Play with thought

In Play with thought

On 27/07/2024

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Our Play with thought of the day comes to us from Aimé Jacquet:

“Sport is about surpassing oneself. Sport is the school of life”

Good day and good game ;)


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In Play with thought

On 20/07/2024

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Our Play with thought of the day comes to us from Mohammed Ali:

“Humble people never get very far.”

Good day and good game ;)


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In Play with thought

On 13/07/2024

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Our Play with thought of the day comes to us from Michael Jordan:

“You have to set goals before you can achieve them.”

Good day and good game ;)


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In Play with thought

On 06/07/2024

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Our Play with thought of the day comes to us from Chuck Noll:

“The thrills are not in victory, but in action.”

Good day and good game ;)


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In Play with thought

On 29/06/2024

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Our Play with thought of the day comes to us from Bruno Marie Rose:

“We learn more from our own defeats than from the defeats of others.”

Good day and good game ;)


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In Play with thought

On 22/06/2024

Play with thought

 Hello everyone!

Our Play with thought comes to us from Luis Fernandez:

 “In competition, there is always a first and a last, but the important thing is not to be second to yourself. »

Good day and good game ;)


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In Play with thought

On 15/06/2024

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Our Play with thought comes to us from Eric Tabarly:

“I don't know a winner whose victory has put him in a sad mood.”

Good day and good game ;)


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In Play with thought

On 08/06/2024

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Our Play with thought comes to us from Bernard Hinault:

“High level is a game. So you might as well live it and play it at a high level.”

Good day and good game ;)


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In Play with thought

On 01/06/2024

Play with thought

Hello everyone!

Our Play with thought of the day is a proverb from South America:

“Nobody knows who we are.”

Good day and good game ;)


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In Play with thought

On 25/05/2024

Play with thought

Hello everyone!

Our Play with thought of the day is a proverb from South America:

“The strength of the chain is in the link.”

Good day and good game ;)


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In Play with thought

On 18/05/2024

Play with thought

Hello everyone!

Our Play with thought of the day is a proverb from South America:

“A woman is like a flower: she only buds if she is watered.”

Good day and good game ;)


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In Play with thought

On 11/05/2024

Play with thought

Hello everyone!

Our Play with thought of the day comes to us from Antoine de Ernesto Guevara:

“To travel to South America is to let yourself be carried away by the fervor of life and the contagious joie de vivre of its inhabitants.”

Good day and good game ;)


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In Play with thought

On 04/05/2024

Play with thought

Hello everyone!

Our Play with thought of the day comes to us from Antoine de Saint Exupéry:

“South America is an invitation to explore the unknown, to push the limits and to discover an unsuspected part of yourself.”

Good day and good game ;)


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In Play with thought

On 27/04/2024

Play with thought

Hello everyone!

Our Play with thought of the day comes to us from Eduardo Galeano:

“To travel to South America is to let yourself be captivated by the passion of tango, the captivating rhythm of samba and the captivating songs of the Andes. »

Good day and good game ;)


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In Play with thought

On 20/04/2024

Play with thought

Hello everyone!

Our Play with thought of the day comes to us from Isabelle:

“In South America, magic happens at every moment, in the colorful streets of colonial cities as well as in the vast wilderness.”

Good day and good game ;)


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In Play with thought

On 13/04/2024

Play with thought

Hello everyone!

Our Play with thought of the day comes to us from Pablo Neruda:

“South America is an echo of infinity, where mountains defy the sky and jungles whisper age-old secrets. »

Good day and good game ;)


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In Play with thought

On 06/04/2024

Play with thought

Hello everyone!

Our Play with thought of the day comes to us from Jorge Luis Borges:

“To travel to South America is to embrace the warmth of its people, the richness of its history and the splendor of its nature.”

Good day and good game ;)


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In Play with thought

On 30/03/2024

Play with thought

Hello everyone!

Our Play with thought of the day comes to us from Che Guevara:

“In South America, every step is a discovery and every encounter is the new page of a captivating story. »

Good day and good game ;)


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In Play with thought

On 23/03/2024

Play with thought

Hello everyone!

Our Co-game of the day comes to us from Gabriel Garcia Marquez:

“South America is a compendium of passion, mystery and diversity that grabs you from the first glance.”

Good day and good game ;)


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In Play with thought

On 16/03/2024

Play with thought

Hello everyone!

Our Play with thought of the day comes from Paul Coelho:

“Traveling in South America means diving into a cultural kaleidoscope and exploring breathtaking landscapes.”

Good day and good game ;)


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In Play with thought

On 09/03/2024

Play with thought

Hello everyone!

Our Play with thought of the day comes from Isabel Allende:

“South America is a vibrant continent that reveals itself like an intoxicating dance. »

Good day and good game ;)


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In Play with thought

On 02/03/2024

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Our Play with thought of the day comes from the fable La Besace:

“We see ourselves with a different eye than we see our neighbor. »

Good day and good game ;)


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In Play with thought

On 24/02/2024

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Our Play with thought of the day comes from the fable The Hare and the Tortoise:

“There is no point in running, you have to start on time. »

Good day and good game ;)


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In Play with thought

On 17/02/2024

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Our Play with thought of the day comes to us from the fable The bear and the two companions:

“He told me that you should never sell the skin of the bear until it has been put on the ground. »

Good day and good game ;)

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In Play with thought

On 10/02/2024

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Our Play with thought of the day comes from the fable The Rat and the Oyster:

“Such is taken who thought he was taking.”

Good day and good game ;)

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In Play with thought

On 03/02/2024

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Our Play with thought of the day comes to us from the fable The advantage of science:

"Let the fools say, knowledge has its price"

Good day and good game ;)

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In Play with thought

On 27/01/2024

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Our Play with thought of the day comes to us from the fable The plowman and his children:

“But the father was wise to show them before his death that work is a treasure. »

Good day and good game ;)

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In Play with thought

On 20/01/2024

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Our Play with thought of the day comes to us from the fable the cochet, the cat and the mouse:

“Beware, as long as you live, of judging people on their looks. »

Good day and good game ;)

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In Play with thought

On 13/01/2024

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Our Play with thought the day comes from the Cat and an old rat:

“Mistrust is the mother of security”

Good day and good game ;)

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In Play with thought

On 06/01/2024

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Our Play with thought of the day comes to us from the golden egg hen:

“Greed loses while wanting to gain everything.”

Good day and good game ;)

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In Play with thought

On 30/12/2023

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Our Play with thought of the day comes to us from the donkey and the dog:

"We have to help each other, it's the law of nature. »

Good day and good game ;)

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In Play with thought

On 23/12/2023

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Our Play with thought of the day comes to us from the fable The Raven and the Fox:

“Learn that every flatterer lives at the expense of the one who listens to him. »

Good day and good game ;)

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In Play with thought

On 16/12/2023

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Our Play with thought of the day comes to us from the fable The Lion and the Rat:

“Patience and length of time do more than strength or rage.”

Good day and good game ;)

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In Play with thought

On 09/12/2023

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Our Play with thought of the day comes to us from the fable The Fox and the Goat:

“In everything, the end must be considered. »

Good day and good game ;)

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In Play with thought

On 02/12/2023

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Our Play with thought of the day comes from Anne Bernard:

“If you start the game, you have to play it to the end. »

Good day and good game ;)

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In Play with thought

On 25/11/2023

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Our Play with thought of the day comes from Jacques-Henri Meister:

"It is not usually more lively than that of gambling. A gambler begins by becoming disgusted with any other occupation, and ends most often by rendering himself incapable of any other interest."

Good day and good game ;)

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In Play with thought

On 18/11/2023

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

 Our Play with thought of the day comes to us from Albert Brie:

« Play is a child's most serious occupation; the most frivolous being education. »

 Good day and good game ;)

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In Play with thought

On 11/11/2023

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Our Play with thought of the day comes from Pierre-Jules Stahl:

“The passion for games is, like any strong passion, capable of anything.”

Good day and good game ;)

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In Play with thought

On 04/11/2023

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Our Play with thought of the day comes from an Arabic quote:

“When your weary mind wants to relax by some game, use it like salt with which you season your meat. »

Good day and good game ;)

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In Play with thought

On 28/10/2023

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Our Play with thought of the day comes from Sully Prudhomme:

“The game changes character with age. For the child, it consists in representing life; for the teenager, to dream it; for the young man, to activate it; for the grown man, to distract himself from it.”

Good day and good game ;)

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In Play with thought

On 21/10/2023

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Our Play with thought of the day comes from Tristan Bernard:

“You can pass for an honest man and cheat at the game without anyone suspecting you. »

Good day and good game ;)

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In Play with thought

On 14/10/2023

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

 Our Co-game-to of the day comes from Vladimir Jankélévitch:

“The only really playful game is the game with seriousness: because a game which would only be playful, and in no way would tease seriousness, this game would break all records for boredom; this game would be more boring than serious.

Remove one of the two opposites, game or serious, and the adventure ceases to be adventurous: if you remove the playful element, the adventure becomes a tragedy, and if you remove the serious, the adventure becomes a game. of cards, a paltry pastime and a make-believe adventure.”

Good day and good game ;)

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In Play with thought

On 07/10/2023

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Our Play with thought of the day comes from Philippe Bouvard:

“The game gave me emotions and memories. »

Good day and good game ;)

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In Play with thought

On 30/09/2023

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Our Play with thought of the day comes from Victor Hugo:

“Making a good face out of bad looks is the habit of sea captains.”

Good day and good game ;)

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In Play with thought

On 23/09/2023

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Our Play with thought of the day comes from Samuel Ferdinand:

"Luck in game does not last forever."

Good day and good game ;)

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In Play with thought

On 16/09/2023

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Our Play with thought of the day comes from Victor Cherbuliez:

"Life is a game, and when you're not lucky you have to be a good player."

Good day and good game ;)


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In Play with thought

On 09/09/2023

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Our Play with thought of the day comes from Marcel Achard:

“Life is a card game where the heart is never the trump card! »

Good day and good game ;)


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In Play with thought

On 02/09/2023

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Our Play with thought of the day comes from the Dalai Lama:

"It does not matter whether a being is a believer or not, it is more important that he is good."

Good day and good game ;)


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In Play with thought

On 26/08/2023

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Our Play with thought of the day comes from Lao-Tseu:

“Returning good for good and good for evil is effective kindness.»

Good day and good game ;)


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In Play with thought

On 19/08/2023

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Our Play with thought of the day comes from Lao-Tseu:

“When fear does not watch, what was to be feared happens. »

Good day and good game ;)

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In Play with thought

On 12/08/2023

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Our Play with thought of the day comes from Lao-Tseu:

“Knowing how to be content with what you have is to be rich.”

I am enriched by our exchanges and your support, thank you all! :)

Good day and good game ;)

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In Play with thought

On 05/08/2023

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Our Play with thought of the day comes from Lao-Tseu:

“The wise can discover the world without crossing its door. He sees without looking, accomplishes without acting. »

Good day and good game ;)

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In Play with thought

On 29/07/2023

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Our Play with thought of the day comes from a Tibetan proverb:

“The word should be dressed like a goddess and soar like a bird. »

Good day and good game ;)

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In Play with thought

On 22/07/2023

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Our Play with thought of the day comes to us from Lao-Tseu:

“The more the wise give to others, the more he possesses. »

Good day and good game ;)

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In Play with thought

On 15/07/2023

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Our Play with thought of the day comes to us from Lao-Tseu:

“The more the wise give to others, the more he possesses. »

Good day and good game ;)

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In Play with thought

On 08/07/2023

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Our Play with thought of the day comes to us from Okakura Kakuzo:

“Those who are unable to sense the smallness of great things in themselves are ill-prepared to discern the greatness of small things in others. »

Good day and good game ;)

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In Play with thought

On 01/07/2023

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Our Play with thought of the day comes to us from Abe Kobo:

“The suffering of imprisonment lies in the fact that one cannot, at any time, escape from oneself. »

Good day and good game ;)

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In Play with thought

On 24/06/2023

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Our Play with thought of the day comes from Rabindranàth Tagore:

« If you close the door to all errors, the truth will remain outside.»

Good day and good game ;)

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In Play with thought

On 17/06/2023

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Our Play with thought of the day comes from Confucius:

“Listen a lot, in order to diminish your doubts; be attentive to what you say, so as not to say anything superfluous; then you will rarely make mistakes.”

Good day and good game ;)

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In Play with thought

On 10/06/2023

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Our Play with thought of the day comes from Hwang Sok-Yong:

 “You must not be afraid of the waves which agitate your soul. That's life."

Good day and good game ;)

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In Play with thought

On 03/06/2023

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Our Play with thought of the day comes to us from Julius Caesar:

“Alea jacta est” or “The dice are cast”.

Good day and good game ;)

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In Play with thought

On 27/05/2023

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Our Play with thought of the day comes from Marcel Pagnol:

“If you can no longer cheat with your friends, there is no longer any point in playing cards.”

Good day and good game ;)

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In Play with thought

On 20/05/2023

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Our Play with thought of the day comes from Friedrich Nietzsche:

“Every man hides within him a child who wants to play. »

Good day and good game ;)

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In Play with thought

On 13/05/2023

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Our Play with thought of the day comes from a Polish proverb:

“It is not difficult to play, but to stop playing. »

Good day and good game ;)

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In Play with thought

On 06/05/2023

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Our Play with thought of the day comes from Gallimard:

“The game has no meaning other than itself. »

Good day and good game ;)

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In Play with thought

On 29/04/2023

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Our Play with thought of the day comes from Aristotle:

"You have to play to become serious..."

Good day and good game ;)

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In Play with thought

On 22/04/2023

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Our Play with thought of the day comes from Georges Bernard Shaw:

“You don't stop playing when you get old, but you get old when you stop playing. »

Good day and good game ;)

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In Play with thought

On 15/04/2023

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Our Play with thought of the day comes from Bernard Werber:

“All games, including those that seem the simplest, conceal ancient wisdom. »

Good day and good game ;)

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In Play with thought

On 08/04/2023

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Our Play with thought of the day comes from Jim Harrison:

"Nothing is more easily lost than the meaning of the game."

Good day and good game ;)

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In Play with thought

On 01/04/2023

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Our Play with thought of the day comes from Joëlle Oulières:

“To play is to love, to no longer be afraid and to live. »

Good day and good game ;)

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In Play with thought

On 25/03/2023

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Our Play with thought of the day comes from a Baoulé proverb:

"You don't play by watching a game."

Good day and good game ;)

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In Play with thought

On 18/03/2023

Play with thought


Hello everyone !

Our Play with thought of the day comes from Ben Honagan:

“I play with friends, but we don't necessarily play a friendly game. »

Good day and good game ;)

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In Play with thought

On 11/03/2023

Play with thought


Hello everyone !

Our Play with thought of the day comes from Plato:

"You can learn more about someone in an hour of play than in a year of conversation."

Good day and good game ;)

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In Play with thought

On 04/03/2023

Play with thought


Hello everyone !

Our play with thought of the day comes from Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio.

“If a secret remains, it is inside the soul that it is found, in the long series of desires, legends, masks and songs that mingles with time and resurfaces and runs on the skin of peoples like the scattered in summer.”

Good day and good game ;)

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In Play with thought

On 25/02/2023

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Our play with thought of the day comes from Amin Maalouf.

“Facts are perishable, believe me, only the legend remains.”

Good day and good game ;)

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In Play with thought

On 18/02/2023

Play with thought

Hello everyone !

Our play with thought of the day comes from Stefan Zweig.

“It is rare for truth to make up for lost ground on legend.”

Good day and good game ;)

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In Play with thought

On 11/02/2023

Play with thought


Hello everyone !

Our play with thought of the day comes from Hans Christian Andersen.

“The good and the beautiful are not forgotten, they live in legends and songs.”

Good day and good game ;)

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In Play with thought

On 04/02/2023

Play with thought


Hello everyone !

Our play with thought of the day comes from Jean Cocteau.

“History is true that deforms, the legend of false that is embodied.”

Good day and good game ;)

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In Play with thought

On 28/01/2023

Play with thought


Hello everyone !

Our play with thought of the day comes to us from Charles de Gaulle.

“It is with myths and legends that one values ​​an ambition and that one builds the nation.”

Good day and good game ;)

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In Play with thought

On 21/01/2023

Play with thought


Hello everyone !

Our play with thought of the day comes to us from Gustave Le Bon.

“Tales, legends, works of art, even novels, are much more truthful than history books. They express the sensitivity of an era, whereas the rational language of historians does not make it known. "

Good day and good game ;)

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