Castle 2596885 1921

Did you know?

On 13/10/2021 0

In Did you know?

Hello everyone !

 Our classic pastries are much older than you think!

A custard, do you like it? or an apple pie?

These are modern pastries, aren't they? Well no !

 First, in the Middle Ages the separation between sweet and savory in the order of dishes did not exist!

This practice is more recent and dates from the 17th century!

In medieval times, a "dessert" corresponded to the third or fourth course, but could be sweet or savory.

But the sweet taste developed in the Middle Ages from the 15th century thanks to the cultivation of sugar cane.

 This is how our current desserts find their origins.

Yes, the flan, the pie, the waffles that we called "the forgotten ones" and many other desserts were already delighting the taste buds of good ladies and beautiful young ladies!

 And, the use of spices in baking as in medieval cooking was very common. 

Good day and good game ;)


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