

JJV's Offs

On 20/10/2024

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “JJV Offs”!

“A life without love is like a year without sunny days. »

When you love what you do, you have less difficulty finding new ideas and sharing your passion with any enthusiast or enthusiast you meet along the way...

If I didn't have the ambition to share with you the world of gaming and what makes it unique and sometimes improbable to surprising, I wouldn't have opened the store.

Sharing my passion for board games with you means sharing my playful and passionately curious side.

“Love is not a feeling, it is a force, a virtue. » as Elizabeth de Bagréef-Spéeanski or Alphonse Karr said so well, “Love is what gives you the desire and the strength to build”.

The love of what we do with passion is a unique and inestimable strength!

I love each year that passes, building with you and seeing a fun world of endless imagination and talent evolve, it’s just great!

Without this love of games, I would no longer be here to offer you unique fun nuggets that suit you...

The playful world shines and enriches us with unique and timeless moments every day and that's why I decided to do what I do, play and make you play!

Our exchanges around games, at the store or elsewhere, are what allow me day after day to enrich myself with life experience, smiles, real laughs, friendly teasing.

I love sharing these unforgettable moments with you, so thank you to you too!

Good day and good game ;)


18 10 24poulepoule

2 words game

On 18/10/2024

Hello everyone !

Today we’re going to talk about Poule Poule!

In Poule Poule, be the fastest and observant, with 2 to 8 players for 20 minutes from 8 years old, and replenish the egg to earn points!

More info:

Good day and good game ;)

It's the Cannes Film Festival and the premiere of the film Poule Poule is turning into drama.

In fact, a little less than an hour before the screening, that clumsy Waf mixed up all the films!

To help Cocotte, who doesn't have a minute to lose, and to prevent Crack from breaking down for good, we must reconstruct the film as quickly as possible!

And don't forget, the story ends with the fifth egg!

A player will stack the cards, one by one, on top of each other in the center of the table. Once placed, these cards will compose the Film. Meanwhile, the other players will just have to count the eggs!

When an egg arrives in the film, it is an available egg. When a hen arrives in the film, she incubates the egg and it is no longer available. Only a fox chases away the hen and makes the egg available again.

The fastest player to tap the film, as soon as it has at least 5 eggs available, scores 1 point

(a point is represented by a section of colored egg). And here we go for a new round!

The first player to reach 3 points - who has pieced together a complete colored egg - wins the game.

When a player taps on the film, the others can choose not to question his word, and tap above his hand, or not tap, to contradict him.

In the latter case, only, we look at the slow motion. We collect the film pile - taking care not to mix any cards - we turn it over, then, card by card, starting with the one on top (the first card played in the round), replay the film again in slow motion ...

We can then add other characters like:

- Roger the farmer, who collects all the eggs laid in the film and leaves.

- Waf the dog, chases away the foxes and the chickens can continue to brood. He then leaves with the fox.

- Grrr the fox disguised as a chicken, who scares away the chickens without being chased away by Waf the dog.

- Quack the duck, which makes the player say “Quack” as soon as he passes and “Quack quack” to the second player. Players who do not say “coin” can have a pledge.

- Tigerworm the earthworm, which attracts the hen and makes it leave a hatched egg.

- Double the ostrich egg, which counts as 2 eggs and which the hen cannot hatch, but which the farmer can collect.

- Rico coco the rooster, which ends the game and the players must announce the number of available eggs present in the packet.

When a player reaches 3 points, he wins the game. If several players reach 3 points at the same time, they do one last round between them.

The first to be the only one to score a point is the winner.

Good day and good game ;)


Ca déboite, 1 minute flat 93 Aquaman

On 17/10/2024


Hello everyone !

Let’s discover a new game in today’s Ca déboite!

Maybe you'll find some game to enjoy around a table and play for a few minutes or a few hours!

Good discovery and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

On 13/10/2024

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “JJV Offs”!

“The stranger is a friend whom we have not yet met. »

In my life and within the store, I have been lucky to meet great people!

I have never been afraid of discovering new people, because I believe that we all have something to discover and learn from each other…

During the outdoor events, for example, I had the great experience of meeting extraordinary people through their open-mindedness and their joy of living!

I think in particular of my Sereno players, with whom I enjoy chatting and joking while we play.

I also think of the Fada team, teamalia, Adamo, bossnlite and all those that I cannot name but who remain in my memory and my daily life for my greatest pleasure. ;)

Thank you to those who also went a long way with me, Mac Donald de Saint Romain, Mistigri, the Ludovores, Ludica Romana, and who fortunately continued to progress in their own way. :)

I find that we discover even more about the people we meet through board games.

The game remains quite revealing of characters, just as much as a good conversation, as shared music or books...

So I am very happy on a daily basis to have found and continue to meet strangers who have often become acquaintances, friends quite often and always great encounters!


Good day and good game ;)


11 10 24lady richmonds

2 words game

On 11/10/2024

Hello everyone !

Today we're going to talk about Lady Richmond getting fleeced!

In Lady Richmond Gets Plucked, be the most cunning, 2 to 5 players for 20 to 30 minutes from 8 years old, and recover Lady Richmond's legacy!

More info:

Good day and good game ;)

Tension is at its height in the Wetherby auction house. Lady Richmond suddenly died in the arms of her young lover, Jacques Monétaire.

During a hectic auction, the heirs try to acquire the best lots of the estate and leave the uninteresting items to their rivals.

To achieve this, there is no fair play: they cheat, they swap lots, and they even borrow money from another heir.

Whoever manages to navigate these hectic auctions, by betting their money intelligently, will ultimately succeed in securing the most beautiful pieces and emerge victorious from these tumultuous and crazy auctions.

Each player chooses a character and places the 3 scam tiles in their image (cheating, exchange, borrowing) face up in front of them. Each player also receives 10 coins for their personal supply.

A player turns over a card of their choice on the game board so that everyone can see it clearly.

Each time a card is turned over on the game board, each player can choose to open a bid.

To do this, he must seize the auction block. All face up cards are included in the offer.

If no one wants to make a bid, we continue until a player makes a bid

To make a bid, you collect the auction tile first. We make a first offer with the number of corresponding pieces.

Each player can then outbid or pass. If no player wants to bid again, the auction ends and the one who made the best offer wins the lot and places the cards face down in front of him. The other players collect their pieces.

The auctioneer may order:

- pauses, we then move on to the next player,

-change the cards face up to remove them and put them in the discard pile,

-payday, all players receive the missing number of coins to reach 10. If a player has more than 10 coins, he must return the excess.

-liquidation, all face up and face down cards are part of the auction. If no one takes it, the next card placed ends the auction.

The heirs can with the action tiles:

- cheat: you secretly look at two cards of your choice one after the other among those that are face down on the game board. Then put them back face down.

- exchange: this tile allows you to exchange one of the cards already acquired at auction for a card from the game board.

The game ends when all cards have been auctioned or placed in the discard pile and when the draw pile is empty.

Now count the points of your item cards by subtracting the negative points. The player with the most points wins the largest share of Lady Richmond's inheritance.

In the event of a tie, the player with the most items in a single category (e.g. largest collection of stuffed animals) will be declared the winner.

Good day and good game ;)


Ca déboite, 1 minute flat 92 Rainbow Speed

On 10/10/2024


Hello everyone !

Let’s discover a new game in today’s Ca déboite!

Maybe you'll find some game to enjoy around a table and play for a few minutes or a few hours!

Good discovery and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

On 06/10/2024

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “JJV Offs”!

“When there is room in the heart, there is room in the house. »

I am always keen to introduce you to the world of board games, because we share many convivial moments there.

And then, as I always say, the more we play games, the more we laugh. ;)

Having unique conversations and moments around board games with you is as good a time for me as it is for you.

Offering you classic games to the most original is also a way for me to open up as you open up to me.

Games have held a special place in my heart since I was little. From my first battle at my grandparents' house to all our daily active games, I never tire of playing and even more so with you!

My favorite board game is sharing it with you in Vaison and elsewhere. My favorite roll of the dice is opening the store. My favorite pawns are the ones that I install and move with you in the heart of the store and outside on a daily basis.

There is room in my heart, like in the store, for beautiful future moments with you! ;)

I look forward to sharing new discussions and games around board games, because these moments teach us a lot about each other.

I am therefore keen to continue to offer you the most beautiful things about the gaming world, its diversity of games and its conviviality.

I plan to stay in the game to continue the game with you! Let's play ;)

Good day and good game ;)


04 10 24aurignac

2 words game

On 04/10/2024

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Aurignac!

In Aurignac, develop your civilization, from 1 to 5 players for 90 minutes from 12 years old, to evolve into prehistory!

Aurignac is an asymmetrical game in which you can play three roles with different mechanics.

Neanderthals will lead a clan and attempt to found new tribes and Sapiens will use their knowledge to create art.

Across the Aurignac valley, they will have to adapt and survive the different seasons and the harshness of Mother Nature who, for her part, will try to get rid of these future... Humans!

Based on a deck-building mechanic, Sapiens moves from territory to territory to hunt, collect or attack tribes.

He uses his resources to complete 3 masterpieces before the end of the 10th season and leave his signature for future generations.

Using a worker placement mechanism, Neanderthal moves, hunts, collects or attacks tribes.

He uses his resources to found 7 tribes before the end of the 10th season and thus fight against his inevitable extinction.

On a hand management mechanism, Mother Nature places resources and watches over her herds.

She chooses the climatic conditions of each season, uses her cards to react to the actions of the tribes and trigger events.

All this to prevent the Sapiens and Neanderthals from achieving their goal before the end of the 10th season.

Good game and good day ;)


Ca déboite, 1 minute flat 91 Banner

On 03/10/2024


Hello everyone !

Let’s discover a new game in today’s Ca déboite!

Maybe you'll find some game to enjoy around a table and play for a few minutes or a few hours!

Good discovery and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

On 29/09/2024

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “JJV Offs”!

“Prudence does not prevent all misfortunes, but lack of prudence never fails to attract them. »

With the covid crisis we have all seen our situations weakened…

It was then necessary to develop other strategies to continue to keep businesses running.

Within the store, as soon as we knew that by disinfecting we could continue to sell even online and by takeaway, I immediately relaunched sales on the site by following the necessary actions for the safety of my customers and Click and Collect for my customers in Vaison and the surrounding area.

At the same time, to continue to offer you supports and continue this link around the games that we have, I have increased the publications on social networks.

I couldn't see myself waiting for time to pass and seeing if the store would hold up if I sat idly by waiting for the crisis to pass.

So I took matters into my own hands by offering you advice by telephone, email and social networks to find the fun nuggets which I hope will help bring you some happy moments with family and friends.

After a normal games festival in 2020, we had to adapt to this crisis and its consequences on our everyday lives.

Games were “non-essential”, like many other areas, and the empty store all day is what weighed on me the most during this crisis regarding my store…

I was very happy to be able to find you, even masked, at the store and at outdoor events.

Moreover, covid has made outdoor events much more attractive than in-store events. It’s completely understandable after what we’ve been through…

I had carefully planned what I needed to survive the crisis, which allowed me to cope and continue to share my passion for board games with you.

And then, I was lucky (and I still am) to have a golden clientele like you, who continued and continues to believe in my store.

So thank you all!

Good day and good game ;)


27 09 24 20emesiecle

2 words game

On 27/09/2024

Hello everyone!

Today we are going to talk about the 20th century!

In the 20th century, develop your country, from 3 to 5 players for 90 minutes from 12 years old, to be the most prosperous country!

The urbanization of your country is up to you

A game includes six turns during which you oversee the urbanization of your country.

Some territories produce income, others scientific research, still others improve the quality of life.

Research allows you to discover new technologies that will shape the way your country develops.

Science can also help you avoid ecological disasters.

At the end of each round, your territories produce the money and research you will need to complete the challenges of the next round.

You accumulate victory points each round based on your country's quality of life.

At the end of the second and fourth rounds, you also earn additional points based on certain aspects of your country's development.

At the end of the sixth round, you score additional points based on your country's income, research, and environmental value.

A game consists of five full rounds and an abbreviated sixth round. Each round has six phases:

• Set up

• Territory Auction (and Technology Purchase)

• Disaster Prevention

• Consolidation (and Use of Technology)

• Production (and Recycling)

• Obtaining Bonuses (after rounds two, four and six)

Rounds one, three and five have no phase

of Obtaining Bonuses (even if it is always possible to

score victory points during Production).

The sixth round is abbreviated, it consists only of Consolidation, Production and the ultimate Obtaining of Bonuses.

The player with the most victory points wins since he will have built the country with the highest level of well-being.

Good day and good game ;)


Ca déboite, 1 minute flat 90 Smiley Games

On 26/09/2024


Hello everyone !

Let’s discover a new game in today’s Ca déboite!

Maybe you'll find some game to enjoy around a table and play for a few minutes or a few hours!

Good discovery and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

On 22/09/2024

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “JJV Offs”!

“He who goes slowly, goes surely, and he who goes surely, goes far.”

I have always taken the time to quietly think about what I offer you on a daily basis, both for games, activities and services.

That's why I like to celebrate the store's birthdays every year for the last 6 years with you in the store and in events.

I can indeed question myself about the past year and ask what new ideas I can offer you for the following year.

And then seeing where we started from to progress a little more each year, I find that stimulating.

I like to search and find new things to offer you, simply because I always try to do better than what I have been able to do before.

I like to move at my own pace and try to offer you things that sometimes work and sometimes don't, the most important thing is to see what allows you to progress, successful or not...

I plan to continue looking for ways to offer you new things every year, because I love sharing my passion for gaming with you.

Good day and good game ;)


20 09 24siecledor

2 words game

On 20/09/2024

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about the Golden Age!

In Siècle d’or, investors from the Netherlands, 3 to 4 players for 60 minutes from 10 years old, fruitful developments are yours!

In Golden Age, we play merchant explorers from the Netherlands who seek to get rich by developing its different regions.

The theme of this game is the economic and cultural development of the Netherlands in the 17th century.

The game is played on a large game board in the Netherlands, divided into provinces.

Additionally, there are spaces for the West Indies and the East, and a track all around the board with the majority of spaces listing two of the ten provinces (in various combinations) which earn players varying income depending on their influences in these provinces, or income spaces which provide players with a fixed income.

The players' goal is to be the first player to gain 33 victory points, which are acquired by earning money to expand their influence in the provinces, frequent artists, invest in businesses, establish colonies in India or achieve civic progress.

These are represented by purchasing cards from one of six decks, with each deck having a particular objective.

Investment cards allow cash payments, with larger payouts for collecting sets of different values ​​(a single card is worth less than a set of three cards).

Artists provide a potentially large source of victory points, but require several rounds of patronage (i.e. money) before paying out.

Colonization cards provide ships, captains, and cannons to equip expeditions to establish colonies which yield victory points and access to the highest paying spice investment card game.

Civic cards can provide governorships in provinces (victory points and income), civic improvements (victory points), a special action that allows their holder to modify the normal rules to advance a token on the track of the board.

There are cards that also work with certain other decks, in the Civic deck (e.g. Investments, Expedition Components, etc.).

Good day and good game ;)


Ca déboite, 1 minute flat 89 Knights of RT

On 19/09/2024


Hello everyone !

Let’s discover a new game in today’s Ca déboite!

Maybe you'll find some game to enjoy around a table and play for a few minutes or a few hours!

Good discovery and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

On 15/09/2024

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “JJV Offs”!

“To take revenge for an offense is to put oneself on the level of one’s enemy; to forgive him is to put oneself above him. »

Since the time that I have suffered the uncomfortable behavior of certain individuals out of a spirit of “competition”, I believe that my patience and my resilience no longer need to be proven…

When you send your friends to tell you that “what you are selling is crap…. ". Whether they come to the front of the store or allow themselves to insult me ​​in the street of “la c…….” board games”, we don’t really have any moral lessons to give to our “competitor” as you like to call me…

Almost 6 and a half years without flinching in the face of all this, because as I told you in person when you came to ask me in my own store “Could we be united?” ".

I told you that I was not interested in showing solidarity with people who denigrate my store and my values...but that I would not return the favor, because that's simply not me...

However, I forgave you a while ago, because I decided to focus my attention and energy on something more useful and constructive, my store!

I'm talking about this so that you understand once and for all that I will NEVER respond to your baseness, whatever the level...

I hope for you at some point that you will be able to refocus on yourself to appreciate what life has to offer you.

I wish you good sales and lots of good things in your professional and personal lives, but without me...

Good day and good game ;)


13 09 24identiquest

2 words game

On 13/09/2024

Hello everyone !

Today we’re going to talk about Identiquest!

In Identiquest, who will steal the most precious stones without being unmasked from 3 to 6 players for 15 minutes from 8 years old!

In Identiquest, we are precious stone thieves who must seize them, be unmasked or escape.

We shuffle the precious stone cards and place the draw pile face down in the center of the table, then we spread 5 cards from the face up pile in the center.

We then place the 7 different suspect cards in front of each player with the question mark faces up.

Each player then receives an “identity” card which they look at discreetly and place face down, without showing it to the other players.

The objective of each player will then be to steal the precious stones of the same color as their “identity” card.

Each turn, players have the right to one of two actions, steal gems or accuse a player.

To steal stones, the player takes 2 of the 5 precious stone cards placed in the center of the table and places them in front of him, this will be his loot (he places them on top of those already stolen if he has any).

We then replace the 2 stolen cards with 2 new cards from the pile in the center of the table.

To accuse a player, the player whose turn it is must report him to the police by announcing the color of the “identity” card he thinks the player has.

You must have at least 2 precious stone cards in your loot to be able to accuse another player.

If the accusation does not match the color of the offending player, the question mark card placed in front of the player will be turned over to show a red cross which indicates that the player's "identity" card is not of that color.

The player who accused him will have to give him 2 precious stone cards from his own loot.

If the accusation was justified, the accused player turns his “identity” card face up and all the other players turn their question cards of the color concerned in front of them towards the red cross.

A player is unmasked as soon as he is accused and it is the right color, he must then give 4 precious stone cards to his accuser (or the rest if he has less than 4).

A player escapes as soon as the last question mark card is turned over, he can no longer be accused.

As soon as the player has performed one of these two actions, another player takes their turn and chooses from these two choices.

The game ends when either the precious stone cards are exhausted or all players are unmasked or escaped.

Each player counts the number of precious stones in the color of their “identity” card to know the number of points they have earned.

The player with the most points wins the game.

Good day and good game ;)


Ca déboite, 1 minute flat 88 Oro del oro

On 12/09/2024


Hello everyone !

Let’s discover a new game in today’s Ca déboite!

Maybe you'll find some game to enjoy around a table and play for a few minutes or a few hours!

Good discovery and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

On 08/09/2024

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “JJV Offs”!

“Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet. »

If there is one quality of mine that has always been useful to me in life and especially in the store, it is patience...

I wanted at all costs to develop moments around board games with you and not just sell them to you.

The events at the store took off quite quickly and were going pretty well from the start.

I had to be more patient with the outdoor activities which started timidly.

Patience can seem bitter when you are not immediately recognized for the experience you can offer.

But as they say “Rome was not built in a day”, every project is built, needs to mature and develop in order to evolve perpetually.

We put our stones in place one after the other and then we adjust them if they are not ready to build something solid.

And then over time, we reap the sweet fruits of what we sowed and we know why it was worth the wait.

Now, since covid, my outdoor activities are very calm and my outdoor activities are very dynamic.

This is why I chose to introduce games with “Discover Games” to introduce beginners to board games and why not help find new players. ;)

Everyone receives their blessings, there is no point in being jealous or eyeing the good things that other people gain...

What takes time to build often lasts longer than what is hastily built.

Good day and good game ;)



Back to school with games

On 07/09/2024

Hello everyone !

From September 9 to 14, from 30 euros of purchase at the store, benefit from a 10% reduction on your next purchase*1 and a surprise for any purchase at the store.

On Wednesday, September 11, come and enjoy a free manual finger twister workshop all day long! *2

So it's up to you ;)

*1 reduction valid per basket and household until October 31, 2024 and cannot be combined with other reductions.

*2 presence of an adult required during the manual workshop From 6 years old and 4 children maximum at the same time.

06 09 24noli

2 words game

On 06/09/2024

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Noli!

In Noli, let's build the most powerful seaport with 4 players for 45 minutes to be the best patron!

In Noli, we control a thriving medieval maritime city under the benevolent patronage of the powerful Republic of Genoa.

This sun-drenched fishing community has a rich history of independence, trade and competition.

Every year, in September, in order to determine the fishing rights for the following season, the gozzi (typical fishing boats of Liguria) from the four districts of Burgu, Ciassa, Màina and Portellu organize a regatta along a route of 1,600 meters, in fractions of 400 meters between buoys.

Not content with this form of competition alone, merchant families from each neighborhood compete with each other to build tall red brick towers to display their wealth.

Their successful buildings give the town of Noli its distinctive appearance, although no merchant tower can hope to match the proud castle atop Monte Ursino, whose constant vigilance and defensive walls protect Noli from Saracen raids and assaults jealous neighboring towns!

Each game follows a series of rounds, during which players will secretly bid on four actions using coins. The player who makes the highest bid for each action wins a bonus or moves closer to victory by building a floor of their tower.

Between each auction session, players frantically roll dice in real time to simulate the famous Regata-dei-Reoni. The winner of the race gets to fish in the best places, drawing from the best deck of fish cards, while the other players must draw from worse decks containing fewer fish. These cards can also feature events such as "The Saracens Attack!" and “Storm!” which disrupt the game and push players back.

If a player manages to build 6 tower floors, or have the most tower floors at the end of the game, they win!

Good day and good game ;)


Ca déboite, 1 minute flat 87 Match 5

On 05/09/2024


Hello everyone !

Let’s discover a new game in today’s Ca déboite!

Maybe you'll find some game to enjoy around a table and play for a few minutes or a few hours!

Good discovery and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

On 01/09/2024

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “JJV Offs”!

Little miracles every day!

I am one of those people who think that we can enjoy all the little things in everyday life.

In the world of board games, I would say that each moment that I share with you around a game, a discussion is unique.

All these good little moments are for me my little daily miracles, because I never get tired of sharing all these moments with you...

So finding the game that makes you laugh together and have a good time is great!

Allowing you to offer your loved ones players gems that they would not necessarily have discovered elsewhere is also one of my objectives.

And then share with you play times that are always friendly and bring us closer together, these are moments out of time...

I always look forward to coming and joining you at the various events, whether my events or the co-hosted events.

Because coming to your contact to make you play and have a good time, these are little playful miracles…

I love being the one who makes you play solo as much as sharing these moments of animation with colleagues from the gaming world!

 Because each animation, or each game or service sold, these are always instructive moments of discussion that help me progress on a daily basis.

I like to progress so that I can share even more unique moments with you, these are my little everyday miracles!

Good day and good game ;)



2 words game

On 30/08/2024

Hello everyone!

Today we're going to talk about Master Islands!

Be the first to win the maximum number of islands to become the Master Islands, 2 to 4 players for 20 minutes from 8 years old!

In Master Islands, we are corsairs who must seize as many islands as possible to become the master of the islands!

We shuffle the island cards then distribute 3 to each player and place the rest face down in a draw pile in the center of the table.

We place a first card from the draw pile face up on the table and each player chooses a color and places their two galleons on the island card face up.

A game turn is done in 3 phases. We start with the discovery phase.

We can place an island card so that it is adjacent to a card where we already have a galleon of our color (but not diagonally).

You can then move one of your galleons from a single card adjacent to the card where it is located vertically or horizontally.

If the island card placed by the player is of the same color as one of the cards where he already has a galleon, the player can put down another island card.

If this is not the case, it switches to the conquest face.

If the player has made a vertical, horizontal or diagonal alignment of cards whose sum is equal to 10, he can recover them if they do not include any galleon tokens, regardless of whether they follow each other or not.

If he cannot recover an alignment, the player moves to the resupply phase.

The player draws the number of cards he needs to fill his hand with 3 cards.

The game ends when there are no more cards in the draw pile or on the table. We then count the points already acquired by each player's 10-point island alignments.

The player with the most points at the end of the game wins.

If there is a tie, the player whose island sum is higher between the two tied players wins.

Play Master Islands in cooperative mode with a victory from 12 islands recovered or in more intense competitive mode with privateer mode where one player plays against all the others.

Good day and good game ;)


Ca déboite, 1 minute flat 86 Master Islands

On 29/08/2024


Hello everyone !

Let’s discover a new game in today’s Ca déboite!

Maybe you'll find some game to enjoy around a table and play for a few minutes or a few hours!

Good discovery and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

On 25/08/2024

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “JJV Offs”!

My superpower: making you smile!

During playtime, one of the children I look after told me after experiencing a difficult moment that I was the “Wonder Woman of Smiles”.

I found it super cute and then I asked him why and he told me “because even when I’m sad, you make me smile every time, so you’re the Wonder Woman of smiles”.

I already don't understand why and how you can hurt people and have a clear conscience, but then hurting children really annoys me.

I didn't have many funny moments growing up and this is my way of showing them that we can get through it despite everything life throws at us...

I am now happy that my personal experience can help me understand these children more than anyone else and help them to smile again for a moment...

Because I know what a smile costs when life is not easy from childhood, I love seeing their little faces smile and hearing them burst out laughing...

I love these moments suspended in time where they can escape their daily lives for a moment and enjoy being children like any other...

Even in entertainment in general and in the store, you tell me that I often have a smile.

I have a smile because I haven't always had it and because sharing my passion for board games with you is above all sharing good moments of sharing and laughter.

Sharing my passion with you to bring you closer to each other through games is just invaluable to me!

So if I can bring a smile to your face and make you laugh, young and old, I will continue to do it every day.

I also intend to stay for these children and for you the “Wonder Woman of smiles”. It’s my superpower that I hope I never lose so I can share it with you. ;)

Good day and good game ;)



2 words game

On 23/08/2024

Hello everyone!

Today we're going to talk about Ninja Camp!

Who will be the fastest and most cunning of the students? Only the best will be able to become the disciple of Sensei Saru, 2 to 4 players for 30 minutes from 8 years old!

In Ninja camp, we will try to achieve the best score by collecting Technique cards.

Each player is given two Starting Technique cards and

four ninjas of the same color, then the ninja clan cards which they place in front of them face up.

We then mix the techinque, trap and wall cards together randomly to form a training ground:

 -For 2 players, a field of 8*6 cards.

-For 3 or 4 players, a field of 8*7 cards.

Then each player will successively place one of their ninjas on a technical card on the grid until each player has their 3 ninjas placed on all different technical cards.

The active player chooses one of the following three actions:

- Play a Technique card from your hand, then place it in your discard pile.

- Activate the power of your Ninja Clan, then turn over your card (can only be used once in the game).

-       To skip the turn. If a player cannot play Technique cards or use their Ninja Clan's power, they must pass.

Unless indicated on the card, a player cannot move diagonally; through, over or end your move on an empty space, a wall or another ninja.

He cannot move on the same card twice during the same turn or return to his starting square.

The player collects the Technique card or Trap card his ninja was on at the start of his move and adds it to his hand. This step creates empty spaces in the training ground as the game progresses.

When all players have passed, the game is over.

 Players collect the Technique cards occupied by their ninjas on the training ground and place them in their discard pile.

Each player adds up the scores of the Technique cards in their hand and their discard pile.

The player with the highest score is declared the winner and earns the coveted spot as Sensei Saru's disciple!

In the event of a tie, the player who played last wins.

Good day and good game ;)


Ca déboite, 1 minute flat 85 Loops

On 22/08/2024


Hello everyone !

Let’s discover a new game in today’s Ca déboite!

Maybe you'll find some game to enjoy around a table and play for a few minutes or a few hours!

Good discovery and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

On 18/08/2024

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “JJV Offs”!

I will always be inspired to play the game!

We Play the Game in Vaison and elsewhere!

Here, in the surrounding area and elsewhere, I am very happy to be able to offer you playtime where we share smiles, unique moments, laughter in an always friendly atmosphere!

The most important thing for me is to offer you playtime that suits you and where we enjoy a moment of sharing moments as unique as you...

I am still as motivated as at the start of the activities to always offer you new things to try and your enthusiasm motivates me even more.

I try to do everything I can to adapt as much as possible to your wishes of the moment, I even learned some basic Italian to go and co-host there…

There’s no stopping me when it comes to playing the game!

Especially when you co-host with crazy hosts who are always caring and friendly. Grazie mille Macandcheesy ;)

We are lucky in the gaming world to have the majority of players who are always motivated even if sometimes a little undisciplined :p

As they say “he who tries nothing, achieves nothing”, so if we can try to slip in a point and the animators don’t see anything it goes well… Isn’t that right Aless’gioc ^^ Grazie mille ;)

And then sometimes it's me who forgets to count my points or does one thing too much when I realize it, but René, Yves, Yvette or Anne keep an eye on things. :p  I just have to behave ;)

And then by meeting you in activities, I am also very happy to discover lots of interesting topics around games.

Thanks to my Sereno players for mutually sharing our knowledge and chatting during game times... :)

Grazie mille Anna, Maria, Alless’gioc, Machandcheesy, Dolores, Gulia e tutti gli giocattori di questa equipa fantastica ;)

Good day and good game ;)



2 words game

On 16/08/2024

Hello everyone!

Today we're going to talk about Space Bowls!

Who can best place their marble goals in space, from 2 to 8 players for 30 minutes from 8 years old!

In Space Bowls, we will try to place our balls in optimal ways to align our planets according to our objectives.

Space Bowl is a competitive, simultaneous, turn-free game.

As quickly as possible, players must identify a habitable constellation somewhere in the galaxy using a diagram based on the position of the surrounding planets, transmitted by the on-board computer.

Those who succeed are rewarded with victory points.The game is divided into a series of rounds.

The Captain takes the Destination disk as well as the marbles corresponding to the planets displayed on the Constellation card visible at the top of the Infinity & Beyond pile.

Then it launches all these elements into the On-board computer box.

The Destination disc indicates the valid Constellation card where the spaceship should go during this round.

As soon as the throw has taken place in the On-board computer box, all players immediately start looking for a valid destination among the Constellation cards, that is to say meeting the criteria defined by the on-board computer.

When a player thinks they have found a valid Constellation card, they shout “Go!” » and raises the finger (pointing towards the sky) then begins a ten-second countdown loudly (“10, 9, 8…”) during which the other players can announce “Following!” » if they also think they have found a valid Constellation card.

If a player thinks that there is no destination matching the configuration required by the On-board Computer box – even using the Joker token – he announces “We are all going to die!” »: he then turns the large Crew token in front of him with the red Button side visible, and begins a ten-second countdown (“10, 9, 8…”).

Each player counts the points earned by the destination he has proposed as follows, and moves his Crew token as many spaces on the score track.

The game ends in two cases:either when at least one player has reached the last squarethe score track (we end the current round),either when the stack of Infinity & Beyond cardsis exhausted (after 10 rounds).

The player with the most points at the end of the game wins.

Good day and good game ;)


Ca déboite, 1 minute flat 84 Kiza

On 15/08/2024


Hello everyone !

Let’s discover a new game in today’s Ca déboite!

Maybe you'll find some game to enjoy around a table and play for a few minutes or a few hours!

Good discovery and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

On 11/08/2024

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “JJV Offs”!

When it comes to playing, we're never last!

I'm very happy to see that when it comes to playing, you are never last!

Play time resumed joyfully as soon as gatherings were authorized again and we were able to take advantage of this to get back to playing.

Young and old alike, this is the time when we get together around board games which are also very precious to me…

You are always very fond of discoveries and new games to try to have a good time together.

I'm happy to see residents become strategists and call me to order when I inadvertently forget to apply one of the rules of the game...or even fight mercilessly :)

I also like this little sneaky side that we can have around a game...Around a game, there are no friends, no loved ones, the game is the game... ;)

We're all on an equal footing, with the same rules and that's what's great because it gives a good framework for expressing your strategies during a game...

I love seeing you enjoy the games, your good mood, your less good moods when you lose, your laughter and smiles which inspire me to always do more for you and you always offer more new things.

I also love to tease you just as much as you love to tease me during playtime, with dirty tricks, jokes, always rich exchanges, etc…

And for the little ones to make them smile again and see them burst out laughing despite the events of life they are going through, that’s just my greatest reward…

So thank you for sharing with me the passion for board games and see you soon to play. ;)

Good day and good game ;)



2 words game

On 09/08/2024

Hello everyone!

Today we're going to talk about Angry Birds Space!

Who can knock down the pigs and score the most points, from 2 players for 15 minutes from 4 years old!

In Angry Birds Space, we will try to knock down the pigs and pieces of wood to win the most points on the game mat.

We install the play mat where an area is defined to place the pieces of wood and the pig on it.

The mat is marked with several play areas with points depending on where the pig and the pieces of wood fall.

We then move away from the mat a few meters to target the playing area with one of the two angry birds in the game.

We then aim for the pig, the pieces of wood or the point areas that interest us in three attempts.

If we do not reach 1000 points during a round with three shooting attempts, we note the player's points.

We then replace the elements so that the next player can also try to reach 1000 points in 3 shooting attempts.

You earn 100 points if the pig falls to the ground and 50 additional points for each piece of wood that falls on the carpet.

The game zones where the pigs or the ends of points fall earn the additional points indicated on the zone.

The first player to 1000 points wins the round and the player with the most points after several rounds wins the game.

You can increase the level of difficulty by moving a little further away from the playing area or with additional challenges such as aiming with the opposite hand from your usual hand or with your back turned, etc.

All you have to do is be imaginative and let your angry birds express themselves! It's up to you to play and have a good time!

Good day and good game ;)


Ca déboite, 1 minute flat 83 Imakoo

On 08/08/2024


Hello everyone !

Let’s discover a new game in today’s Ca déboite!

Maybe you'll find some game to enjoy around a table and play for a few minutes or a few hours!

Good discovery and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

On 04/08/2024

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “JJV Offs”!

The last will be first !

As Mika Hakkinen says, “To be a good winner, you have to be a good loser.” »

When you are passionate about what you do, you fall much more often than you rise. What would be a shame would be not to get up after falling...

Because to be better than you were before, you have to know how to fall, lose, start again, fall again, lose, and always get back up to win small victories day after day.

The first were not always first, they progressed, tested, failed, tried again and finally got there.

After covid, I was unable to restart in-store events, but outdoor events resumed even better than before thanks to my determination.

If we start telling ourselves that we are going to lose or not succeed, we will only have a greater chance of losing if we think about trying and trying again until we manage to do something...

When I started some outdoor events, I didn't think I could do it because it was a whole new style of audience.

And then, I put an action plan in place with small concrete actions to carry out to achieve other, larger actions.

I even almost stopped certain activities for fear of not living up to the expectations we had from playtime...

And then if a goal scares us, it’s because we’ve set the bar high enough and we’re on the right track to get out of our comfort zone and develop our goals.

So I worked twice as hard on what was causing me difficulty in order to be able to meet the demands that were asked of me during these play times.

And today, I am very happy that I didn't give up and didn't give up, because I gained more experience and development from the store's playtime...

It’s often on the other side of your comfort zone that you make the best progress!

If your goals scare you, it’s because they take you out of your comfort zone, but you will see that if you do it, you will end up thanking yourself!

A defeat is a victory, because it teaches us much more about ourselves than a victory. ;)

Good day and good game ;)



2 words game

On 02/08/2024

Hello everyone!

Today we are going to talk about Cortex!

Who can rebuild their brain the fastest by taking on the logic challenges, from 2 to 6 players for 15 minutes from 8 years old!

In Cortex be the first to find the solution to four different logic puzzles to rewire your brain and win the game!

Place the test cards in a pile in the center of the table, then turn the first face up.

We will then try to find the answer to the riddle as quickly as possible by putting our hand on the card as soon as we think we have found it.

We then give the answer by showing the card and once verified if the answer is correct, the player wins a card which he places in front of him.

Each player can only have 4 cards in front of him, he will have to discard any if he has more or exchange two identical cards (same back) for a piece of puzzle brain.

If he made a mistake, the card is discarded and a new challenge card is turned over to start a new challenge.

The challenges are made up of 8 different types of challenges:

- The orientation where we will leave from the starting point and find our way to arrive at the place indicated by the arrows.

- The color sequence where we start from the image surrounded by a red circle then we rely on the background color of the animal to find the next animal, then the next, etc.

- The intruder where you have to find the different shape among three shapes.

- The fusioform where we find which shapes made up the main form.

- Constellation where we find the constellation containing the most stars.

- Coordination where we must either with the left hand (blue symbol) or the right (red symbol) beat the sign surrounded by a red shifumi circle.

- Calculation where you must give the result of the calculation starting from a number in red.

- Olfactory challenge where you rub the card face down and try to find the smell hidden behind it. Only the player who won the last card completes this challenge.

The game ends as soon as a player has completed the four pieces of their brain puzzle.

Good day and good game ;)


Ca déboite, 1 minute flat 82 The Eyes

On 01/08/2024


Hello everyone !

Let’s discover a new game in today’s Ca déboite!

Maybe you'll find some game to enjoy around a table and play for a few minutes or a few hours!

Good discovery and good game ;)

7 2jeueteaout 1

In summer in Vaison, we play the game!

On 31/07/2024



Hello everyone !

From 1 to August 31, for 50 euros of purchase in the store, benefit from a 5 euro reduction on your next basket.*1

On Wednesdays July 10 and 24, enjoy a free windmill creation workshop all day long! *2

So it's up to you ;)

*1 reduction valid per basket and household until October 31, 2024 and cannot be combined with other reductions.

*2 presence of an adult required during the manual workshop. From 6 years old and 4 children maximum at the same time.


JJV's Offs

On 28/07/2024

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “JJV Offs”!

You have to know how to lose!

We don't always succeed in what we do whatever the field, but we have definitely lost when we haven't learned anything from it...

Defeat teaches us much more than victory because it helps us point out a point for improvement.

In games as in life, I am not a bad loser.

For example, I decided to no longer take vouchers from Vaison town hall for the next Christmas, because I was receiving fewer and fewer.

 I then deduced that my products were no longer suitable for the people who came to have them for Christmas.

I have classics, but also an original range of board games that I particularly care about and which my regulars enjoy all year round.

I don't plan to start a game where we don't play fair, so I preferred to withdraw from the game.

Because I'm willing to accept a defeat but certainly not to hear that we won't use the voucher (I quote) "at someone racist's store", when we have just entered there to take some advice on games to use the voucher at my colleague’s store later…

I am very happy that my colleague was able to take advantage of these ladies' vouchers, it is well deserved. Thank you to the town hall of Vaison for showing an interest in the store for its Christmas vouchers.

So yes, this time I lost. I would not play the game of disrespect and defamation to get vouchers…

It was already enough to be called racist live and in front of everyone on Google just because of a faulty internet connection…

However, we cannot use the pretext of a comment on the Internet to stupidly use it as if words had no impact on people, Madam.

Well done Madam, you can rejoice, your comment hurt my feelings... However, I only wish you good in return, because I would never rejoice at your misfortune... That’s just not who I am.

Thank you for your ambivalent morality which allowed me to learn to detach myself from people's gaze!

I would also like to thank once again all these wonderful customers and loved ones who supported me in the face of this gratuitous nastiness!

I learned that I could count once again (as with covid) on an extraordinary clientele.

I will continue to be with you so that in Vaison, We Play the Game! <3

Good day and good game ;)


7 2jeueteaout

In summer in Vaison, we play the game!

On 27/07/2024


Hello everyone !

From August 1 to 31, for 50 euros of purchase in the store, benefit from a 5 euro reduction on your next basket.*1

On Wednesdays August 7 and 21, enjoy a free windmill creation workshop all day long! *2

So it's up to you ;)

*1 reduction valid per basket and household until October 31, 2024 and cannot be combined with other reductions.

*2 presence of an adult required during the manual workshop. From 6 years old and 4 children maximum at the same time.


2 words game

On 26/07/2024

Hello everyone!

Today we are going to talk about one finger!

All together, point to a number of fingers hoping to guess the number face down, from 2 to 5 players for 10 minutes from 8 years old!

In one finger, don't lose sight of the other players to see who will point their finger on the map!

A draw pile of button cards is placed in the center of the table, with the numbers visible.

We then announce a number between 0 and the number of fingers placed on the card, therefore from 0 to 5 maximum.

Players then immediately choose to either lift their finger from the card or leave it resting on the card.

The announcement is successful if the number of fingers remaining on the card corresponds to the number announced by the player and the effect of the card is applied.

The player who made the announcement wins the card and another card from the pile is revealed, changing the player who announced the number.

If the announcement is missed, we play again with the same card until the announcement is successful.

The red button allows you to win the card if the announcement is successful, the thief button allows you to steal a card of the same number announced from the piles of other players if it is of the same value.

The double button card allows you to place another button, number face up, and play to win two cards at once.

When there is only one card left and the draw pile is exhausted, the game is over and each player counts the number of cards he has accumulated in front of him.

The player with the most cards wins the game!

Good day and good game ;)


Ca déboite, 1 minute flat 81 Gobbit AG

On 25/07/2024


Hello everyone !

Let’s discover a new game in today’s Ca déboite!

Maybe you'll find some game to enjoy around a table and play for a few minutes or a few hours!

Good discovery and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

On 21/07/2024

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “JJV Offs”!

Everything to gain!

I hesitated a lot 6 years ago before opening the store... And then, I told myself that I had nothing to lose and rather everything to gain! As the sayings go, “He who tries nothing, achieves nothing” and “He who lives will see”…

I hesitated, because the gaming world was a little present but spread out a lot around Vaison. I wondered if I would have enough players or those close to players to be able to offer board games in Vaison and its surroundings.

And not to simplify things, I gave myself the additional objective of specializing also with independent games, always very interesting, but nevertheless less known to the general public...

And since “luck favors the bold”, always according to a saying, I ended up taking a year to mature my project and train myself in the necessary tools and launched myself.

Since I love challenges, I said to myself why not also offer Vaison moments where we Play the Game!

So, alongside in-store and online sales, I launched in-store game events which were going pretty well until covid.

And word of mouth has meant that private and public structures have trusted me to provide support to their residents and employees.

And then as a local business, I offered cyberspace which was very useful when it was still available. Too bad the abuse from some people forced me to put an end to it…

However, I remain focused every day on the photocopying, scanning and Pick Up parcel services that are useful to you on a daily basis.

When I look back on its first six years, I have gained a lot with all of you on a daily basis.

I matured, learned, made mistakes in order to progress better later, “braced myself and let it be said” as a great businesswoman from Vaison had advised me…

But that’s how I am, I don’t know how to do things by halves, but I have learned to stay calm in the face of life’s challenges.

I also don't know how to reciprocate harm when it is done to me... You don't heal a wound by moving a knife...

All these negative and above all mostly positive experiences allowed me to gain from it!

Thank you again to everyone for sharing my fun journey and living your passion for board games with me. ;)

Good day and good game ;)



2 words game

On 19/07/2024

Hello everyone!

Today we’re going to talk about The Diary of a Wimpy Kid!

Be the first to complete the challenges within the time limit, from 2 to 6 players from 20 to 40 minutes from 8 years old!

Ready, set… Hurry!

Greg and his friends challenge you, each one faster and funnier than the last!

The game “Diary of a Wimpy Kid; 10 second challenge” includes everything you need to deflate your best friends.

It's not that the challenges are difficult (okay, some are), but you'll need luck and skill to complete them in less than 10 seconds.

There are ball challenges, cube challenges, intellectual challenges and challenges that sometimes literally bring you closer to your opponents!

Move forward on the board each time you complete a challenge. It's much more fun than letting others overtake you!

Things will get tougher when, with the dice and the ball on your head, you will have to kneel down and name 8 teachers, types of ice cream or breeds of dog at the same time.

The game board tells you the actions you must perform and if you progress quickly, your life will not be that of a loser, but of a glorious victor.

There are 3 categories of challenges: solo, categories and two players. Will you be the champion or the loser?

Choose one of six characters to move, place them at the start, and let the race begin! Players take turns rolling the die and moving around the game board, taking on challenges as they arise.

Each round, players draw a challenge card and determine whether they will accept the challenge or pass it on to the next player. Challenges can be solo, category-based, or two-player. Successfully pass a card to advance as instructed, but fail and you will have to move back one space.

The last four squares on the game board are “no” squares. On your turn, instead of rolling the die, you take a challenge card and complete the challenge.

This time you can't refuse it.

The first player to complete their race wins!

Good day and good game


Ca déboite, 1 minute flat 80 Go ball

On 18/07/2024


Hello everyone !

Let’s discover a new game in today’s Ca déboite!

Maybe you'll find some game to enjoy around a table and play for a few minutes or a few hours!

Good discovery and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

On 14/07/2024

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “JJV Offs”!

A daily victory!

When I see the playful world that is shared more and more on a daily basis, I tell myself that we are lucky to have so many choices of board games...

The more varied the choice of games and adapted to all of us, the more we want to start or get back into board games.

And then, sharing a fun moment around a table is so unique and enjoyable that it would be a shame to deprive yourself of it.

We have talented creators who allow us to play in different universes and with various styles of game mechanics, from the simplest to the most complex…

The daily victory is to succeed in bringing together amateurs and seasoned gamers to share a pleasant moment together.

My greatest victory is seeing you fully enjoy the moment around the games during outdoor activities and events.

Seeing you create or bond with other players through games is a huge reward for me!

So as long as you live the fun adventure to the fullest with me, I will continue to offer you games and activities as unique as you all!

Good day and good game ;)



2 words game

On 12/07/2024

Hello everyone!

Today we're going to talk about Stupid Giants!

Be the first giant to climb the mountain to catch 7 stars and win the game, 3 to 6 players for 30 minutes from 7 years old!

In Stupid Giants, let's chase the stars to become the best giant!

The first player takes 2 actions. Pray to the Ancestor and take a free rock without anything on it to move it either to a space on the ground (never in the water), or to another free rock or occupied only by the Head of the Ancestor.

 Finally, he must take the Head of the Ancestor and place it on the displaced rock! Climb the mountain to jump and catch stars!

From the next round, everyone first has 2 free actions, to distribute freely: pray to the Ancestor, then move OR the opposite OR pray twice (to move 2 rocks) OR move their giant twice.

Then, he can stop his turn OR... let out another cry! Another giant (any one) then rolls the big opposition die: As long as the giant receives flowers, he can continue!

With each new cry, the big opposition die will be thrown...

In short, a giant's turn ends when the player decides to do so OR... when he receives a nonos or a carcass in his face OR... when he has caught stars OR when he has lost a fight.

At the end of these 2 actions, a giant can stop its turn OR... show its stupidity and let out a cry of giant effort! Alerted by this cry, another giant (any one) rolls the small opposition die.

Then he decides again whether to stop his turn OR... let out another cry of effort!

Another giant (any) then rolls the medium opposition die.

He moves his giant to a neighboring square: on the ground or on a rock located maximum 1 level higher.

Giants never move diagonally!

Jumping ! A giant who spends an action to move to a neighboring square located 2, 3 or 4 rocks lower, performs a jump.

He grabs 2, 3 or 4 stars respectively and advances his little cube on the score board! His turn is over.

Coming down from a single rock is not jumping, it is called walking for a giant and his tour continues...

The fall of a giant (shot to the carcass, defeat in a fight) never allows you to catch stars.

If a giant jumps from 5 rocks (the maximum height) he does not catch stars, but enters the legend!

The game is then immediately over, the other giants stand up and applaud his victory by KO!

If there is no victory by KO then the first giant to obtain 7 stars wins the game!

Good day and good game ;)


Ca déboite, 1 minute flat 79 Flip Hop

On 11/07/2024


Hello everyone !

Let’s discover a new game in today’s Ca déboite!

Maybe you'll find some game to enjoy around a table and play for a few minutes or a few hours!

Good discovery and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

On 07/07/2024

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “JJV Offs”!

I had a dream !

I have always dreamed of working in a field that brings people together and brings smiles to their faces...

This is also why I worked as a waitress with a smile and motivation, because in the restaurant people come together to enjoy a good time.

When I worked at Picard, I carefully learned about the cold chain process and product compositions to be able to best advise customers.

And then I moved towards entertainment for children and teenagers, because providing them with support and a smile on a daily basis is great.

Without forgetting what we receive in return: the smiles, the moments of complicity, the activities that make them grow and gain self-confidence, among other things…

I often meet up with the children and teenagers I had during the post-Christmas events in the town where I come from. It’s always a pleasure to see how they have evolved.

I may be naive, but I think that you can bring people together and get closer to them when you have the necessary open-mindedness to do so…

And so I took the chance to have a commercial premises to launch my slightly crazy, but so exciting project of creating the store so that in Vaison we too can Play the Game!

Because beyond looking at game boxes to read what is written there, I have tested the majority of the games that I offer you.

For what ?

Quite simply because, who can tell you about games better than a passionate person who has been playing since they were a child?

I continue to play every day and I am curious about all types of games long before being simply a store that sells games.

And then the ultimate project concerning the store, it was for me the consecration with the animations!

Rather present in store before covid, I can now offer you and enjoy exquisite moments during outdoor activities with you!

I had a dream, on my modest scale, to succeed in bringing people together and I believe that I am in the process of making it come true, so thank you for your daily trust and enthusiasm, once again. ;)

Good day and good game ;)



2 words game

On 05/07/2024

Hello everyone!

Today we're going to talk about Flip Hop!

Do the snail break dance as quickly as possible, with 2 to 4 players for 15 minutes from 6 years old!

In Flip Hop, recompose the snail dance in the correct order before the other players to win the break dance card.

We turn over an “objectives” card to place it face up on the table.

The goal is then to be the first to reconstruct the composition of the nine snails in the order and orientation of the “objective” card with its cards in front of you.

The first player to succeed wins the “objective” card, if of course they make no mistake.

If he makes a mistake, he obtains a pledge such as playing with one hand, doing a trick even when two cards are changed or even applauding each time a partner activates his pledge, etc.

If a player obtains 2 “Objective” cards, his opponents can impose a permanent pledge of their choice on him.

For the competitive variant, when a player has reconstituted an objective and has placed his hand in the middle of the table, if the arrangement of this player's snails does not correspond to the "Objective" card, the player receives a penalty in place of a pledge.

He then takes the “Objective” card and places it face down in front of him.

 If a player receives 2 penalties, he is excluded from the game.

For the children's variation, when playing with younger children, allow them to play without the orientation of the card.

For a young child, have them play solo. When he thinks he has the solution, check to see if he wins the card. After 3 points scored, he wins the game.

The first player to win three “objective” cards wins the game!

Good day and good game ;)


Ca déboite, 1 minute flat 78 Crazy mix

On 04/07/2024


Hello everyone !

Let’s discover a new game in today’s Ca déboite!

Maybe you'll find some game to enjoy around a table and play for a few minutes or a few hours!

Good discovery and good game ;)


6 years of Joue le Jeu, thanks!

On 01/07/2024


Good evening everyone!

Here are the winners of the 6 year old draw!

Thank you again to everyone for its first 6 years, I can't wait to share more with you ;)

I mixed all the bulletins well before making the video ;)

Thank you all, see you soon at the store. Have a good evening and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

On 30/06/2024

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “JJV Offs”!

I have good hope

Thanks again to everyone who came to celebrate the store's 6th anniversary with me, you are awesome as always. ;)

When I see what I started with 6 years ago and where the store is today, I am very happy and proud.

Proud because my daily involvement allows us to further develop the world of board games in the area and to bring in even more players. ;)

Very happy because for most of you, you have been there since the beginning of the store and that is priceless!

I landed in a very discreet gaming world at the start and non-existent game activities, with player development in Vaison and its surroundings.

I am quite proud to be able to say that I have brought my modest, playful touch to Vaison and its surroundings via dynamic activities that adapt to each of you.

I hope to continue to bring you my enthusiasm around board games through activities, in the store and online via the blog and video of quick games that I offer you daily.

If you would like to join us in the gaming world, you are welcome. Young and old, beginners or more experienced, there is something for everyone!

The “Discovery Games” events at the store aim to introduce newbies to the world of board games.

So, don’t hesitate to come join me to open up to board games! ;)

I am hopeful that the gaming world continues to be as dynamic and humanly enriching.

Good day and good game ;)



In summer in Vaison, we play the game!

On 29/06/2024



Hello everyone !

From July 1 to August 31, for 50 euros of purchase in the store, benefit from a 5 euro reduction on your next basket.*1

On Wednesdays July 10 and 24, enjoy a free windmill creation workshop all day long! *2

So it's up to you ;)

*1 reduction valid per basket and household until October 31, 2024 and cannot be combined with other reductions.

*2 presence of an adult required during the manual workshop. From 6 years old and 4 children maximum at the same time.


2 words game

On 28/06/2024

Hello everyone!

Today we're going to talk about Into the Blue!

Dive in search of precious resources, 2 to 5 players for 20 minutes, ages 8 and up!

In Into the Blue, explore the depths and collect precious goods, but be careful, you are not the only one who wants to seize these submerged wonders...

On his turn, the active player throws the 6 dice into the lid of the box. Among these 6 dice, he can choose to reroll the dice of his choice, a maximum of two times. He places the dice he wishes to keep in front of him, and throws the other dice back into the lid of the box.

At the end of his three throws, the result can no longer be modified.

If the player keeps certain dice after the first roll, he can choose to reroll any of these dice on the third roll.

The player then arranges his dice, from smallest to largest. Only dice forming an uninterrupted sequence of numbers starting with 1 (1, 2, 3, etc.) are taken into account.

The final result forms an unbroken sequence of numbers starting with 1. If a number is missing in the sequence, all dice with a higher value are lost.

The player must then choose any number from the validated sequence and place on the corresponding level of the game board as many of their Shell tokens as there are dice displaying this number.

During the game, each player establishes his presence on each diving level by stacking his Shell tokens there.

If a player's final result does not include a 1, all 6 dice are lost. Their turn ends and it is up to the next player to play.

If a player's final result contains an unbroken sequence of numbers 1 to 5 along with a chest symbol, they have made a perfect dive. He then does not place any Shell tokens on the board, but randomly chooses one of the Chest tokens at the bottom of the game board. These can have different values ​​(5, 6, 6, 7 and 8), and the player keeps the secret. value of the chest he won. He then immediately plays a new round.

Clarification: when you perform a perfect dive, you must collect a Chest token. You cannot choose to give it up to place a Shell token on the board.

The end of the game is triggered if either a player places their last Shell token on the board or if a player manages to win the last Chest token (by performing a dive).

perfect) and in this case only, the other players do not have a last turn and the game ends instantly.

The player who has placed the most Shell tokens on a level wins the Main Treasure token of the level. The 2nd player with the most Shell tokens on the same level wins the Secondary Treasure token. Proceed in this way for each dive level.

Several players can be tied on the same level. In this case, the player with the most pawns on the level immediately above wins the disputed token by the corresponding tie.

If the tie continues, continue to proceed in this way with the level above, up to level 1 if necessary.

If the tied players have the same number of shell tokens up to and including level 1, the player with the most unused shell tokens wins the level.

If the players still cannot decide between themselves, the player who played their last turn first wins the tie.

The player with the most points wins the game!

Good day and good game ;)


Ca déboite, 1 minute flat 77 Feed Ze Troll

On 27/06/2024


Hello everyone !

Let’s discover a new game in today’s Ca déboite!

Maybe you'll find some game to enjoy around a table and play for a few minutes or a few hours!

Good discovery and good game ;)


6 years of the store, thanks

On 25/06/2024


And now is the time to talk about the best! :)

This best who enriches me humanly and this best is you, yes you!  And among you there are great people like: 

- You, Adamo, thank you for your trust with your Vanagloria card game 2020. :)

  - All of you: for your sympathy and good humor every day, thank you. Thank you for our fun and other exchanges, I love chatting with you. ;)

  - You Marinette and the journalists who have written wonderful articles for me since the start of the store. THANKS. :) 

- You, this magnificent clientele who supported me when I was called "racist" because I didn't have the Internet (yes, yes just for that...^^) with the Google comment that went with it of course otherwise this is not funny…. Thank you :)

  -You, these golden clients who join me in entertainment and with whom I always share unique and warm moments in Vaison or elsewhere! Thank you, Grazie, Thanks, Gracias ;) 

-You, the CCI of Vaucluse for my benevolence, digital, originality and my agility trophy nominations during the 2021 Réussir au Féminin trophies! Thanks to the CCI and Claire for her advice before the store opened. 

-You, the town halls and institutions who place your trust in the store for events and your game orders! Thanks to the Vaison Town Hall ;)

  -You, thank you to all my partners, suppliers, entertainment teams!

-You, thank you to all of you who contribute to my daily fun experience! Don't change anything, you are perfect just the way you are ;) 

- and thank you to my husband and my in-laws who have supported me for 6 years now! :) 

See you soon at the store, have a good day and enjoy the game ;) 


A little point of view

On 25/06/2024


Hello everyone !

So I have some thanks to give and I will save the best people for another post because we always save the best for last ;)

So let's start with my fan club which we don't know about ^^:

- if you didn't like the new products last time AJ & Co. you should tell me rather than giving me 1 out of 5 on Google. :) And who knows, try to see if there isn't something you might like in it, or come see me so I can explain them to you, it's even better ;)

- on several Google files of other traders with famous ratings, we can see that they too suddenly became racist at the same time as me, like that, poof, overnight! :) What a coincidence ! ;)

- on the other hand, if because I don't have the Internet I am racist, my advice is still good despite everything, but is no longer so when you have to buy a game with a voucher that they offer you. :) That’s good, you will only be able to use them elsewhere this year only. ;)

- no intimidation, insults and harassment are not “normal” my dear AJ & Co., that’s what it says! Whether it happens to teenagers or adults, I would NEVER be on the side of the bullies! And 6 years like that really and without taking revenge, that’s resilience!  Well done Play the Game Vaison! :)

-well done my dear AJ & Co. you got a little word from me in return, which I know you won't like. :) Enjoy it my dear AJ & Co., it's your glory day ;) I don't like your actions and words either, but I'll live with it ;).

As I told you face to face at the store (because no, I don't need to sneak up on you ;) ), I wouldn't retort, I'm not like you and that would be okay. the importance in the life of my business that you do not have. ;)

Thank you to these people who allowed me to grow through the trials they put me through and continue to put me through. ;)

For teenagers and people who experience harassment or meanness or jealousy, you don't have any of the problems that these people like to invent for you!

You will always only be put down by people who don't feel good about themselves and envy your strength or simply the person you are who force them to confront the problems they have and don't want to solve. …

If you think they are your friends, they are not, friends support you and don't tear you down.

Believe in yourself because you deserve it! I believe in you and I like to see you carry out the projects that are important to you ;)

It was important that I dot the i's, not for myself, but for those who suffer and who remain silent.


JJV's Offs

On 23/06/2024

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “JJV Offs”!

There will be sport!

Board games are not just games sitting quietly around a table.

Many games are played or can be played outside to have fun while enjoying the good weather.

I am thinking, for example, of molki, the game of papattes, kub and many other outdoor games which are just brilliant!

And many games can also be adapted to make them a little more sporty…

Have you ever tried to play jungle speed by putting the totem on the other side of the room you are playing in?

Don't leave anything lying around because it can quickly end up becoming anything. But it promises eventful games... ;)

We can also adapt games to make them life-size formats where we are at the heart of the game.

For example, this is what I did for the 5th anniversary by offering you a giant Mad Trip in the store!

What a pleasure to have seen you having fun enjoying the course that I have proposed to you, both the youngest and the oldest!

For the store's 6th anniversary, I plan to offer you an original game to celebrate with you!

Brain gymnastics is always relevant whether we play a game outdoors or around a table, because we have to admit, we generally like to win. ;)

We know that we cannot win all the time, but at least we will have won in strategy, in deduction, in logic, in resources, but above all in good times shared around board games.

In short, we will continue to move to play the game in Vaison and elsewhere. ;)

Good day and good game ;)


6 6ansmagasin

6 years with you, thank you!

On 22/06/2024

Hello everyone !

From June 24 to 29, to celebrate the store's 6th anniversary, there will be not 1, not 2, not 3, but 6 board games to win!

From 30 euros of purchase at the store during the anniversary week, a participation form will be added to the anniversary game box to win 1 of the 6 games.

There will therefore not be 1 winner, but 6 winners!

Draw Friday July 1st at 7 p.m. on Facebook live!

So it's up to you ;)


2 words game

On 21/06/2024

Hello everyone !

Today we're going to talk about Full Speed!

Rank the different objects and animals in order of speed, from 10 to 30 minutes for 2 to 8 players!

In Full Speed, placing the cards in the right place will prevent us from drawing penalty cards.

We place all the cards in a pile face down on the table, then we place a first card in the center of the table.

A player then draws a first card and has the other players guess his speed by showing the entire card except the speed which he hides with his fingers.

The player questioned by the first player has three possibilities for placing the card on the speed line:

- On the left, if he thinks that the card is slower than one of the cards already on the table.

- On the right, if he thinks that the card is faster than another face up card.

- Above, if he thinks that the card is as fast as one of the cards already on the table.

If he made no mistake, the card remains on the Speed ​​line, but if it was not correct, he takes the penalty card and places it face up in front of him.

As you play, the Speed ​​line will expand and the placement of cards will be more difficult to perform.

As soon as there are 12 cards lined up, the player who has just placed the twelfth removes the first and last card from the Speed ​​line and the game continues.

The game ends as soon as 3 penalty cards are collected with 4 players and 5 with 2 and 3 players.

The game continues with the remaining players until there is a winner. 

Good day and good game ;)


Ca déboite, 1 minute flat 76 Chimera

On 20/06/2024


Hello everyone !

Let’s discover a new game in today’s Ca déboite!

Maybe you'll find some game to enjoy around a table and play for a few minutes or a few hours!

Good discovery and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

On 16/06/2024

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “JJV Offs”!

In Vaison, we play the game!

Almost 6 years ago, I opened the store with the aim of developing the fun world of board games in Vaison and its surroundings.

Several attacks later, I made sure to still hold the bar firmly, sometimes with gritted teeth, but always with determination.

When I opened the store, there were no toy libraries and other game stores in Vaison and that was a shame... ;)

I took the risky gamble of opening a board game store in a slightly more isolated street in the city center of Vaison.

And then, I offered a stand at the games festival with the mistigri baronnies toy library.

And one thing led to another, or rather word of mouth, game activities began at Mac Donald in Saint Romain.

And everything came together, to my greatest happiness with activities with game libraries, town halls, associations and various private and public structures, including Sereno for example…

The store's opening audience grew to more and more gamers, but in the beginning, discovery was at the heart of the store.

This is also why I wanted to continue to develop game discovery activities with “Jeux discover” within the store.

Initiating board games doesn't scare me, you are welcome to discover a daily game of games together around a table where we create good memories.

Because the more players we have, the more we play!

Since the start of the store, I not only wanted to sell board games in store and online, but also to play and help gamists and amateurs in the sector play!

Thank you to all those who participate with me on a daily basis in this magnificent game of the playful world!

Good day and good game ;)



2 words game

On 14/06/2024

Hello everyone !

Today we're going to talk about Cross Fire!

Don't get caught in crossfire, 5 to 10 players for 5 to 10 minutes from 14 years old!

In Cross Fire, we will play hidden roles either VIP protectors or VIP enforcers, but also personal objectives.

In Cross Fire mode, players form two teams, blue and red. The red team must reach the VIPs and the blue team must prevent the VIPs from being hit.

After looking at the cards of the different characters, we learn about their role in the game and their specificities.

Then we shuffle the cards again to distribute them to the next player who will do the same.

You will then have to claim a role with the card placed in front of it face down, trying to hide your true role to achieve your objective.

By discussing with the other players, about the roles that we try to deduce with the previous shuffling of the cards and their words, we try to determine what the role of the other players is.

To claim another role, you change the meaning of your card. We cannot show our card face up to the other players, but we can very well claim to be playing a role that is not ours to achieve our objectives.

Then, after 3 minutes of discussion and bluffing, on the count of 3, we point our finger at another player.

With his finger still pointed at another player, the game leader announces:

- If you are not armed, lower your finger.

- Agents, reveal your role card.

- If you have been targeted by an agent, lower your weapon and reveal your role card.

- VIP reveal your role cards. Are you targeted?

Yes: the red team wins; No: the blue team wins.

Some cards have victory or defeat conditions and are announced at that time.

With Sniper mode, the sniper will attempt to kill the assassins by placing his sniper shot cards before the time runs out. At the end of the round, the players targeted by sniper fire are shot down and reveal their role cards.

If all assassins are killed, the blue team wins; but if the sniper kills a VIP or a civilian, the red team wins.

If no team has won at this stage, the assassins not defeated reveal their role cards; we count down again to 3 until the final resolution.

To win at Crossfire, let your instincts guide you.

Your first lead is the role the players say they have. If too many players have the same role, someone is bound to be lying...

Your second avenue is observing the cards before the start of the game. Did you see the same cards as what other players announced?

Perhaps you have found allies... Each piece of information is very useful; it's up to you to put the pieces of these bits of information together.

So who is lying? Who tells the truth? Who should hide their identity? Who seems to be looking for the truth? Who seems evasive or too talkative?

We add up the points from each round and the player with the most points wins the game.

Will you be caught in the crossfire?

Good day and good game ;)


Ca déboite, 1 minute flat 75 Bubblee Pop

On 13/06/2024


Hello everyone !

Let’s discover a new game in today’s Ca déboite!

Maybe you'll find some game to enjoy around a table and play for a few minutes or a few hours!

Good discovery and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

On 09/06/2024

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus of “JJV Offs”!

Daily golden moments with you!

An independent store is a daily race, although I'm not looking for the gold medal.

A podium of personal glory doesn’t interest me either…

I have never tried to be better than anyone except myself.

For me, everyone has room to develop their desires and passions.

So I really don’t understand the point of the principle of “competition” which pushes some people to put obstacles in the way of others…

The day is not coming when you will see me belittling or trying to destroy someone, even if the opposite is more than true.

In the store as in everyday life, putting others down has never been part of my life and believe me it never will be!

No, I would not belittle, but I would not keep silent in the face of this kind of baseness either…

The only thing that interests me is to see the gaming world progress and evolve so that we can all enjoy it together.

The rest is only vile and childish in my eyes...

I long for every moment I share with those who share the passion for board games with me ;)

Moreover, those who meet me on a daily basis have a glimpse of who I am in the store and during events.

My real customer words can be found here:

So, thank you to everyone who has supported the store on a daily basis for almost 6 years and welcome to everyone who continues to join me along the way. ;)

In Vaison, we play the game! My gold medal is you!

Good day and good game ;)


1 8bitbox

2 words game

On 07/06/2024

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about 8 bit box!

3,2,1, ready, fire, go for a wild Olympic race, among other things, 40 minutes of 4 to 6 players from 8 years old!

In 8 bit box, we play Pixoid, Outspeed and Stadium! Defeat the ghosts, win the race and prove yourself at the games!

And today, we're going to talk about Stadium and its 10 team events to achieve victory over other athletes.

The best athletes from the Blue Starz and Red Sunz are expected on the athletics track!

You have trained your whole life for this event. It's up to you to show what you're worth, but keep in mind that you will be stronger as a team.

Manage your efforts as best as possible during all the events so that your nation shines by winning as many medals as possible!

Using your controller, decide how much Energy you want to spend in the current Trial.

Each Event being different, you will need to be on the same wavelength as your Team partners to be able to go the distance, and thus win a maximum of Medals at the end of 10 Events.

Each type of Medal earns a certain number of points.

Trial tiles come in three types: standard Trial tiles, Rest Trial tiles, and Final Trial tiles.

When the Trials are set up, they form an athletics track.

During this phase, the first player reveals the next tile still face down according to the direction of the game.

During this phase, play the current Event as indicated by the explanations read by the first player.

You are never allowed to program your controller with a number greater than the amount of energy remaining on your Energy track. You can always program 0. The cube on your Energy track can never go beyond 30 or below 0.

If the Crucible allows you to communicate with other players, everyone at the table must be able to hear you. You can never show your controller to other players until the Crucible asks you to reveal it.

So who will win after the following events: track cycling, horse riding, golf, team gymnastics, 4X100m relay, weightlifting, pole vault, archery, pole vault, 100 meters, beach volleyball, fencing, rugby , taekwendo and the final, basketball.

When the Trial ends, award the corresponding Medal(s) as described in the explanation of each Trial.

The game ends when the Medal of the 10th Event has been awarded. Each Team adds up its victory points.

The team with the most victory points at the end of the game wins.

Good day and good game ;)


Ca déboite, 1 minute flat 74 Butine

On 06/06/2024


Hello everyone !

Let’s discover a new game in today’s Ca déboite!

Maybe you'll find some game to enjoy around a table and play for a few minutes or a few hours!

Good discovery and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

On 02/06/2024

Hello everyone!

Welcome to a new opus of “JJV Offs”!

Take gem all, on the way to even more nuggets and fun moments with you!

As the store's 6th anniversary approaches, I feel in an even more playful mood than usual!

Each year that passes is a source of personal enrichment for me…

Our exchanges, the game world which continually evolves, the game activities that we share; the simplest things that make me the most happy every day.

I plan to continue to collect and preserve each of these precious exchanges inside and outside the store in my memory.

All these moments which are all gems that I seize on the fly and keep with me on my playful journey at your side.

From the first events at Mac Donald's in Saint Romain en Viennois to current events, all these experiences have brought me even more experience and good memories.

Your trust in well-known and lesser-known board games, validated and renewed on a daily basis, I am only rich in all that...

I always have lots of new ideas in mind that I will present to you little by little so that we play the game with ever more enthusiasm and sharing. ;)

New partnerships, evolving game activities and why not even more games, among other things...

Do you want to continue enjoying the fun world together? So let's go !

Good day and good game ;)


28 05takegemall

2 words game

On 31/05/2024

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Take gem all!

In Take gem all, find the best word for 20 minutes, from 8 years old and from 2 to 10 players to win as many gems as possible!

In Take Gem All, grab as many precious stones as possible by being the fastest player to give an answer corresponding to the theme played and starting with one of the four letters in play!

But be careful; beware of trap cards that could slow you down and diamonds that could disrupt the flow of the game...

Once the theme is known, players must be the quickest to find an answer related to this theme and whose first letter begins with one of the 4 letters proposed by the Precious Stones.

The first player to give a correct answer wins the Gemstone of the letter used:

- Emeralds (green) are worth 1 point

- Sapphires (blue) are worth 2 points

- Rubies (red) are worth 3 points

- Diamonds (gray) allow you to steal a stone from another player.

There are 4 kinds of trap cards, bamboo, carat'strophe, cursed stone and diamond fever which allow other players to play, replace the precious stones, have to discard a stone and use the letters following the letters drawn to create words.

The game ends once all Theme cards have been played. Players count their points and the player with the most wins. In the event of a tie, the tied players compete in a final round.

Good day and good game ;)


Ca déboite, 1 minute flat 73 Jelly Monster

On 30/05/2024


Hello everyone !

Let’s discover a new game in today’s Ca déboite!

Maybe you'll find some game to enjoy around a table and play for a few minutes or a few hours!

Good discovery and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

On 26/05/2024

Hello everyone!

Welcome to a new opus of “JJV Offs”!

Penny papers, we try, we adjust and we progress.

A store is a daily adventure. Sometimes things work the first time and sometimes you have to try again and even change your strategy when necessary.

To try to move the store forward, I set achievable goals for myself, even if it means achieving them gradually.

Because sometimes, when we demand too much from ourselves, we don't achieve things any better. You have to know how to find the right balance...

The store is therefore progressing slowly but surely, just like me, to be sustainable over time.

The mistakes I made along the way allowed me to improve the store and grow along the way. We never stop learning as long as we remain curious and open to the world around us.

I am naturally curious about almost all subjects, except what people say and anything close to it, because I like to discover things and getting out of my comfort zone doesn't put me at ease, but it 'is always useful and informative.

When I offer you themes every 3 months, I continue to discover things before sharing them with you for anyone who might also be curious. :)

The adventure is never easy, but it provides unique and enriching moments. I am very happy to be able to share them with you on a daily basis. ;)

Good day and good game ;)


21 05pennypapersapikhabou

2 words game

On 24/05/2024

Hello everyone !

Today we're going to talk about Penny Papers!

In Penny Papers, go on a 30-minute adventure, from 8 years old and from 1 to 4 players without forgetting the peppers to score the highest score!

Adventure is before us with this series of small strategic games.

We roll the 3 dice and the result is common for all players, who write down the path they wish to take to obtain objectives.

We then advance to the heart of the adventure in more depth to complete our grid in order to score as many points as possible.

All players write numbers into their grid optimally to get the most victory points.

 Test your ability to manage space and use dice special effects wisely.

Oh, and don't miss an opportunity to upset your opponents' grids when dangers appear!

Influence the grids of other players with your roll of the dice and adapt to the different results to win this adventure!

The number of players is unlimited since everyone plays at the same time!

Good day and good game ;)


Ca déboite, 1 minute flat 72 Decipher

On 23/05/2024


Hello everyone !

Let’s discover a new game in today’s Ca déboite!

Maybe you'll find some game to enjoy around a table and play for a few minutes or a few hours!

Good discovery and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

On 19/05/2024

Hello everyone!

Welcome to a new opus of “JJV Offs”!

Chili dice, the dice are cast and life spices up their score.

The die is cast throughout the year. And sometimes they don’t lack spice…

It happened to me when I embarked on a new project, to wonder if I was capable of carrying it out and to be afraid to commit to it thinking that I would not be qualified enough to carry it out…

I'm thinking, for example, of the first team building around the second year of the store where I was asked to lead a group of 20 people.

So many people for this type of event for the first time, it was really stressful, I assure you.

I felt like I had forgotten half of my equipment and then didn't know where to stand in front of 20 pairs of eyes...

And then, I tried everything and launched different styles of play mixing cooperation and competitive. This isn't the best idea I could have had...

Clearly competitiveness won out over cooperation and they all lost.

And I can tell you that I felt the spices of life there... :s . I was very hot because I was so stressed...

And then, DING, I said to myself, damn it, we're going to try to integrate role play which will allow them to integrate the competitive game and end up being forced to cooperate and succeed together.

Competent and competitive each in their field, I understood that this team needed to see that they all had weak points to help each other.

Finally, realizing that their colleagues also had shortcomings allowed them to create the beginnings of cohesion by initiating a more calm dialogue.

In the end, I still managed to initiate the beginnings of a dialogue in this team. The following team building sessions went very well. ;)

In short, one of the spicy episodes of the store.

Good day and good game ;)



Let's celebrate moms

On 18/05/2024

Hello everyone !

From May 21 to 25, to celebrate mothers, a surprise offered from 10 euros of purchase in the store!

On Wednesday, May 22, enjoy a free paper bracelet creation workshop all day!*1

*1 presence of an adult required during the manual workshop.

From 6 years old and 4 children maximum at the same time.

14 05chilidice

2 words game

On 17/05/2024

Hello everyone !

Today we're going to talk about Chili Dice!

In Chili Dice, create dice combos for 30 minutes, from 8 years old and from 1 to 4 players without forgetting the chili peppers to score the highest score!

In Chili Dice, you can roll the dice as many times as you want during a round to try to maximize your score.

But you only have thirty dice rolls at most in the entire game, so be careful when you try your luck!

Chili Dice includes a set of six six-sided dice, with one side on each die having red pips instead of white, with a red 1 on one die, a red 2 on another, and so on.

On a turn, you roll all the dice, set aside any dice you want, and rotate any red die facing the side you want (or leave them as is).

You can re-roll the remaining dice and repeat the process, noting each roll on the score sheet.

 When you stop, you score the dice in one of the ten fields on the score sheet, scoring for the numbers 1 through 6 (the red die doubling your score, if present); a straight; red dice; sets; and everything you have in front of you.

If you complete all ten fields before maxing out your rolls, you receive 5 points for each unused roll.

Whoever scores the most points wins!

Good day and good game ;)


Ca déboite, 1 minute flat 71 Arkhans

On 16/05/2024


Hello everyone !

Let’s discover a new game in today’s Ca déboite!

Maybe you'll find some game to enjoy around a table and play for a few minutes or a few hours!

Good discovery and good game ;)


JJV's Offs

On 12/05/2024

Hello everyone!

Welcome to a new opus of “JJV Offs”!

Oceanos, oceans of shared fun moments.

Since I dove into the gaming world with you in 2018, I don't regret having taken the plunge into the deep end of gaming makers. ;)

With so many talented authors and creators, we have not finished surfing on an ever more interesting and creative gaming world.

The wave of board games arrived in Vaison a few years ago and many players are joining in the pleasure of the playful ocean.

I personally like playing with you and discovering with you all these new things that are available to us. There are so many innovative and original games to try that one year is not enough... :)

The Cannes International Games Festival allows you to discover part of them in advance so that you can then show them to you in animation and offer them to you in store as soon as they are released.

There hasn't been a single moment in almost 6 years when I haven't enjoyed fun moments and discussions with you all, so thank you!

Thank you for your trust and enthusiasm on a daily basis and for ensuring that in Vaison too, we play the game. ;)

Good day and good game ;)


07 05oceanos

2 words game

On 10/05/2024

Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Oceanos!

 In Oceanos, play as an expedition captain for 15 to 20 minutes, from 8 years old and 2 to 4 players collect astonishing animal species!

Throughout the game, the player composes his underwater expedition by arranging his exploration cards on three superimposed lines.

Each captain chooses an expedition card and passes them to the other captains who do the same. The exploration cards contain several elements that allow you to score points or improve your submarine.

 Each submarine is made up of five elements which improve as you progress through the levels: a thruster, an engine, a cockpit, an aquarium and a diving hatch.

Exploration cards represent the discoveries of expeditions which are either positive (animals, corals, treasures), negative (kraken eyes) or improvements (bases and crystals).

 The game is played in 3 rounds of rounds. Each player chooses a color and assembles their submarine with the level pieces, then after placing the diver and fuel tokens, we randomly draw a kraken token for the 3 sizes.

 The expedition cards of the round are distributed, then each player receives an exploration card per possessed periscope.

You choose an exploration card to play face down in front of you, then the players place them from left to right on the same line. We will have one line of exploration cards per round. Fuel tokens allow you to keep a card face down for safekeeping.

The diver token allows you to recover the treasures found there and all those on the cards under which they are found on the ascent on a map with a treasure.

To improve your submarine, the crystals placed before the base will determine its level at the end of the round.

You earn points based on the animals collected and the submarine thrusters.

Then we count the Kraken's points with a token. It is the player who has the most on his cards who loses the points associated with the token of the current level.

At the end of the game, the player with the most victory points is the winner.

Good day and good game ;)