2 words game

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Gnomopolis!

Hunted by humans, it's up to you brave gnomes to explore the surroundings, from 1 to 4 players, from 14 years old in 45 minutes, to find a new place for your city of Gnomopolis!

In Gnomopolis, each player seeks a thriving future for their districts, constructing buildings, collecting coins, and creating jobs for their gnomes.

Each building provides actions for gnomes and requires professions. Match gnomes to building requests and collect coins to earn victory points.

In Gnomopolis, players take turns playing, clockwise, starting from the player who started, until one of three victory conditions is met.

The game continues until all players have played the same number of rounds. Players count victory points. The player with the most victory points is declared the winner.

On each player's turn, he can take actions with all his active gnomes (in the zone) until he wants to pass. At the end of the turn, he places all his gnomes in the zone of exhausted gnomes (zone) and draws a new labor force of 3 gnomes for his next turn.

Then the next player begins their turn. Each player can do one of the following actions on their turn:

1) Move a group of gnomes from its zone of active gnomes to an empty scroll on a Building Card, a District Board or an Advisors Card to complete the action completely and immediately (you can do as many actions as you like). want to, but one must be completely concluded before the other begins).

2) Place a group of gnomes on a Building Card in the building pool to build it in your district (only once per turn).

3) Pass (to end your turn).

The end of the game occurs either if a player has built his sixth building, the old capital no longer has gnomes or the old capital no longer has coins.

To calculate the final score, each player distributes all of their gnomes to each building they have built and on their District Board.

The colors required by the buildings must be respected (at the bottom of the cards) and each gnome can count points in a single building.

The final score of each player is defined by the sum of:

+1 Victory Point for each coin;

+2 Victory Points for each gnome who satisfies the request of each Building Card in his district;

+1 Victory Points for each gnome who meets the request of the District Board; +2 Victory Points for each Advisor Card;

-1 Victory Point for each gnome that is not requested by a Building Card or District Board.

The player with the greatest amount of Victory Points declares himself the winner.

Gnomes are agile beings and organize themselves into different groups based on the color of their hats. There are six colors of gnome tokens in the game: children are green, villagers are brown, soldiers are red, merchants are yellow, artisans are blue, and inventors are gray. The white gnome pawn represents anything: it could be a child, a villager, or a specialist gnome.

Through their actions, children become villagers and villagers specialize in four professions: soldiers, merchants, artisans and inventors!

Whoever has the most victory points at the end of the game will be the winner!

You can play single-player games of Gnomopolis with the basic rules for two players. In this case, you will try to maximize your score before triggering the final victory conditions.

Good day and good game ;)

On 10/01/2025

2 words game

2 words game

Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw or Slytherin, proudly wear the colors of your House and live up to its reputation.

In each of the 8 rounds, prepare a Spell and point your wand at one of your opponents.

Then, all at the same time, cast your Spell… or protect yourself! Because if you are stunned, you risk losing points to your House.

Only the wisest wizards will be able to share the Rewards of the round and thus earn points for their House.

A game takes place over 8 rounds, each divided into 7 phases. The Chouchou announces and directs the phases of play, one after the other. The back of the Chouchou tile presents a game aid recalling these different phases.

Draw 8 Reward cards and place them, face up, in the center of the table, next to the Become the Pet card. The latter constitutes the 9th Reward, available in each round.

All at the same time, secretly choose a Stupefy or Failed Spell card from your Spell cards and place it face down in front of you.

When everyone has prepared their Spell card, the Chouchou announces “Witches, Wizards... take your wands!” ”, then count to three.

In threes, all at the same time, point your wand at one of your opponents. If you don't point to anyone at "three", it's too late.

You will therefore not target anyone during this round.

Important: For safety reasons, always aim at your opponent's chest and never at their face.

Pay close attention to the wands pointed at you and your opponents. After a few seconds of observation, the Chouchou counts to three again.

Three people, all at the same time, cast the Spell you prepared in phase 2 or the Protego Spell.

• Stupefy: Shout “Stupefy!” » and keep your wand pointed at your opponent.

• Failed Spell: Say nothing and lower your wand.

• Protego: You can always choose to protect yourself by casting a Protego Spell in place of any prepared card.

Hold your wand in front of your face and shout “Protego!” ". So you no longer target anyone.

If you have cast a Protego Spell: you are protected. Lay down your Flag and ignore all Spells that target you. Then discard your Spell card face down.

Otherwise, if you are targeted by one or more Stupefy Spells:

you are stunned. Lay down your Flag and take 1 Delay token per Stupefy Spell that targets you. Then discard your Spell card, face up.

Only players whose Flag is still standing can participate in the Sharing of Rewards.

If your Flag is still standing, starting with the Pet then clockwise, take a Reward of your choice from the revealed cards. Continue taking Rewards, in turn order, until there are no more in the center of the table.

When all 9 Rewards have been taken, the round ends.

• Keep the Successful Potion and Favor cards face down in front of you.

• Discard the Private Lessons and Time Turner cards.

• Return the Become the Chouchou card to the center of the table.

• Announce out loud the total value of the Points cards that your House

won during this Share. Then place them in the Urn in your House.

Important: Only Point cards are pooled in your House Urn. All other Reward cards are individual.

Straighten all the Flags, and then return to phase 1 Reveal the Rewards to start a new round.

The game ends after 8 rounds, when all the Prize cards have been taken.

The House with the highest score wins the game.

In the event of a tie, the Houses concerned share the victory.

Good day and good game ;)

On 03/01/2025

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about pirate history!

Hear sailors, don't be afraid, 2 to 4 players, from 10 years old in 30 minutes, to solve the most dangerous adventures!

More info: https://www.jouelejeuvaison.com/blog

Good day and good game ;)

Put on your captain's hat and navigate the 3D pirate ship using hourglasses in this unique real-time cooperative game.

As a member of an adventurous pirate crew, your goal is to be crowned Admiral of the Black, the most feared pirate ship in the Caribbean.

To earn this title, you must complete dangerous scenarios in the shortest time possible. The most innovative element of the game is that the player uses their own 30-second hourglass as a character to place on the ship to perform actions.

Each time a player places their own hourglass, they must wait until the sand runs out before they can perform the necessary action.

Each hole on the ship represents an area where you can perform a specific action: turn the ship, load cannons, shoot enemy ships, repair damage, etc.

A Tales of pirates features ten different scenarios, ranging from ordinary hacking activities like watching and shooting, to kraken hunting, prison escapes, treasure hunts and much more.

A smartphone and/or tablet app will guide players through missions, assisting with scenario data, random events, multi-pathing, upgrades, and saving game state for later sessions .

It also serves as a timer for the individual round, as the typical scenario lasts 2-3 rounds, each lasting five minutes.

Players must react to events and maneuver the ship to combat enemy gunboats, catch rich merchant ships, and avoid other obstacles. They need to communicate to agree and organize things to do, but they need to be quick because time is always running out.

A tales of pirates is a fast-paced game with simple rules, but it's exciting and involving, with great player interactions.

Unlike some other real-time cooperative games, stress is present but not dominant. The thirty-second delays, in addition to the intermittent spins, always allow you to catch your breath!

Good day and good game ;)

On 27/12/2024

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Story Cubes Harry Potter!

Little or big wizards, from 1 player, from 6 years old in 10 minutes, to create beautiful stories at Hogwarts!

In Story Cubes Harry Potter, roll the 9 dice to create ever more magical stories!

Whether you create a story alone or with others, let yourself be carried away by the dice combos to create stories, each one more magical than the last.

You can choose to either take turns being a storyteller by taking the 9 dice and telling your story to the other players, then decide which storyteller wins the round.

But you can also choose to each take a part of the dice and tell the story together with one player creating the beginning, another the middle, then the end.

Push the limits of your imagination by creating numerous stories about your Harry Potter objects and characters.

Board the Hogwarts Express and tell the story of your adventures in the heart of the Forbidden Forest, the castle or even the grounds of Qwidicth...

Fans of the famous wizard with round glasses will be able to create and invent endless stories based on the theme of their favorite saga!

Roll the dice and create stories full of twists and turns by including symbols from the enchanted and wonderful world of Hogwarts.

Your story can be serious or completely crazy, short or full of magical adventures...

There are as many story creation possibilities as there are possible dice combinations to share the magic of Hogwarts even longer...

There’s magic in the air, so here’s to your stories!

You can also add your dice from other story cubes that you may already have to create ever more varied and longer or shorter stories!

It’s up to you to create stories, each more original than the last…

Good day and good game ;)

On 20/12/2024

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we're going to talk about Monster Rush!

Bounty hunters, from 2 to 8 players from 8 years old in 10 minutes, to collect as many little monsters as possible!

In Monster Rush, the king calls on you to chase adorable little monsters from the kingdom, as they hypnotize the villagers.

Capture these adorable monsters and the King will reward you as you deserve. But be careful, each monster requires a special combination of weapons and spells to capture. Speed ​​will be your best ally. Who will be the fastest ?

A monster can be captured when the Weapon and Spell cards revealed by the players match the symbols on the Monster card.

Place the board in the center of the table between the players. Shuffle the Monster cards then distribute them into three equal piles, face down, around the board. Then return the first card of each pile to the dedicated space on the board.

Shuffle the Weapon and Spell cards and divide them into as many piles as there are players. No need to count: it is not necessary that everyone has the same number of cards. Each player receives a pile which they keep face down in front of them.

Taking turns, going clockwise, players turn over the top card of their Weapons and Spells pile and place it in front of them. Once a complete turn has been made, players turn over another card, one after the other, and place it next to the first. It is especially important not to stack the cards: they must all remain visible to all players.

The game continues like this until a monster is captured. When all symbols on a Monster card have been revealed using Weapon and Spell cards (regardless of who), players must immediately place their hand on the monster to capture it.

The fastest player wins the card and places it next to them, face up. At the end of the game, players will have to add up the values ​​indicated at the top left of the Monster cards they have collected.

If a player makes a mistake and touches a Monster card without all the symbols having been revealed, he recovers the card concerned but places it next to him face down. It will count as a negative point (-1) at the end of the game.

When a Monster card is collected by a player (because they captured the monster or because they made a mistake), draw a new Monster card from the corresponding pile and place it on the face-up space on the board. visible. In addition, each player returns their Weapon and Spell cards to the bottom of their pile, face down. The player who captured the monster starts the new turn and the game continues.

When several players try to catch different monsters, only the fastest player wins their card. If it is not possible to decide between them, look at the number at the bottom left of each card: the advantage is given to the player who touched the card with the highest value.

Whether the player made a mistake or not is irrelevant. We take into account the capture attempt on the highest value card and then check if the player made a mistake.

If several players try to catch the same monster, the fastest one wins, that is to say the one whose hand is below the others. In case of doubt (for example if the hands do not touch), the player whose hand covers the largest area of ​​the card wins.

The game ends when the last monster in one of the three piles is captured. Each player then adds the points of their face-up Monster cards and subtracts one point per face-down Monster card. The player with the most points wins the game.

In the event of a tie, the player who captured the most monsters at 5 points wins. If the tie persists, do the same with the monsters at 4 points, then at 3 points. In the (rare) case that tied players have captured exactly the same type of monsters, they share the victory.

The player who scores the most points thanks to the monsters he has captured will be declared the winner!

Good day and good game ;)

On 13/12/2024

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we're going to talk about The Fury of Ascalon!

It's up to you to escape the maze, from 1 to 4 players aged 16 and over for 90 to 120 minutes, by finding the answer to the quest!

More info: https://www.jouelejeuvaison.com/blog

Good day and good game ;)

In Ascalon's Fury, the goal is to find the exit from a maze.

The quest consists of a puzzle and six puzzles placed in three envelopes which must be opened one after the other starting with envelope 1.

The solution to each puzzle relates to the correct position and location for each of the three rotating pieces and a clue to the shield you will need at the end to secure your exit from the maze.

Start by assembling the puzzle on the rectangular shape of the poster. Read it and analyze the notebook.

When the puzzle is completed, you can open envelope 1 and read the first riddle carefully.

When the puzzle and riddles are solved, fold the poster once over the puzzle and carefully turn it over to check the back of the complete puzzle.

Open the poster and hold the red filter near the back of the puzzle to check if the position of the small puzzles is correct.

For each puzzle, there are two clue cards. You can use them however you want. Use the red filter provided to read the contents.

Start by opening the “A” card if you need a little help.

Use card “B” to guide you to the solution.

The clue cards do not contain the answers; they simply guide you in the right direction.

Good day and good game ;)

You will find the complete answers in the PDF below.

On 06/12/2024

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Michel Strogoff!

In Michel Strogoff, succeed in transmitting the Tsar's mail, from 1 to 4 players of 45 minutes from 12 years old, to prevent the fall of Irkutsk!

Russia, late 19th century. Colonel Ivan Ogareff, a traitor to his homeland, allied himself with the Tartars to invade the empire.

The Tsar asked his bravest couriers to go as quickly as possible to Irkutsk in order to warn his brother, the Grand Duke, of the danger which is about to sweep over him...

The cards are the main element of the game and represent all the different aspects of the novel: the dangers of the journey, the allies you will meet, the experience you will gain, and even the movements of the traitor Ivan Ogareff.

The game plays in quick rounds. Each player takes their entire turn, then the next player takes their entire turn clockwise.

When all the players have taken their turn, it is up to the villain of the story, Ivan Ogareff, to take action; he is represented in the game by the cardboard Traitor figurine which is always placed to the right of the first player.

The process is repeated until one player achieves victory by reaching the 11th space of the journey, Irkutsk, and defeating the traitor; or until Ivan Ogareff successfully invades Russia, defeating all players or entering Moscow with the Tartars.

Each complete round consists of the couriers phase and the traitor phase.

During the couriers phase, the player after asking (or not) for help from an ally, can choose either to advance, to rest or to face dangers.

Once all players have completed the Couriers Phase, Ivan Ogareff is then activated.

During this phase, Ogareff advances, the Tartars move, and other effects occur, such as the arrival or departure of allies who help the players, or the activation of abilities.

During the game, certain characters will move in and out of the story setting, potentially helping players with their special abilities.

At the start of his turn, a player can, if he wishes, discard an Action card from his hand (or two cards for Captain Strogoff) and activate the ability of an ally.

Only an Action card showing the portrait of one of the allies present on the board can be discarded to activate this character's ability.

If Ivan Ogareff reaches the end of his journey, place his pawn on the Irkutsk space.

From this moment on, when a Traitor Phase begins, no Action cards are drawn. Instead, roll the action die and the players activate their abilities based on the result of the die, then the Tartars advance towards Moscow the number of squares indicated by the action die.

If they enter the capital, their invasion of Russia succeeds and the players lose the game.

During his turn, if a player advances and enters square 11 of the course, Irkutsk, he does not draw a Road card, but instead begins the final duel with Ogareff which will end in victory or death!

After having eliminated all his Road cards, and if he has not lost all his energy, the player must now face Ivan Ogareff.

One by one, he must draw and then overcome as many Irkutsk Road cards as indicated by the zone in which the Ivan Ogareff pawn is located (from 3 to 5 cards).

For each card drawn, an Action card must be played from the player's hand with a corresponding icon, or lose 1 energy point. Then we move on to the next card if the player's Energy token has not reached zero.

If a player reaches zero energy, regardless of the situation, they die and are eliminated from the game.

The Irkutsk cards that were part of the confrontation are discarded (the other players can memorize the cards; knowing that they will not have to face them can help them).

The rest of the players continue to play normally. If the Irkutsk draw pile becomes exhausted, reshuffle the discarded cards.

If, after facing all the required Irkutsk cards, you have at least one energy point left, you have successfully defeated the traitor!

Good day and good game ;)

On 29/11/2024

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Vanagloria!

In Vanagloria, collect all the energy points from the source, with 2 players and more than 30 to 40 minutes from 14 years old, to become the master of Vanagloria!

There was a time when Vanagloria was an enchanted world where entities lived in peace and harmony. Unfortunately, those days are over.

Now Vanagloria is bewitched and corrupted by dark sorcerers seeking to conquer the world at the expense of life itself.

For years, these masters of black magic have fought to capture the source of energy.

The first to possess it will crush their enemies with the back of their hand.

The cards represent the game's shadow wizards and the values ​​0.50 and 100, the three levels of wizard energy concentration.

We will increase by 50 with each concentration of energy and we will lose 50 with each attack from our opponent.

The five different types of action cards allow you to:

- duplicate your wizard to introduce another wizard into the battle,

- to concentrate energy by 50 and up to 100 each time,

- to summon a magic sword which will allow you to attack your opponent,

- attack cards which allow you to attack your opponent after summoning a magic sword,

- to protect yourself with a shield.

Magic sword cards allow wizards who are equipped with them to attack an enemy wizard, inflicting 50 energy concentration damage if they did not have a shield to protect their attacked wizard.

We randomly mix 5 point cards per player to create the “general objectives” deck, then place them in the center of the playing area.

We place in front of each player a “personal objectives” deck which will contain 5 random cards from the remaining point cards.

We designate the first player at the start of the game and then play in a clockwise direction. At the end of each turn, the player to the left of the first player becomes the first player.

Each player starts the game with a wizard card at level 0 (turn the card so that the 0 is at the top).

At the start of each turn, the card from the “General Objectives” deck is revealed. If this is exhausted, the first card of each “personal objectives” deck is revealed.

Then all players must add two action cards face down to all their wizards at the same time.

Once all the cards have been added, each player will take turns revealing an action card linked to a wizard of their choice and carrying out its effect before letting the next player play.

As soon as a player has shown his last action card, the round ends when the other players have also revealed the same number of cards as the first player. Which means that if a player only has one wizard in play, the other players will only be able to use two action cards even if they still had 2 or 3 wizards.

At the end of the round, the player who has the most wizards at level 100 takes the card from the “general objectives” deck which was revealed at the start of the round. In the event of a tie, or if no player has a level 100 wizard, the card from the “personal objectives” deck is discarded.

After that, all level 100 wizards go back to 0 and all players take back their used action cards and a new round begins.

When all objective decks are exhausted, the game is over. The player who obtained the most points with the sum of the point cards from each round wins. In the event of a tie between two or more players, additional rounds will be played between them by shuffling all the objective cards. The first person to obtain an objective card wins the game.Good day and good game ;)

On 22/11/2024

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Venice!

In Venice, ride on stilts, for 2 to 4 players for 45 minutes from 10 years old, to collect all the precious stones!

More info: https://www.jouelejeuvaison.com/blog

Good day and good game ;)

In Venice, we go in search of precious stones in the heart of the city before the other players by going from piling to piling.

To reach the gems you have to find the best path in this maze.

To do this, you play cards. They allow you to place, remove, move boards and also move forward 1, 2 or 3 steps.

You can take advantage of the boards placed by your opponents to go faster. You will have to keep an eye on them, they could remove boards from under your nose.

When you arrive at the square where one of your stones is located, take it and place it on your tent, then continue your turn.

Play cards within the limit of 4 hourglasses or take a joker card. Then draw 2 cards.

If you have more than 8 cards in hand, discard the ones of your choice. Place them on the location as well as the cards played face up.

When there are no more cards in the draw pile, shuffle those already played to form a new one.

When you collect one of your precious stones, you gain an hourglass tile. It can be played immediately or during a next turn, it can be combined.

On the turn where you use hourglass tiles, you can play cards up to the limit of 4 hourglasses + 1 per tile.

During your turn, you can also exchange 4 cards of your choice for a joker that you can play immediately.

This is particularly useful when you need a specific card or when you end your turn with more than 8 cards.

Moving from one plank to another plank counts as a step, just like moving from one plank to a stilt or vice versa.


Several pawns can cross paths and be on the same board or the same stilt.

Place a joker, it replaces any card, at your convenience. You cannot have more than 2 jokers in your hand. Once played, return it to the joker pile.

The board has a second side which allows you to play in the heart of Venice at night and offers two additional stilts to open new paths.

Good day and good game ;)

On 15/11/2024

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about the Huitstitis Mariachis!

In Huit’stitis Mariachis, it’s going to be swinging, from 3 to 7 players for 15 minutes from 5 years old, to bring together the mariachi group!

You have to bring together eight mariachi marmosets, each playing a different instrument.

The first group thus formed will be able to tour the world and escape the hunters!

A master of the game is appointed. His role will be to draw the cards and arbitrate between the players in case of doubt.

If the game master cannot find out who won a card, he places it back at random in the pile.

It is not possible to play and be master of the game in the same game. If there are only two players, an adult can be asked to play this role.

Between 2 and 3 players, 4 marmosets are removed from each instrument. These cards are put aside for the entire game.

The game master draws the cards and presents them one after the other to the players.

If it is a “musician” card: the first player to imitate the musician on the card while saying the name of his instrument wins it. He then places the card in front of him, face up.

A player can win the same “musician” card several times, he then places it on similar cards in his game. This can allow him to block his opponents!

If it is a hunter card: the first player to make marmoset cries while scratching his head wins the card.

He can then choose a card of his choice from the game of one of his opponents.

The hunter card drawn is then put aside for the entire game.

The game ends when a player has collected eight different mariachi marmosets: one for each instrument.

Good day and good game ;)

On 08/11/2024

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about French Tour!

In French Tour, let's explore France, from 2 to 6 players for 20 minutes from 7 years old, and win the most cards!

In French Tour we will try to find where the places are located using clues from objective maps.

We separate the piles of face-down cards into three piles, yellow, green and blue, then we choose one of the piles.

The cards are then distributed among the players. Each player then looks to see if they have pairs composing a panorama of a monument or known place in France.

They then remove the pairs and place them face up in front of them on the table.

The player to the dealer's right then presents his face-down deck of cards to his neighbor, who takes one at random.

If the new card drawn allows you to compose a new pair, you also place it face up in front of you on the table.

All players proceed in the same way until only the “intruder” card remains, the sand rose.

Players then count 1 point per pair won. Then they keep the won pairs face up in front of them.

We then place the map of France in the center of the table and then challenge the other players to find on the map the places indicated on their pairs of cards.

The challenged player must find on the map of France in 20 seconds where the place concerned by these maps is located.

If the player succeeds, he gains an additional point. If he makes a mistake, he gives his pair of cards to the player who challenged him.

The game ends when all players have played their pairs.

The player with the most points at the end of both phases of play wins the game.

Good day and good game ;)

On 01/11/2024

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Patouche!

In Patouche, be the best shepherd, from 3 to 5 players for 15 minutes from 7 years old, but watch out for the wolf who prowls!

More info: https://www.jouelejeuvaison.com/blog

Good day and good game ;)

In Patou'che, each player plays a shepherd who dreams of having the largest flock of sheep.

But watch out for the wolf on the prowl!

He also likes sheep, and as they are afraid of him, they run away! To prevent their sheep from getting lost in the mountains, players can count on their faithful shepherd dogs: the patous.

At the start of the game, we sort the Sheep cards and the Patou cards into 2 separate piles, yellow border face up; then we place them in the center of the table.

A player receives the 3 dice and places the Wolf token on the yellow side in front of him. This player can roll the dice up to 3 times. He is obliged to keep at least 1 die after each throw.

A saved die cannot be re-rolled. Once the result of the dice suits the player, or after 3 rolls maximum, the action of each die is applied.

Then comes the next player's turn in clockwise order.

On the wolf side of the die, it moves one player to the left. This player discards as many Sheep cards not protected by a Patou card as the number of Wolves on the dice.

The cards thus discarded are put back under the deck of Sheep cards.

On the Patou side, the player takes as many Patou cards as the number of Patous visible on the dice and places them in front of him, either below a Sheep card already present, or next to another Patou card. there are no Sheep cards to protect.

If the deck of Patou cards is empty, they are taken from one of the players who has the most.

On the sheep side, the player takes as many Sheep cards as the number of Sheep visible on the dice, and places them in front of him, either above a Patou card already present to be protected, or next to the other Sheep cards already present in front of the player.

The cards are added to the right in the continuity of the fresco: the Sheep at the top, the Patous below.

As soon as a player has 6 Sheep cards, each of the other players plays again one last time.

The player with the most Sheep cards is declared the winner.

A variant allows more developed games with Patous effects and more possible dice rules, but also cooperative games!

Good day and good game ;)

On 25/10/2024

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we’re going to talk about Poule Poule!

In Poule Poule, be the fastest and observant, with 2 to 8 players for 20 minutes from 8 years old, and replenish the egg to earn points!

More info: https://www.jouelejeuvaison.com/blog

Good day and good game ;)

It's the Cannes Film Festival and the premiere of the film Poule Poule is turning into drama.

In fact, a little less than an hour before the screening, that clumsy Waf mixed up all the films!

To help Cocotte, who doesn't have a minute to lose, and to prevent Crack from breaking down for good, we must reconstruct the film as quickly as possible!

And don't forget, the story ends with the fifth egg!

A player will stack the cards, one by one, on top of each other in the center of the table. Once placed, these cards will compose the Film. Meanwhile, the other players will just have to count the eggs!

When an egg arrives in the film, it is an available egg. When a hen arrives in the film, she incubates the egg and it is no longer available. Only a fox chases away the hen and makes the egg available again.

The fastest player to tap the film, as soon as it has at least 5 eggs available, scores 1 point

(a point is represented by a section of colored egg). And here we go for a new round!

The first player to reach 3 points - who has pieced together a complete colored egg - wins the game.

When a player taps on the film, the others can choose not to question his word, and tap above his hand, or not tap, to contradict him.

In the latter case, only, we look at the slow motion. We collect the film pile - taking care not to mix any cards - we turn it over, then, card by card, starting with the one on top (the first card played in the round), replay the film again in slow motion ...

We can then add other characters like:

- Roger the farmer, who collects all the eggs laid in the film and leaves.

- Waf the dog, chases away the foxes and the chickens can continue to brood. He then leaves with the fox.

- Grrr the fox disguised as a chicken, who scares away the chickens without being chased away by Waf the dog.

- Quack the duck, which makes the player say “Quack” as soon as he passes and “Quack quack” to the second player. Players who do not say “coin” can have a pledge.

- Tigerworm the earthworm, which attracts the hen and makes it leave a hatched egg.

- Double the ostrich egg, which counts as 2 eggs and which the hen cannot hatch, but which the farmer can collect.

- Rico coco the rooster, which ends the game and the players must announce the number of available eggs present in the packet.

When a player reaches 3 points, he wins the game. If several players reach 3 points at the same time, they do one last round between them.

The first to be the only one to score a point is the winner.

Good day and good game ;)

On 18/10/2024

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we're going to talk about Lady Richmond getting fleeced!

In Lady Richmond Gets Plucked, be the most cunning, 2 to 5 players for 20 to 30 minutes from 8 years old, and recover Lady Richmond's legacy!

More info: https://www.jouelejeuvaison.com/blog

Good day and good game ;)

Tension is at its height in the Wetherby auction house. Lady Richmond suddenly died in the arms of her young lover, Jacques Monétaire.

During a hectic auction, the heirs try to acquire the best lots of the estate and leave the uninteresting items to their rivals.

To achieve this, there is no fair play: they cheat, they swap lots, and they even borrow money from another heir.

Whoever manages to navigate these hectic auctions, by betting their money intelligently, will ultimately succeed in securing the most beautiful pieces and emerge victorious from these tumultuous and crazy auctions.

Each player chooses a character and places the 3 scam tiles in their image (cheating, exchange, borrowing) face up in front of them. Each player also receives 10 coins for their personal supply.

A player turns over a card of their choice on the game board so that everyone can see it clearly.

Each time a card is turned over on the game board, each player can choose to open a bid.

To do this, he must seize the auction block. All face up cards are included in the offer.

If no one wants to make a bid, we continue until a player makes a bid

To make a bid, you collect the auction tile first. We make a first offer with the number of corresponding pieces.

Each player can then outbid or pass. If no player wants to bid again, the auction ends and the one who made the best offer wins the lot and places the cards face down in front of him. The other players collect their pieces.

The auctioneer may order:

- pauses, we then move on to the next player,

-change the cards face up to remove them and put them in the discard pile,

-payday, all players receive the missing number of coins to reach 10. If a player has more than 10 coins, he must return the excess.

-liquidation, all face up and face down cards are part of the auction. If no one takes it, the next card placed ends the auction.

The heirs can with the action tiles:

- cheat: you secretly look at two cards of your choice one after the other among those that are face down on the game board. Then put them back face down.

- exchange: this tile allows you to exchange one of the cards already acquired at auction for a card from the game board.

The game ends when all cards have been auctioned or placed in the discard pile and when the draw pile is empty.

Now count the points of your item cards by subtracting the negative points. The player with the most points wins the largest share of Lady Richmond's inheritance.

In the event of a tie, the player with the most items in a single category (e.g. largest collection of stuffed animals) will be declared the winner.

Good day and good game ;)

On 11/10/2024

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Aurignac!

In Aurignac, develop your civilization, from 1 to 5 players for 90 minutes from 12 years old, to evolve into prehistory!

Aurignac is an asymmetrical game in which you can play three roles with different mechanics.

Neanderthals will lead a clan and attempt to found new tribes and Sapiens will use their knowledge to create art.

Across the Aurignac valley, they will have to adapt and survive the different seasons and the harshness of Mother Nature who, for her part, will try to get rid of these future... Humans!

Based on a deck-building mechanic, Sapiens moves from territory to territory to hunt, collect or attack tribes.

He uses his resources to complete 3 masterpieces before the end of the 10th season and leave his signature for future generations.

Using a worker placement mechanism, Neanderthal moves, hunts, collects or attacks tribes.

He uses his resources to found 7 tribes before the end of the 10th season and thus fight against his inevitable extinction.

On a hand management mechanism, Mother Nature places resources and watches over her herds.

She chooses the climatic conditions of each season, uses her cards to react to the actions of the tribes and trigger events.

All this to prevent the Sapiens and Neanderthals from achieving their goal before the end of the 10th season.

Good game and good day ;)

On 04/10/2024

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone!

Today we are going to talk about the 20th century!

In the 20th century, develop your country, from 3 to 5 players for 90 minutes from 12 years old, to be the most prosperous country!

The urbanization of your country is up to you

A game includes six turns during which you oversee the urbanization of your country.

Some territories produce income, others scientific research, still others improve the quality of life.

Research allows you to discover new technologies that will shape the way your country develops.

Science can also help you avoid ecological disasters.

At the end of each round, your territories produce the money and research you will need to complete the challenges of the next round.

You accumulate victory points each round based on your country's quality of life.

At the end of the second and fourth rounds, you also earn additional points based on certain aspects of your country's development.

At the end of the sixth round, you score additional points based on your country's income, research, and environmental value.

A game consists of five full rounds and an abbreviated sixth round. Each round has six phases:

• Set up

• Territory Auction (and Technology Purchase)

• Disaster Prevention

• Consolidation (and Use of Technology)

• Production (and Recycling)

• Obtaining Bonuses (after rounds two, four and six)

Rounds one, three and five have no phase

of Obtaining Bonuses (even if it is always possible to

score victory points during Production).

The sixth round is abbreviated, it consists only of Consolidation, Production and the ultimate Obtaining of Bonuses.

The player with the most victory points wins since he will have built the country with the highest level of well-being.

Good day and good game ;)

On 27/09/2024

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about the Golden Age!

In Siècle d’or, investors from the Netherlands, 3 to 4 players for 60 minutes from 10 years old, fruitful developments are yours!

In Golden Age, we play merchant explorers from the Netherlands who seek to get rich by developing its different regions.

The theme of this game is the economic and cultural development of the Netherlands in the 17th century.

The game is played on a large game board in the Netherlands, divided into provinces.

Additionally, there are spaces for the West Indies and the East, and a track all around the board with the majority of spaces listing two of the ten provinces (in various combinations) which earn players varying income depending on their influences in these provinces, or income spaces which provide players with a fixed income.

The players' goal is to be the first player to gain 33 victory points, which are acquired by earning money to expand their influence in the provinces, frequent artists, invest in businesses, establish colonies in India or achieve civic progress.

These are represented by purchasing cards from one of six decks, with each deck having a particular objective.

Investment cards allow cash payments, with larger payouts for collecting sets of different values ​​(a single card is worth less than a set of three cards).

Artists provide a potentially large source of victory points, but require several rounds of patronage (i.e. money) before paying out.

Colonization cards provide ships, captains, and cannons to equip expeditions to establish colonies which yield victory points and access to the highest paying spice investment card game.

Civic cards can provide governorships in provinces (victory points and income), civic improvements (victory points), a special action that allows their holder to modify the normal rules to advance a token on the track of the board.

There are cards that also work with certain other decks, in the Civic deck (e.g. Investments, Expedition Components, etc.).

Good day and good game ;)

On 20/09/2024

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we’re going to talk about Identiquest!

In Identiquest, who will steal the most precious stones without being unmasked from 3 to 6 players for 15 minutes from 8 years old!

In Identiquest, we are precious stone thieves who must seize them, be unmasked or escape.

We shuffle the precious stone cards and place the draw pile face down in the center of the table, then we spread 5 cards from the face up pile in the center.

We then place the 7 different suspect cards in front of each player with the question mark faces up.

Each player then receives an “identity” card which they look at discreetly and place face down, without showing it to the other players.

The objective of each player will then be to steal the precious stones of the same color as their “identity” card.

Each turn, players have the right to one of two actions, steal gems or accuse a player.

To steal stones, the player takes 2 of the 5 precious stone cards placed in the center of the table and places them in front of him, this will be his loot (he places them on top of those already stolen if he has any).

We then replace the 2 stolen cards with 2 new cards from the pile in the center of the table.

To accuse a player, the player whose turn it is must report him to the police by announcing the color of the “identity” card he thinks the player has.

You must have at least 2 precious stone cards in your loot to be able to accuse another player.

If the accusation does not match the color of the offending player, the question mark card placed in front of the player will be turned over to show a red cross which indicates that the player's "identity" card is not of that color.

The player who accused him will have to give him 2 precious stone cards from his own loot.

If the accusation was justified, the accused player turns his “identity” card face up and all the other players turn their question cards of the color concerned in front of them towards the red cross.

A player is unmasked as soon as he is accused and it is the right color, he must then give 4 precious stone cards to his accuser (or the rest if he has less than 4).

A player escapes as soon as the last question mark card is turned over, he can no longer be accused.

As soon as the player has performed one of these two actions, another player takes their turn and chooses from these two choices.

The game ends when either the precious stone cards are exhausted or all players are unmasked or escaped.

Each player counts the number of precious stones in the color of their “identity” card to know the number of points they have earned.

The player with the most points wins the game.

Good day and good game ;)

On 13/09/2024

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Noli!

In Noli, let's build the most powerful seaport with 4 players for 45 minutes to be the best patron!

In Noli, we control a thriving medieval maritime city under the benevolent patronage of the powerful Republic of Genoa.

This sun-drenched fishing community has a rich history of independence, trade and competition.

Every year, in September, in order to determine the fishing rights for the following season, the gozzi (typical fishing boats of Liguria) from the four districts of Burgu, Ciassa, Màina and Portellu organize a regatta along a route of 1,600 meters, in fractions of 400 meters between buoys.

Not content with this form of competition alone, merchant families from each neighborhood compete with each other to build tall red brick towers to display their wealth.

Their successful buildings give the town of Noli its distinctive appearance, although no merchant tower can hope to match the proud castle atop Monte Ursino, whose constant vigilance and defensive walls protect Noli from Saracen raids and assaults jealous neighboring towns!

Each game follows a series of rounds, during which players will secretly bid on four actions using coins. The player who makes the highest bid for each action wins a bonus or moves closer to victory by building a floor of their tower.

Between each auction session, players frantically roll dice in real time to simulate the famous Regata-dei-Reoni. The winner of the race gets to fish in the best places, drawing from the best deck of fish cards, while the other players must draw from worse decks containing fewer fish. These cards can also feature events such as "The Saracens Attack!" and “Storm!” which disrupt the game and push players back.

If a player manages to build 6 tower floors, or have the most tower floors at the end of the game, they win!

Good day and good game ;)

On 06/09/2024

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone!

Today we're going to talk about Master Islands!

Be the first to win the maximum number of islands to become the Master Islands, 2 to 4 players for 20 minutes from 8 years old!

In Master Islands, we are corsairs who must seize as many islands as possible to become the master of the islands!

We shuffle the island cards then distribute 3 to each player and place the rest face down in a draw pile in the center of the table.

We place a first card from the draw pile face up on the table and each player chooses a color and places their two galleons on the island card face up.

A game turn is done in 3 phases. We start with the discovery phase.

We can place an island card so that it is adjacent to a card where we already have a galleon of our color (but not diagonally).

You can then move one of your galleons from a single card adjacent to the card where it is located vertically or horizontally.

If the island card placed by the player is of the same color as one of the cards where he already has a galleon, the player can put down another island card.

If this is not the case, it switches to the conquest face.

If the player has made a vertical, horizontal or diagonal alignment of cards whose sum is equal to 10, he can recover them if they do not include any galleon tokens, regardless of whether they follow each other or not.

If he cannot recover an alignment, the player moves to the resupply phase.

The player draws the number of cards he needs to fill his hand with 3 cards.

The game ends when there are no more cards in the draw pile or on the table. We then count the points already acquired by each player's 10-point island alignments.

The player with the most points at the end of the game wins.

If there is a tie, the player whose island sum is higher between the two tied players wins.

Play Master Islands in cooperative mode with a victory from 12 islands recovered or in more intense competitive mode with privateer mode where one player plays against all the others.

Good day and good game ;)

On 30/08/2024

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone!

Today we're going to talk about Ninja Camp!

Who will be the fastest and most cunning of the students? Only the best will be able to become the disciple of Sensei Saru, 2 to 4 players for 30 minutes from 8 years old!

In Ninja camp, we will try to achieve the best score by collecting Technique cards.

Each player is given two Starting Technique cards and

four ninjas of the same color, then the ninja clan cards which they place in front of them face up.

We then mix the techinque, trap and wall cards together randomly to form a training ground:

 -For 2 players, a field of 8*6 cards.

-For 3 or 4 players, a field of 8*7 cards.

Then each player will successively place one of their ninjas on a technical card on the grid until each player has their 3 ninjas placed on all different technical cards.

The active player chooses one of the following three actions:

- Play a Technique card from your hand, then place it in your discard pile.

- Activate the power of your Ninja Clan, then turn over your card (can only be used once in the game).

-       To skip the turn. If a player cannot play Technique cards or use their Ninja Clan's power, they must pass.

Unless indicated on the card, a player cannot move diagonally; through, over or end your move on an empty space, a wall or another ninja.

He cannot move on the same card twice during the same turn or return to his starting square.

The player collects the Technique card or Trap card his ninja was on at the start of his move and adds it to his hand. This step creates empty spaces in the training ground as the game progresses.

When all players have passed, the game is over.

 Players collect the Technique cards occupied by their ninjas on the training ground and place them in their discard pile.

Each player adds up the scores of the Technique cards in their hand and their discard pile.

The player with the highest score is declared the winner and earns the coveted spot as Sensei Saru's disciple!

In the event of a tie, the player who played last wins.

Good day and good game ;)

On 23/08/2024

2 words game

2 words game

Hello everyone!

Today we're going to talk about Space Bowls!

Who can best place their marble goals in space, from 2 to 8 players for 30 minutes from 8 years old!

In Space Bowls, we will try to place our balls in optimal ways to align our planets according to our objectives.

Space Bowl is a competitive, simultaneous, turn-free game.

As quickly as possible, players must identify a habitable constellation somewhere in the galaxy using a diagram based on the position of the surrounding planets, transmitted by the on-board computer.

Those who succeed are rewarded with victory points.The game is divided into a series of rounds.

The Captain takes the Destination disk as well as the marbles corresponding to the planets displayed on the Constellation card visible at the top of the Infinity & Beyond pile.

Then it launches all these elements into the On-board computer box.

The Destination disc indicates the valid Constellation card where the spaceship should go during this round.

As soon as the throw has taken place in the On-board computer box, all players immediately start looking for a valid destination among the Constellation cards, that is to say meeting the criteria defined by the on-board computer.

When a player thinks they have found a valid Constellation card, they shout “Go!” » and raises the finger (pointing towards the sky) then begins a ten-second countdown loudly (“10, 9, 8…”) during which the other players can announce “Following!” » if they also think they have found a valid Constellation card.

If a player thinks that there is no destination matching the configuration required by the On-board Computer box – even using the Joker token – he announces “We are all going to die!” »: he then turns the large Crew token in front of him with the red Button side visible, and begins a ten-second countdown (“10, 9, 8…”).

Each player counts the points earned by the destination he has proposed as follows, and moves his Crew token as many spaces on the score track.

The game ends in two cases:either when at least one player has reached the last squarethe score track (we end the current round),either when the stack of Infinity & Beyond cardsis exhausted (after 10 rounds).

The player with the most points at the end of the game wins.

Good day and good game ;)

On 16/08/2024