Sans queue ni tete 1

2 words game Sans queue ni tête

On 25/11/2022 0

In 2 words game


Hello everyone !

Today we are going to talk about Sans queue ni tête!


You have to rebuild the chameleons on the table piece by piece and try not to be the color with the most points on any of them.

At the end of a round, the player whose color has the most points on a chameleon will score those points.

Players can score on multiple Chameleons at once.

As soon as a player reaches 32 points, the game is over and the player with the fewest points wins.


A complete game takes place in several rounds, a round is made up of 6 rounds, a round is made up of 3 phases  

1. Choose cards Each player secretly chooses the card they want to play and places it face down on the table.

2. Roll dice When each player has a card face down in front of them, everyone rolls their dice. The player with the lowest score starts. In the event of a tie, the tied players re-roll their dice until a winner emerges.

3. Playing card The first player reveals his card and plays it.

Then, starting with the player on his left, the other players take turns doing the same in a clockwise direction.

Once the construction of a chameleon has started, you must complete its construction by placing cards on it clockwise.

When all players have played, begin the next round, resuming from phase 1.

Discover the game sheet by clicking on the image of the game.

Good day and good game ;)

Sans queue ni tete







2 words game joue

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