08 05village gran roque

Did you know?

On 08/05/2024 0

In Did you know?

Hello everyone !

Los Roques Archipelago (Venezuela)

The Los Roques Archipelago is a federal dependency of Venezuela consisting of approximately 350 islands, cays or islets located approximately 130 km off the Venezuelan coast.

Gran Roque, the main island, is located in the north of the archipelago, 146 km from the small town of Naiguata, on the Venezuelan coast.

This island complex has a population of 1,500 inhabitants.

Due to the presence of a wide variety of seabirds and a very rich aquatic fauna, the government transformed the archipelago into a national park in 1972. It is the Los Roques Archipelago National Park.

The main island is Gran Roque (the big Roc), the only inhabited island and where the airport is located.

Other important islands are Francisqui, Nordisqui and Madrisqui y Crasqui. The archipelago was recognized as a Ramsar site on September 4, 1996.

These islands receive around 58,000 visitors per year, mainly for the day from Caracas.

Good day and good game ;)

*Photo by Berrucommons.


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