
Did you know?

On 22/11/2023 0

In Did you know?

Hello everyone !

Do you know the name of the cards?

It was already known that kings in card games featured real kings, namely Charlemagne, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar and King David.

But what about other cards?

 Well it's simple, all jacks and all ladies also have their own name.

 Thus, the valet of hearts is Lahire (Etienne de Vignolles), a comrade in arms of Joan of Arc while the lady of hearts is named Judith.

The name of the Jack of Diamonds is Hector, presumably for the hero of the Trojan War although other theories exist.

 The queen of diamonds is called Rachel.

On the side of the spade, the valet bears the name of Ogier, one of Charlemagne's 12 peers, while the queen is called Pallas.

Finally, the jack of clubs is Lancelot, for Lancelot du Lac, while its queen is Argine, for the anagram of Regina…aka “queen” in Italian.

Good day and good game ;)


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