Bandeau as d or 2

Did you know?

On 24/05/2023 0

In Did you know?

Hello everyone !

In 2021, due to Covid-19, the Cannes International Games Festival did not take place physically, but digitally via social networks.

It was possible to follow the ceremony live on the networks and the awarding of the prizes live from his living room.

The golden ace was won by Micro, macro, the expert golden ace by The Crew and the child golden ace by Dragomino.

The selection of the golden ace was composed of Top Ten, Ghost adventure, Carro combo and of course Micro Macro.

The children's selection was made up of House of Mice, Kraken Attack, Detective Charlie and of course Dragomino.

The expert selection was made up of Paleo, Tainted Grail, The King's Dilemma and of course The Crew.

It's not always easy to choose from good games, so hats off to the jury.

Good day and good game ;)



did you know joue jeu

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