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In Vaison we play the game

On 18/04/2024

Hello everyone !

You can discover here the magnificent article written by Marinette from Dauphiné Libéré on the store and the events at Sereno.

The board game is above all a vector of good times shared together around a table and has continued to be talked about...

Don’t hesitate to come and discover the publishers that I offer in the store, large, medium and also small, which allow you to spend unique moments around board games.

I like having the store to be able to offer you original games and allow you to play for a few minutes to a few hours.

“Jeux Découvre” events to open up to the world of games instead every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the store.

I invite you to discover accessible games to introduce yourself to the playful world in slots of 4 people maximum and at 5€ per person.

To discover the world of the game even more you can find:

- every Thursday a Ca déboite where you can discover a brief video explanation of the game linked to the clues of Kezako the Tuesday mystery game.

- every Friday a 2 Word Game to discover a new explanation of the game.


Happy reading, have a good day and above all good gaming ;) Thanks again Marinette ;)



In Vaison we play the game

On 31/03/2024

Hello everyone.

In Vaison we play the game every day!

Board games have continued to develop among families, couples and friends.

Thank you Marinette for this beautiful showcase of the store.

See you soon everyone.

Have a good weekend and have a good day ;)