but who will end up the richest?

 Roll the dice and buy amazing investments for your empire - a candy factory, a professional football team or a movie studio.

You decide what risks to take when you collect businesses and become a Zillionaire!

 On his turn, a player rolls the two dice and advances the Dollar pawn by the number of points indicated.

Then he applies the effect of the square on which the pawn ended its move.

 Bet big and take advantage of possible incredible winnings if your bets are good!

Bet, bluff to try to win even bigger!

Depending on the number given by the dice, win more or less big or lose even more!

 If you bet the right market on the upside you win zillions, otherwise you could lose it all.

Play double or nothing on your game table and win your bet doubled or nothing at all!

Win the lottery with the right combination and collect the loot!

  The game ends when the bank has no more money in its coffers.

At this time, we make a final lottery and calculate our money. 

The richest wins.

 Good day and good game ;)

On 13/10/2023

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Yes, the game of love and chance!

Test your poetic and philosophical knowledge gently, in 40 minutes for 2 to 6 players.

“Their eyes met”, “Mad love”, “They lived happily »

This game is a quiz of 1340 questions about love.

 Cinema, History, Literature, Songs... everything will be explored, and by all means: drawing, quizzes, mimes, memory games...

The board consists of a heart-shaped track with spaces of three different colors, corresponding to different difficulties.

Players roll a die and move along the track.

When a player lands on a color, they are asked about the appropriate difficulty.

A correct answer allows the player to throw again.

From acquiring knowledge to refreshing your memory, nothing beats a quality board game!

This is what this amazing box invites, rich with 1340 questions and challenges.

 Hermaphrodite is the child of Hermes and… Demeter, Artemis or Aphrodite?

 Do we represent Cupid with wide, blindfolded or wet eyes?

 To which comic book character does Obélix devote a secret and persistent love: Assurancetourix, Falbala, Bonemine?

Once a player reaches the middle of the board, they win the game.

Have fun, yes, but while learning!

Good day and good game ;)

On 06/10/2023

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about the Yellow Dwarf!

The Yellow Dwarf game is played by 3 to 8 players for 30 minutes where you earn tokens by getting rid of your cards as quickly as possible.

The goal of the Yellow Dwarf game is to win tokens by getting rid of his cards as quickly as possible, discarding them in ascending order by performing suits ranging from ace to king, without worrying about the color.

A game is usually played over several rounds. At the start of the game, the players all have an equivalent betting token value.


Each player is distributed tokens for a minimum value of 50.

 The following values ​​are most often given to the tokens: 1 for the circles, 5 for the small rectangles and 10 for the large rectangles.

At the start of a Yellow Dwarf round:

Players place their tokens in the bowls on the board, for values ​​of:

 1 to 10 of diamonds,
 2 to the Jack of Clubs,
 3 to the queen of spades,
 4 to the King of Hearts,
 5 to the Yellow Dwarf (the 7 of diamonds).
The 52 cards of the game (without the jokers) are distributed to the players:
 at 3, 15 cards per player and 7 on the heel,
 at 4, 12 cards per player and 4 on the heel,
 5, 9 cards per player and 7 on the heel,
 6, 8 cards per player and 4 on the heel,
 7, 7 cards per player and 3 on the heel,
 at 8, 6 cards per player and 4 on the heel.

Players must discard their cards in ascending order (from Ace to King), without color distinction (a 5 of spades can follow a 4 of diamonds).

Designate the player who will start the game (the youngest player, the tallest or by drawing lots...).

This first player, the dealer, begins the round by starting an increasing sequence and by announcing the cards "5, 6, 7, 8...".


When he can no longer extend his sequence of cards, he announces the missing card: "5, 6, 7, 8, without 9" and passes the hand.

His neighbor on the left continues the sequence until he can no longer complete it: "9, 10, jack, no queen".

The player who arrives at the King can start a new sequence from any card.

When a player shows a card present on the Yellow Dwarf board (10 of diamonds, Jack of clubs, Queen of spades, King of hearts or 7 of diamonds), he announces it and pockets the bet present in the corresponding bowl.

 If a player forgets to pocket his bet or does not have the opportunity to place his bet card(s), he must double the bet in the bowl at the end of the round.

To win a game of Yellow Dwarf you have to win as many tokens as possible.

You can earn tokens:

 by placing and announcing a card from the board,
 finishing the round first. A round ends when a player has gotten rid of all his cards.
The other players must then give him as many tokens as the sum of the card values ​​remaining in their hand; knowing that the values ​​of the cards are:
  Ace, King, Queen, Jack = 10 points
 10 to 2 = Value of the card (8 points for the eight, 7 points for the 7...)

When a player can no longer place bets at the start of the round, he leaves the game.

When the first player scrolls through all his cards at once, he performs the "Grand Opera".

A rare but profitable move, the player then recovers all the chips bet on the Yellow Dwarf board and the other players must give him the value of their hands in chips, enough to upset more than one!


Good day and good game ;)

On 29/09/2023

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Fresh Fish!

On this Market Day, get your stalls and display the best wares for 2-5 players and approximately 45 minutes.

Fresh Fish is a game of strategy and resources that will offer you a variety of strategic choices.

It's time for the next market day!

 As a booming trader, you try to get the best spaces for your market stalls.

Only the merchant with the freshest products will get the most customers.

In Market Day, you try to build your market stalls as close as possible to corresponding delivery trucks in a huge marketplace.

 Delivery of goods directly from the delivery truck to the market stall is not permitted; at least one path space must be between them.

Unfortunately, the competition between traders is quite intense, so you will block each other's shortest paths with your market stalls.

 Neutral flea market tables will also get in the way.

To secure prime spaces for your market stalls, you need to buy the stall tiles cheaply at an auction - but if you bid too little and lose the auction, you can later get a lot more space. distant.

At the end of the game you add up all the paths between your market stalls and the delivery trucks, then subtract the coins saved from this sum.

 The player with the lowest value wins because they offer the freshest products to their customers!

Good day and good game ;)

On 22/09/2023

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Mot Malin!

Mot Malin is a deduction and cooperation game for 2 to 6 players and about 10 minutes where your coordinates are only a word away.

Mot Malin is a deduction and cooperation game using clue words.

We place the numbers and letters to create a table, then the coordinate cards in their place.

 What link will you find between “Bear” and “Doctor” so that your teammates find your coordinates?

 You found ?

We could give the clue word “Veterinarian” because it is a doctor for animals.

After announcing your clue word, hope the team finds the link and contact information for your clue!

 If your team finds the correct coordinates, we place the map that is there upside down to signal that the location is taken.

If your team can't find your coordinates, we turn the card over.

It will no longer be possible to make words corresponding to these coordinates become.

The ideal would be to find all the coordinates of each one.

Will you be able to do the maximum?

The replayability of Mot Malin is strong since the 50 Word cards, to be slid into each column and row, have two words per card and are double-sided.

In Easy or Expert mode, the composition of the grid is never the same and allows players to challenge their level regularly.

In addition, different players will not think of the same associations of ideas.

It will take cohesion, reflection and speed to meet the Smart Word challenge.

Good day and good game ;)

On 15/09/2023

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about a Mansion muder mystery!

Mansion Murder Mystery is a deduction and puzzle game for 2-6 players and approximately 15 minutes.

The first player or team chooses four different cards; a murderer, a weapon, a place and a motive.

The cards are placed behind the 3D mansion, so that the other player or the team cannot see them.

The second player or team tries to solve the mystery.

He chooses four cards, like the first player, and places them on the stairs.

The first player or team tells the other which cards are correct.

If the second team or players guess the correct killer, weapon, location, and motive before reaching the top of the stairs, they earn a point.

Now players or teams switch positions.

The first player or team to reach the top of the stairs with the marker wins the game.

Good day and good game ;)

On 08/09/2023

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Decipher!

Decipher all together, from 2 to 4 players, the hidden word of a player in about 20 minutes!

Decipher is a deduction game where you create and decipher secret words.

Players have at their disposal four types of segments that they will have to combine in order to form letters which will in turn constitute a word.

 The Coder creates a word that the Decryptors try to guess a bit like the Hanged Man.

At each turn, the coder gives a letter segment to the active decryptor who must find which letter he is participating in.

 If it gives the correct location, the decryptors advance in their deductions, if the location is wrong, it also gives information as to the letter to be found, but it also awards a point to the coder.

The first Decryptor to find the word wins five points, so you have to hurry to deduce the word before the others, but any incorrect guess will make you give the coder 1 point.

During the game, you become Coder for one turn and Decryptor for the other turns.

The game ends when each player has been a Coder once.

Whoever has scored the most points wins the game.

Good day and good game ;)

On 01/09/2023

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Nine!

Nine is a collection and majority game for 2-4 players lasting 20-30 minutes, based on the mechanics of Koryo and Choson by Gary Kim.

Play Influence and Hero cards to gain majorities and trigger their abilities to score Victory Points during endgame scoring.

A game of Nine lasts 8 rounds, themselves divided into 4 phases.

The 8 Hourglass cards indicate the progress of each of the 8 rounds.

Apart from the distribution phase, each phase takes place clockwise from the 1st player.

I. Distribution Phase:

each player draws the number of cards indicated at the top of the Hourglass card for the current round.

II. Orders phase:

each player secretly selects from his hand 2 different cards or the number of his choice of identical cards.

III. Kingdom Phase:

each player reveals their cards, resolves the abilities of their majority Influence cards and of the Heroes they have played this turn.

IV. Cleaning stage:

each player must keep the number of cards indicated at the bottom of the hourglass card of the current round.

During the kingdom phase, you will be able to accumulate Civilization tokens, Coins and Diamonds which will allow you to score VPs at the end of the game.

At the end of the 8th round, the players count their Victory Points in different categories:


For each of the 3 types of Civilization token, the majority player gains a Supremacy token with a value of 4VP.

Majority of Influences:

For each of the Influences, the majority player gains as many VPs as its value, then his opponents turn face down the cards of this Influence of which they do not have the majority.

Face down cards:

1VP for each card turned face down during the game.

Diamonds: 5PV per Diamond.

Coins: 1PV per Coin.

VP tokens: Value of VP tokens.

Hero: -1VP per face-up Hero card.

The player with the most VP wins the game!

Good day and good game ;)

On 25/08/2023

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Shy Monsters!

Measure yourself against your opponent and try either to get out of the tower or to prevent your opponent from fleeing in 10 to 20 minutes as a duo!

Shy Monsters (Mutlose Monster) is an asymmetrical bluffing game for two players in which one player builds a dungeon and his opponent tries to escape from it.

The Dungeon Master leads a band of timid monsters.

Make sure to respect their favorite places in the dungeon, otherwise they won't attack the hero.

The Hero must decipher the structure of the dungeon well and use his special actions wisely to get out of it alive.

Good day and good game ;)

On 18/08/2023

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Animètre!

With Animeter; cooperate and measure your progress well to reap the fruits of your efforts in 15 to 20 minutes for 2 to 5 players, then to your harvests!

The trees are full of tasty apples, so it's time for the forest animals to feast!

 But reaching the fruit is not a simple task, so the animals decided to cooperate.

One by one they climb on top of each other's heads to form a tall tower.

Hares use their long ears to lift their friends, hedgehogs hunt predators hiding between leaves, and tiny mice can reach apples in hollows. How to get to that fluffy red apple?

In Animeter, each player can build up to 3 towers using 9 cards with different animals.

 Reach as many apples as possible and avoid dangerous predators.

 Use your sight: you cannot check the height of your towers during the turn.

Collect combinations of animal abilities.

And, finally, after each player has played the last card, measure the towers and find out who collected the most apples and won the game!

Good day and good game ;)

On 11/08/2023

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about New Angeles!

With New Angeles; negotiate, cooperate to create the most developed city in 120 minutes for 4 to 6 players, so on to your plans!

The largest, wealthiest and most diverse city on the planet, New Angeles is home to the space elevator that soars along its buckyweave tether and connects us to Luna and its precious helium-3 deposits.

It is here in New Angeles that you will find the world headquarters of the most powerful megacorps in the world: Haas-Bioroid, Globalsec, Jinteki, Melange Mining, NBN and the Weyland Consortium.

 And it is here, in this shining beacon of human achievement and advancement, that these powerful megacorporations enjoy a unique breeding ground for their projects and their rivalries.

In New Angeles, you take control of one of these megacorporations, then use your wealth and influence to create more wealth and more influence.

You do this by making deals and forging temporary alliances.

You leverage your credits and assets to gain financial superiority over your competitors.

All the while, you must also keep an eye on the masses, making deals with the other corps as necessary to limit crime, disease, and unrest.

If you want to maximize your profit, you need to keep New Angeles open for business!

Good day and good game ;)

On 04/08/2023

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Quadropolis!

With Quadropolis; to your constructions to create the most optimized city in 30 to 60 minutes for 2 to 4 players, then to your constructions!

Each player builds their own metropolis in Quadropolis, but they compete with each other for shops, parks, utilities, and other structures to place there.

 The game lasts four rounds, and in each round players first arrange the tiles for the appropriate round randomly on a 5x5 grid.

Each player has four architects numbered from 1 to 4 and during a turn, a player places an architect next to a row or column in the grid, claims the tile that is as far as the number of the placed architect (e.g. the fourth tile in for architect #4), places that tile in the appropriately numbered row or column on the player's 4x4 city board, then claims all resources associated with the tile (inhabitants or energy).

 After four rounds, the game ends. Players can move dwellers and energy between their tiles at any point in the game to see how to maximize their score.

At the end of the game, they then score for each of the six building types based on how well their city was built – as long as they have activated the buildings with dwellers or energy as needed. 

Good day and good game ;)

On 28/07/2023

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Joraku!

With Joraku we will literally “Go to Kyoto” in 45 minutes for 3 to 4 Daimyo, so get your swords!

Joraku, an ancient Japanese word commonly used before the Edo period, which means "to go to Kyoto".

Specifically, during the Sengoku period, Joraku refers to the act of local warlords - the Daimyo marching their armies towards Kyoto, to "protect the Shogun and the Emperor from other rogue lords" and ultimately rule in their stead. .

Onward to Kyoto!

Take command of your army and defeat all the Daimyos that block the way!

March on! To victory! March on! Kachidoki!

Joraku is a zone control game that takes turns.

Outsmart your opponents with tactical card play, use your loyal samurai to take control of areas and boost your prestige.

Only the Daimyo with the highest reputation and the biggest stick can rule Japan!

Each troop is organized into one or more units.

Each game turn is divided into two player sub-turns.

Each player can perform a movement phase, a non-active lateral reaction movement phase, a forced march phase and a combat phase.

All units can move in the movement phase, but must pass the activity test in the reaction and forced march phase.

Combat result by CRT firepower and two dice.

The winner is determined by victory points.

 Victory points are provided by capturing a castle, destroying enemy units, and controlling Kyoto, the former capital of Japan.

Good day and good game ;)

On 21/07/2023

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Edamame!

It might be the end of the beans in 45-60 minutes for 2-4 players, but don't get too fired up!

Do you know what an Edamame is?

 An Edamame is a kind of soy that can be eaten in Japanese restaurants.

It's also what you are in this game.

As the leader of an Edamame clan, you will raise a dragon because you need its life energy to sustain you.

 To do this, you will need to recruit new Edamame to strengthen your clan.

You will send them to work for resources and you will also make your opponent's Edamame work for you.

Finally, you will use your resources to raise your dragon.

A game of Edamame will be timed by the number of dragon cards that will be purchased by players.

In a 2-player game, a round corresponds to 3 dragon upgrades.

 In a 3 or 4 player game, a round corresponds to 4 dragon upgrades.

At the end of each round, everyone will check a common intermediate objective.

After 3 rounds, the game will end with an honor championship in which each clan will compete.

So who will win?

Good day and good game ;)

On 14/07/2023

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Hanafuda Koi Koi!

Develop your floral strategies in 40 minutes as a duo, based on seasonal flowers and combos.

A traditional Japanese two-player card game played with the beautiful Hanafuda (literally "flower card") deck. Setup: the cards are all shuffled, and a card is randomly revealed: the player whose birthday month is closest to the month of the revealed card is the first player and therefore the dealer.

The cards are again shuffled and dealt, two by two, to the two players, as for the greenhouse visible in the middle of the table. Turn: Next, each player proceeds as follows: first, they discard a card face up on the table from their hand. If this card corresponds to another card on the table (corresponding months), the player then wins the two cards that he places in his collection face up, in front of him. The collection is always displayed in 4 columns, as follows: Flowers, Ribbons, Animals and Specials.

If it does not match anything, the discarded card remains on the table. Second, whether it matches or not, the player then draws the top card from the deck face down and proceeds in the same way: if it does not match any card, the drawn card remains on the table, but if it matches a card , the player wins the two cards that he adds to his collection. Then the other player takes his turn.

End of turn: At the end of a player's turn, if he has Yakus, he can stop the current month (round) by indicating his Yakus, then the points are scored and the next month begins. However, if he wishes to continue in order to increase his score for that month, he says "Koi-Koi" and the other player takes his turn. If later in the game, the player who said Koi-Koi wins another Yaku OR increases his previous Yakus, then he can stop the game again or say Koi-Koi, as many times as he wants. But if a player gets a Yaku in a game where his opponent has already said Koi-Koi, then he has the right either to say Koi-Koi too or to stop the game and receive his points, thus causing his opponent to get no points at all this month.

End: Since each player has 8 cards in hand, a month (round) can at worst last 16 turns. In the case of a game where one (or both) player(s) said Koi-Koi and no other Yakus were added or increased before the end of the month, then only the last player who said Koi- Koi scores his points as usual. The winner of one month becomes the croupier of the following month, or remains the same if there was no winner.

But if a player gets a Yaku in a game where his opponent has already said Koi-Koi, then he has the right either to say Koi-Koi too or to stop the game and receive his points, thus causing his opponent to get no points. at all this month. Each Yaku can be added to the others.

Here are the Yakus:

Basic Yakus 10 Flowers / Kasu: 1 point (Each additional Flower earns 1 point) 5 Ribbons / Tanzaku: 1 point (Each additional Ribbon earns 1 point) 3 Purple (blue) Ribbons / Aotan: 5 points 3 Ribbons with Poems (red) / Akatan: 5 points 5 Animals / Tane: 1 Point (Each additional Animal earns 1 point) Deer + Boar + Butterflies / Ino Shika Chô: 5 Points 3 Specials without Rain Man / Sankô: 5 Points 4 Specials with the Rain Man / Ameshikô: 6 points 4 Special without the Rain Man / Shikô: 8 Points 5 Specials: Gokô: 10 points Special Yakus The Moon + The Sake Cup / Tsukizake: 5 points (Bonus Yaku, only in addition to at least another normal Yaku) The Cherry Curtain + The Saké / Hanamizake Cup: 5 points (Bonus Yaku, only in addition to at least one other normal Yaku) The Iris Flower is a "Joker" card: it can either be counted as an Animal or as a Flower to form a Kasu (but not both). The 4 Cards of the Current Month / TsukiFuda: 5 points No Yakus / OyaKen: 1 point The game ends when a player reaches 50 points.

In some variants, at the end of a month, the points scored by a player are subtracted from his opponent's score.

In some variants, the player with the most points at the end of the year (December) wins the game.

Good day and good game ;)

On 07/07/2023

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Ninja Camp!

Become an apprentice ninja in 15 to 30 minutes, from 2 to 4 players, being the smartest and strategist of all.

Hello, campers!

I hope you slept well last night, because Sensei Saru has a full day of training in store for you!

 So study your lessons well and be faster and smarter than your fellow campers, because Sensei invites only the best to be his personal apprentices. Will it be YOU? !

Ninja Camp pits animal martial artists against each other in a training exercise where the best will become Sensei Saru's personal ninja apprentice.

Each player starts with two cards, each representing a ninja skill, with the rest of the deck making up the game board.

 Using the cards in their hand, players navigate the board, adding new skills to their hand as they go and leaving fewer movement options for their campmates.

Each player also has a unique ninja ability that they can use once per game to try and turn the game in their favor.

A game that sets up and plays in thirty minutes or less, Ninja Camp is sure to provide hours of fun for families and aspiring ninjas!

Good day and good game ;)

On 30/06/2023

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Sushi Express!

In Sushi Express, from 3 to 6 players, become the best sushi delivery man for around 30 minutes.

Deliverers in a Japanese restaurant, players must accumulate the maximum number of Customer cards before the end of the game.

The game path is made up of 12 tiles (10 House tiles, 1 Sushi Express tile and 1 Park tile), laid out in a circle around a mini telephone-shaped board. Each time a player makes a complete turn (thus passing in front of the Sushi Express tile) he collects a Customer card from among those offered face up. In addition, a player who manages to stop in the park collects a face down Action card.

 Two players cannot be on the same tile: the occupied tiles are therefore skipped "for free" when moving (they do not count when calculating the distance).

At each game turn, the players bet on the result of a roll of a pair of dice (thus from 2 to 12) by placing a marker on the central board.

Whoever has chosen the highest number rolls the dice first: he has two attempts to obtain an amount greater than or equal to his bet.

If he fails, he does not move his delivery man, but wins an Action card, and it is up to the next player to roll the dice to try to reach his bet, and so on...

 As soon as the player obtains on the dice the sum he had announced or more (for example 8), he advances his deliverer by the number of squares fixed (8 tiles, even if he rolled 10 on the dice), without counting the occupied squares.

 If he passes in front of the Sushi Express tile, he chooses a Customer card among those revealed (there are as many revealed cards as there are players).

The players who follow (who had therefore bet less than 8) then advance their delivery men automatically (without having to roll the dice) and also recover a Customer card if they pass in front of the Sushi Express.

Customer cards are available in different colors.

The first card of each color that you collect is worth 3 points, the following cards 1 point (for example, the 1st yellow: 3 pts, the 1st green: 3 pts, the 2nd green: 1 pt only). It is therefore necessary to try to diversify the colors.

There are also Tips cards: the player with the least Tips at the end of the game takes negative points.

Finally, the Action cards allow you to bypass certain rules: place the same bet as another player, swap your bet with that of another player, advance your delivery person one more tile, get a tip bonus, etc…

Good day and good game ;)

On 23/06/2023

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Tajuto!

Let's go to Japan with Tajuto, a game for 2 to 4 players lasting about 45 to 60 minutes.

In 532, Buddhism arrived in Japan, and took its place alongside Shintoism, which was the official religion.

Prince Shotoku, seduced by this new religion, commissioned Buddhist monks to build a village with a huge garden, in which 8 pagodas (tajuto) would be erected.

He announced that once the fourth tajuto is completed, it will make this city an important pilgrimage destination for all Buddhists around the world.

The Buddhist monk who has attained the highest level of Spirituality, through deep meditation and other mental qualities, at that exact moment will be rewarded, and the Prince will appoint him "Grand Guardian of the Sacred Garden of the Eight Pagodas", and this monk will become the overseer of the pilgrimage.

In Tajuto, players take on the role of Buddhist monks, trying to achieve the highest spirituality.

On their turn, they can activate their action tiles to draw (and build) pagoda tiles from the bag, make offerings to gain meditation points, and acquire tiles that will help them progress faster or gain spirituality points.

Activating more than one action tile or acquiring tiles costs meditation points.

The game ends once the fourth pagoda is completed. The player with the most spirituality points wins.

The main feature of the game is to draw the pagoda tiles from the bag.

The pagoda tiles have a decreasing size per level.

 Players are encouraged to search blindly to try to recognize the floor by its size, but they probably won't be able to detect color that way, so drawing the size of the floor they want depends on their tactile recognition, but they must weigh their chances of drawing the flush they want.

 Good day and good game ;)

On 16/06/2023

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Wangdo!

Wangdo lets you explore Northeast Asia for 2-4 players and a game time of 30 minutes.

Long ago, before the age of man, there were four clans of bears that helped the king rule over Northeast Asia.

The time has come for the king to decide who will be the heir to the throne.

Clans send their princes out into the world to gain all the qualifications to be the next king.

They travel from town to town and build statues of sacred bears; in return they inherit knowledge of religion, education, military and trade.

The new journey is about to begin.

Who will succeed to the throne?

Summary of the game

1. Place the bear stelae to acquire a knowledge token.

2. Pay the equivalent in number and color at the temples.

3. If a player is done collecting tokens, the game ends.

During a turn, we take either 2 bear steles of any visible color available on the temples.

You can also choose to draw three at random or grab a token from the board.

To recover it, another bear stele of the player will have to replace it by being placed on an adjacent stele and which is not the color of the stele that you want to place.

You will then have to pay the number of steles of the same color as the adjacent steles.

The last stele placed on a temple line leads to the discard of all the steles in the bag and makes the person who places it win a stele of the temple they want.

The token is then placed on the player's personal board. We have completed a column as soon as we have two tokens when playing 4 and 3 when playing 2.

You can then perform the special actions offered by the bonus card.

The game ends when a player has collected 2 of the 4 different tokens.

Good day and good game ;)

On 09/06/2023

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone ! Today we are going to talk about 7 wonders!

7 wonders is a cooperative game of about 30 minutes for 2 to 7 players. You are the ruler of one of the 7 great cities of the ancient world. Gather resources, develop trade routes and assert your military supremacy.

Build your city and erect an architectural marvel that will transcend future times. 7 Wonders spans three ages.

At each age, players are dealt seven cards from a particular deck, choose one of those cards, and then pass the rest to an adjacent player.

Players reveal their cards simultaneously, paying resources as needed or collecting resources or interacting with other players in different ways. (Players have individual boards with special powers on which to arrange their cards, and the boards are double-sided). Each player then chooses another card from the deck passed to them, and the process repeats until players have six cards in play from that age.  After three ages, the game ends.

In essence, 7 Wonders is a card development game. Some cards have immediate effects, while others provide bonuses or upgrades later in the game.  Some cards offer discounts on future purchases. Some provide military strength to defeat your neighbors and others only give victory points.

Each card is played immediately after being drafted, so you'll know what cards your neighbor is getting and how their choices may affect what you've already built.

Cards are passed left-right-left over all three ages, so you need to keep an eye out for neighbors back and forth. Although the previous editions box is listed as being for 3-7 players, there is an official 2-player variant included in the instructions.

Good day and good game ;)

On 02/06/2023

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone ! Today we are going to talk about Dragomino!

Dragomino is an exploratory game of dominoes lasting about 15 minutes for 2 to 4 players.

The big moment has arrived. You have been named "dragon trainer", and you have the chance to meet them on a mysterious island.

But you are not the only trainer sent to these lands. Who among you will discover the most baby dragons?

Dragomino features gameplay similar to Kingdomino, but with gameplay geared towards younger players.  

At the start of a turn, you reveal four domino tiles, with each domino featuring two types of landscapes.

Starting with whoever has the mama dragon figurine, players draw a tile and add it to their landscape.

 If the newly placed tile matches the landscape of one or more adjacent tiles, then you draw an egg tile for that type of landscape and place it face up where those tiles meet.

Some eggs feature a baby dragon, which is worth 1 point; others feature an empty shell, which allows you to take the mama dragon, giving you first choice on the next turn.

After seven rounds, the game ends and the player holding the mother dragon scores 1 extra point.

Good day and good game ;)

On 26/05/2023

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone ! Today we are going to talk about Azul!

Azul is a 30-40 minute tiling strategy game for 2-4 players.

Each player will take turns taking tiles and placing them on their pattern lines. He must take all the tiles of the same color from a single factory, or take all the tiles of the same color from the center of the table. Once the player has taken the tiles, he must immediately place them on one of his pattern lines by placing them from right to left.  In the same line, only tiles of the same color can appear, and this color must not yet have been placed in this line.

When all the tiles in a line are placed, the line is considered complete. If you have captured more tiles than you had spaces, then you must place the excess in your floor line (bottom), which will inflict a penalty on you at the end of the round. Each time a player takes tiles from a factory, they must take the rest of the tiles from that factory that they did not take and place them in the center of the table. After a while, the pile in the center can be large and even dangerous, as you can be forced to take many penalties.

You are obliged to take at least one tile on each of your turns. In this phase, each player looks at their pattern lines and for each one that is complete, they can take a tile from that line and place it on the space of the corresponding color (in the same line, follow the arrow). The rest of the tiles are returned to the box.

For each tile that is placed on your wall this turn, starting with the top one and going down, we will then see if it forms a horizontal line with the others. If this is the case, a number of points equal to the size of this line is scored. Same thing for a vertical line. The two can thus be combined, but only if the tile placed this turn is part of the line. If your tile is alone, you only score one point for that tile. Score your points using the black cube on your score track.

 Finally, subtract the number of points indicated for each tile in the floor line. The number of penalty points increases over time, so the more you have in the same round, the higher the penalty will be (it starts at -1 and ends at -3 per space). Fortunately, it is impossible to go beyond 7 penalty tiles, which is still -14. Once the penalty has been deducted from your score, discard all the floor line tiles and don't forget to put the first player pawn back in the middle of the factories.

If a player has completed at least one horizontal line, then the game ends and the final scoring proceeds. If no player has completed a horizontal line, then the game continues, we put 4 tiles back on each factory. Once the game is over, for each line completed, each player scores 2 additional points.

For each completed column, 7 points. And finally, if a player has 5 identical tiles in his wall, he scores 10 points for each group of 5 tiles of identical color.

The winner is the one who has scored the most points!

Good day and good game ;)

On 19/05/2023

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Qwirkle!

Qwirkle is an approximately 45 minute tile game for 2-4 players.

Qwirkle's abstract game consists of 108 wooden blocks with six different shapes in six different colors.

There is no board, players simply use any available flat surface.

 Players start the game with six blocks.

 The first player places blocks of a single matching attribute (color or shape but not both) on the table.

Then a player adds adjacent blocks to at least one previously played block.  

The blocks must all be played online and match, without duplicates, the color or shape of the previous block.

Players score one point for each block played plus all adjacent blocks.

 It is possible for a block to mark in more than one direction.

If a player completes a line containing all six shapes or colors, six additional points are scored.  

The player then reloads their hand to six blocks.  

The game ends when the draw bag is exhausted and a player plays all of their remaining blocks, earning a six point bonus.  

The player with the highest score wins.

Good day and good game ;)

On 12/05/2023

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Dixit!

Dixit is a cooperative game of about 30 minutes for 3 to 8 players.

A player is the storyteller of the round and looks at the pictures on the 6 cards in his hand. From one of them, she composes a sentence and pronounces it aloud (without showing the card to the other players).  

Each other player selects the card in their hand that best matches the phrase and gives the selected card to the storyteller, without showing it to the others.

The storyteller shuffles her card with all the cards received.

All images are shown face up and each player must bet which image was the storyteller's.

If no one or everyone finds the correct card, the storyteller scores 0 and each of the other players scores 2.

Otherwise, the storyteller and whoever found the correct answer score 3.

Players score 1 point for each vote for their own card.  

The game ends when the draw pile is empty or if a player scores 30 points.

In both cases, the player with the most points wins the game.

The base game and all expansions have 84 cards each.

Good day and good game ;)

On 05/05/2023

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone ! Today we are going to talk about Rummukib!

Rummikub is a game of sequences of 30 to 45 minutes for 2 to 4 players where you have to put number sequences according to the tiles you have.

To win at Rummikub, you must position all your tiles on the table by making sequences or series.

Sequences: You place AT LEAST 3 consecutive tiles (i.e. on which the numbers shown follow one another) of the same color. The series: You deposit, AT LEAST, 3 tiles on which are indicated the same number but of different colors.

To start the game, each player draws 14 tiles which he then places on his easel so that the curious little ones cannot peek!!! The rest of the tiles will be used for the draw pile.

To determine who will start, each player draws a tile. The one with the highest number will start.

ATTENTION: For a player to start, the combination(s) he places on the table must be worth at least 30 points. If not, the player draws a tile and it is another player's turn.

Reminder: A combination must have at least 3 tiles, but you can also use your tiles in different ways:

 If a player uses a joker in his combination, you can recover it by placing the tile he was replacing. ATTENTION the joker must be used immediately in another combination.

 You can also add a tile at the end of a combination in order to recover the tile that is at the other end. to use it immediately in another combination).

 If you want to use a tile already positioned in a combination you can but you must absolutely replace it with another tile.

 You can also divide an already positioned suit into two. you can remove one in order to use it. The player who lays his tiles the fastest wins the game.

The other players must therefore add up the points remaining on their rack.

These points will be negative points. A joker left on your easel will cost you 30 negative points.

Good day and good game ;)

On 28/04/2023

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about SuperGang!

SuperGang is a cooperative game of about 120 minutes for 3 to 5 players.

In SuperGang, each player is the godfather of a mafia team made up of three gangsters: the killer, the dealer and the vamp (femme fatale).

The object of the game is to own a complete suburb of the city or be the last surviving gang.

A variation has a fifth player having the cops with the goal of sending all the gangs to jail.

You can steal money from the streets, sell drugs, vampirize other players' characters, buy/rob/rob shops, or kill other characters, shopkeepers, or cops.  

The killer has a kill bonus, the femme fatale can vampirize characters, and the dealer is the only one who can deal (of course).

The cops are played by the player whose turn it is (so they move every turn of each player) except in the variant where they are played by a player.

 They can testify against or arrest gangsters but they can also be bought off.

The fights (duels) are resolved in the following way and are one of the originalities of the game.

Each player involved rolls the dice according to the characters in the duel (1D6, 1D6+2 for a killer, 2D6 for a cop) and adds them up.  The highest roll acts first and is the attacker.

A cardboard figurine is set up for each character participating in the duel.

 The attacker fires the dart gun at the targets with as many darts as the difference between the totals rolled. If he shoots all the opposing characters, he wins. Then the defender shoots with the same number of darts.

This exchange continues until one player has killed all of the other's targets. A face down target means the character has been killed. Face up means he is only wounded.

 If all 3 of a player's characters are dead at the same time, he loses. He should, however, recruit reinforcements before that happens.

Good day and good game ;)


On 21/04/2023

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Loony Quest!

Loony Quest is a game of about 20-30 minutes for 2-5 players.

In the wonderful land of Arkadia, a very old king has no heir.

He organizes a tournament to offer his throne to the bravest adventurer in the kingdom.

Up to five finalists will travel through seven worlds full of surprises...

  In the drawing game Loony Quest, players study challenging level maps and then try to replicate the outline to complete objectives and avoid obstacles on their tracing sheets.

When complete, players place their sheets on top of the level map to see if the designs line up with the targets they wanted to hit or avoid.

 Largely inspired by video games, Loony Quest players discover different worlds, play with 3D and 2D levels, meet wacky monsters - Loonies - and big bosses, trigger special stages, collect bonuses, inflict penalties on their opponents and accumulate as many Xperience points as possible.

Good day and good game ;)


On 14/04/2023

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Smallworld!

Small World is a conquest game of about 60-80 minutes for 2-5 players.

In Small World, players compete for conquest and control of a world that is simply too small to accommodate them all.

Small World is inhabited by a wacky cast of characters such as dwarves, wizards, amazons, giants, orcs, and even humans, who use their troops to occupy territory and conquer adjacent lands to fend off other races. from the surface of the earth.

Choosing the right combination from 14 different fantasy races and 20 unique special powers, players race to expand their empires - often at the expense of weaker neighbors.

Yet they must also know when to push their own over-extended civilization into decline and drive a new one to victory!

 Each turn, you either use the multiple tiles of your chosen race (creature type) to occupy adjacent territories (normally) - perhaps defeating weaker enemy races along the way, or you drop your race into it. letting it "decline".

A declining race is designated by flipping the tiles to their black and white side.

At the end of your turn, you score a point (coin) for each territory occupied by your races.  

You can have an active race and a declining race on the board at the same time.

 Your occupation total may vary depending on your race's special abilities and the territories they occupy.

After the final round, the player with the most coins wins.

Good day and good game ;)


On 07/04/2023

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone ! Today we are going to talk about Mysterium!

Mysterium is a cooperative game of about 40-45 minutes for 2-7 players.

In Mysterium, one player takes on the role of a ghost while all the others represent a medium. To solve the crime, the ghost must first recall (with the help of the mediums) all the suspects present the night of the murder.

A number of suspect, location, and murder weapon cards are placed on the table, and the ghost randomly assigns one of each in secret to a psychic. Each hour (i.e., game turn), the ghost hands one or more face-up vision cards to each medium, filling their hand to seven each time they split vision cards.

These vision cards present dreamlike images to the mediums, with each medium first having to deduce which suspect matches the received vision cards.  After the ghost hands over the cards to the last medium, it begins a two-minute hourglass.

 Once a psychic places their token on a suspect, they can also place clairvoyance tokens on guesses made by other psychics to show whether or not they agree with those guesses.

After the time is up, the ghost reveals to each media whether the guesses were correct or not.

Psychics who guessed correctly move on to guessing the crime scene (and then the murder weapon), while those who did not keep their vision cards and receive new ones the next hour matching the same suspect.

Once a psychic has correctly guessed the suspect, location, and weapon, they move their token to the epilogue board and receive one clairvoyance point for each hour remaining on the clock.

They can still use their remaining clairvoyance tokens to score extra points. If one or more psychics fail to identify their suspect, location, and weapon before the end of the seventh hour, then the ghost has failed and dissipates, leaving the mystery unsolved.

If, however, they were all successful, then the ghost has recovered enough of its memory to identify the culprit. The psychics then group their suspect, location, and weapon cards on the table and place one number per group.

The ghost then selects a group, places the corresponding culprit number face down on the epilogue board, chooses three vision cards – one for the suspect, one for the location, and one for the weapon – then shuffles these cards.

Players with low clairvoyance points turn over a vision card at random, then secretly vote on which suspect they think is guilty; players with more points then turn over a second vision card and vote; then those with the most points see the final card and vote.

 If the majority of psychics have identified the correct suspect, with the ties broken by the vote of the most clairvoyant psychic, then the killer has been identified and the ghost can now rest in peace.

If not, well, maybe you can try again…

Good day and good game ;)


On 31/03/2023

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Tic tac boom!

Tic tac boum junior is a word and speed game lasting approximately 20 minutes for 2 to 10 players.

This frenetic game is a wonderful exercise in invoking words.

Within a given theme, players try to find a word containing a certain set of words before the time bomb in their hands explodes.  

The bomb is an electronic timer with a variable time allotment, and a player is only allowed to pass the bomb to the next person when they come up with a word containing the theme words.

While the creative spelling of the words in question may be frowned upon, it's up to the guy next to you to determine your fate. In the basic version, recompose the word as quickly as possible so that the bomb passes into the hands of another player.

Good day and good game ;)


On 24/03/2023

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Hanabi!

Hanabi, named after the Japanese word meaning "fireworks", is a cooperative game lasting 25 to 45 minutes for 2 to 5 players.

Players try to create the perfect fireworks display by placing the cards on the table in the correct order.

(In Japanese, hanabi is written 花火; these are respectively the ideograms flower and fire.) .

 The deck of cards consists of five different suits of cards, numbered 1-5 in each suit.

For each color, players try to place a line in the correct order from 1 to 5.

Sounds easy, right?

 Well, not quite, because in this game you hold your cards in such a way that they can only be seen by other players.  

To help other players play a card, you must give them hints regarding the numbers or colors of their cards.

Players must act as a team to avoid mistakes and complete the fireworks before they run out of cards.

Good day and good game ;)


On 17/03/2023

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Ra!

Ra covers 1500 years of Egyptian history in less than an hour for 2-5 players and a game time of 45-60 minutes.

Players seek to expand their power and fame and there are many ways to achieve this: influencing the pharaohs, building monuments, farming on the Nile, paying homage to the gods, advancing the technology and culture of the people.

Ra is an auction and set collection game. Each turn, players can buy a lot of tiles with their auction tiles (suns). The game lasts for three "epochs" (turns).

Once a player has used their suns, the other players continue until they do the same, which can create a situation with only one uncontested player bidding on tiles before the end of the round.

 Tension mounts because the round may end before all players have had a chance to win their three prizes for the time.

The different tiles give immediate points, prevent negative points from not having certain types at the end of the round (epoch), or give points after the final round.

And all this is for the glory of the Sun God Ra!

Good day and good game ;)


On 10/03/2023

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Hiroba!


In Hiroba, you have to place numbered pebbles in gardens based on the rules of sudoku and have the largest sum in these gardens to be able to score points.

For the first round, players must place a pebble on a starting circle present in the gardens (it doesn't matter which one).

Then, still in turn, the players can place a pebble by respecting the following placement rules:

-A pebble must be placed in the same row or column in which the player has already placed a pebble previously;

-There cannot be more than one pebble of the same value in the same line, column or garden (there are 2 gardens per tile);

-Each roller can be played on any side (each roller has 2 different numbers whose sum is 10);

-You cannot place a pebble where a pebble, a rock or a koi carp is already present.

If a player has a rock, he can place only one during his turn in addition to the numbered pebble. The rock is used to prevent another player from placing a pebble on it.

When all the players have placed their pebbles, the points are counted.

First, for each koi carp, the player whose sum of pebbles surrounding the carp is the lowest, wins the fish and can use it to double the value of a garden they have won.

Only one carp can be used per garden. Unused carp are worth 1 point.

Then, garden by garden, we add up the pebbles.

The player with the highest sum in a garden earns a number of points equal to the number of squares making up the garden.

We add up all the points in the gardens and the player with the most points wins the game!

Good day and good game ;)


On 03/03/2023

2 words game

2 words game


Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Thief's Destiny!


Nabbara: A city full of wonders and stories to tell - a glittering gem in the middle of the desert.

You are a thief, always on the lookout for the next target to hit.

You decide to sneak into the Royal Palace, break into its treasure room, and search for the mythical treasures said to be hidden there.

Among piles of gold, emeralds and precious jewels, you come across a chest containing a mysterious hourglass.

As soon as you touch it, you are filled with mystical energy and realize its true power: you are now able to see glimpses of your own future.

By adopting different courses of action, different paths unfold before you, allowing you to shape your future as you see fit.

Unfortunately, everyone in the palace is now after you...

Thief's Fate is a card game for 1-4 players in which each player represents a different possible future of the same character.

By visiting different locations, interacting with local characters, and making sure that certain events you've seen actually happen, you try to find the path that will take you as far away from danger as possible.

In more detail, players each have three areas in front of them: past, present and future.

Over five turns, players draft location, event, and character cards, adding them to their personal "future" area with resources on those cards.

Players extract resources from these cards, and when empty, the cards enter the player's present, after which the player can activate the power of these cards to score the fortune points they need to win the game .

Good day and good game ;)


On 24/02/2023

2 words game

2 words game


Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Sagaland!

While walking through the forest, players look at the magic items hidden under the trees and memorize them.

When the King asks for an object, you must go to the castle to announce that you have found it if you have seen this object and remember its location.

The player who announces the most items will win the game.

The game board represents the region of Sagaland. A village, from where the adventurers leave, a castle, where you have to bring your finds, and all around, a forest.


A course, made of round squares, allows you to survey the whole in order to reach the 13 fir trees which will have been previously placed in the locations provided for this purpose.

The 13 symbols on the cards correspond to those of the 13 trees planted in Sagaland.

The goal is to walk in the forest and try to find out under which trees the symbols are.

When you know where the item on the card currently on top of the deck is, you rush to the castle and announce it.

On his turn, the active player will roll the 2 6-sided dice and advance his pawn.

To move, you have to consider each of the dice separately and understand that you can move your pawn backwards or forwards, but always by the exact number of each dice.

To be clearer, once your dice are rolled, you choose which one to use for your first move.

You complete this movement, forwards or backwards.

You resolve what is happening once on your new space, then you move the exact number of dice you have left, and you resolve again what is happening on your space.

When you arrive on a space, with your first die, or the second, several things can happen:

- If it is occupied by an opponent, you send him back to the village.

- If you land on a blue square, you can discreetly look under the corresponding tree to memorize the symbol.

- If you are exactly on the "key" space of the castle, you can announce under which tree is the currently coveted object.

You then take the tree in question, you discreetly look under it.

If the symbol doesn't match the castle card, you replace the tree and crestfallen back to the village.

If the symbol corresponds to the castle card, you show it to your opponents, you proudly take the card, put it in front of you, and turn over the next one in order to have a new object to search for.

Good day and good game ;)


On 17/02/2023

2 words game

2 words game


Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about the Grail!


"Graal" is a discard game that is played over four rounds.

During the first three rounds, players attempt to win quests by playing cards from their hand one at a time and using the powers of their Legendary card.

To play a card, it must match the color or symbol of the card in play.

Some cards allow you to play again, draw a player, block a player, etc.

The first player to run out of cards wins the round and the quest card in play.

At any time during the game, if a player plays the Grail card, he can win the game instantly, if he manages to play it as his last card.

If you reach the fourth round, the Tournament, then the players compete until the last survivor: the player who has no more cards in his hand chooses the player to eliminate and takes his deck, until he only one remains.

A fun game with friends and family with accessible mechanics and twists and thrills guaranteed!

Good day and good game ;)


On 10/02/2023

2 words game

2 words game


Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Speed ​​Maps!

In a distant land, magical beings roam the Enchanted Paths: a fire-breathing dragon and a pure unicorn, a wise wizard and a brave knight, a cackling witch and a beautiful princess...

Help fairy tale characters find their way to each other. Fold the game board to connect creatures and objects.

To win, you must be the first to complete the task, so hurry up!

In the Speed ​​Maps board game, each player receives a special magic game board, which can be folded in 24 different ways. The object of the game is to fold your game board correctly and complete the task faster than other players.

Tasks differ in complexity.

There are 90 challenge cards in the game: 30 easy challenges and 60 hard challenges.

Challenge cards indicate the number of game characters that must be seen (or connected by paths) on a game board.

In order to complete an easy task, a player needs to fold the game board so that the required number of creatures or objects can be seen on one side of the board.

The difficult challenge requires that the game characters not only be seen from one side of the game board, but also connected by paths. The first player to correctly complete the task receives a card, as a reward.

The game ends as soon as a player collects 5 cards with completed tasks.

Play the game on both difficulty levels with your friends or alone.

Change the magical world of Speed ​​Maps to your liking and help fairy tale characters meet each other. Set new records and have fun with this fantastic board game!

Good day and good game ;)


On 03/02/2023

2 words game

2 words game


Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Splendor!


Splendor is a token collection and card development game.

Players are Renaissance merchants trying to buy gem mines, means of transport, shops, all with the aim of acquiring the most prestige points.

If you're rich enough, you might even be visited by a noble at some point, which of course will further increase your prestige.

On your turn, you can (1) collect tokens (gems), or (2) buy and build a map, or (3) reserve a map.

If you collect tokens, you take either three different types of tokens or two tokens of the same type.

If you buy a card, you pay its price in tokens and add it to your play area.

To reserve a card - to make sure you get it, or, why not, your opponents don't - you place it face down in front of you for later construction; it costs you a turn, but you also get gold in the form of a wild token, which you can use like any gem.

Any cards you buy increase your wealth as they give you a permanent gem bonus for subsequent purchases; some cards also give you prestige points. To win the game, you must reach 15 prestige points before your opponents.

Good day and good game ;)


On 27/01/2023

2 words game

2 words game


Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Orconomics!

Players compete to create businesses in ten industry sectors.

Businesses in each industry sector that generate income or loss and grant players abilities that can be used during the game.

As players build their business empire, they will also earn or lose trophies based on their presence in each sector and their dominance.

When a player holds a set number of trophies, the game ends immediately and that player is declared the winner.

During the game, each player has found or looted businesses in different sectors of the Orc industry: Tourism, Smuggling, Totemology etc.

The game board is made up of 10 sectors which are assembled randomly for each new game.

This gives a good replay rating as the sectors will have a different value and will affect each other.

Companies from different sectors offer a particular capacity of the sector.

For example, a leader of a totemology sector will have the ability to send a crisis to an opposing sector.

It also gives a variety of tactical decisions.

Another important part of the game - influence cards.

It's hard to get, but these cards are really powerful and can destroy your opponents' plans and become even more devastating in various combos with sector abilities.

Finally, the main concept of the game lies in the interaction of all players.

This forces a player to be involved in the game process even during the opponent's turn.

Good day and good game ;)


On 20/01/2023