
JJV's Offs

On 23/01/2022 0

In JJV's Offs

Hello everyone !

Welcome to a new opus from the JJV Offs!

Show must go on!

At the start of the store and even sometimes even now I have the right to a real show in front of and sometimes inside ... ^^

An improvised clown show that creates an obstacle course with the store sign ^^

Others become queen-sized dance halls with a frenzied floss in front of the window or a Parkinsonian twerk against the door ^^

Some people share their learning of animal sounds in dolby surround with you. ^^

A lucky charm placed in front of the door which spreads good luck to you in the store ... ^^

Donations of unexpected objects with, I suppose, good intentions on or around the panel: chewing gum, spit, dog needs, cat litter ...

And the winner is ... "I crashed the computer on purpose, so that'll keep you busy ...".

Yes, yes, we went to familiarity without even knowing each other ^^

Uses and customs that I did not know ... ^^

You know, there will always be people to make you understand that you are too many ...

But, you are never "too much" or "not enough".

Most importantly, don't let bad people trick you into believing that being a good person is a weakness.

Your kindness demands a strength from them that exceeds them;)

You are you, with your strengths and weaknesses, and this is what makes you both unique and beautiful.

Good day and good game ;)


joue le jeu vaison offs

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