
JJV's Offs

On 20/02/2022 0

In JJV's Offs

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus from the JJV Offs!

 She's from elsewhere ! ^^

I don't have to justify myself, but I will do it anyway because at the time these remarks hurt me deeply and if my example can be used, so be it :)

"She takes the room and the work of someone from the area":

  1. The room is mine (yes, I am the owner ^^)
  2. My post did not exist before I created it ^^

 Strange logic, moreover, during the COVID period which means that: 

"Yes, but it's your place, you don't pay rent"

 And if, missed ^^. No one is forbidding anyone to buy their premises, eh instead of paying rent ^^ A good hearer :) 

And :

 "It is easier for you to click and collect, you already have a site" 

At the same time, I trained myself to have my site, it didn't happen by snapping my fingers, eh ... ^^

   Or : 

"That's it, are you going back to your home in the northwest?" The banker who took overdraft fees without overdrafts ...

" No, it's my accounts that go back there, I stay with my husband, here, at home. 

And to finish in style: 

"Anyway we can insult her, she is not from the south"

Well yes, let's go cheerfully ... ^^ 

No matter what you are told, if you have a plan, don't listen to unwarranted remarks. 

By saving your time and energy by ignoring these people, you will have a lot more to offer to the people who deserve it ... 

Good day and good game ;)


joue le jeu vaison offs

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