

Fidelatoo, your jokers and more available!

On 16/09/2023

Hello everyone !

Your loyalty card is now available via the Fidelatoo application instead of Fydl.

And here are the additional benefits you will get:

- Only one scan of your customer QR code per visit instead of one joker share, jokers added manually by the store.

- Better visibility of your points via an intuitive application.

- Your other loyalty cards from small merchants*1, medium and large brands always within reach by scanning the bar code, QR code or entering the loyalty card number.

- Fidelatoo is a French company, thank you French Tech. ;)

- And what’s more, it’s obviously always free!

Enjoy your jokers with complete peace of mind.

Have a nice day everyone, have a good weekend and have a good game ;)

*1 Merchants using the application.