
Did you know?

On 22/02/2023 0

In Did you know?

Hello everyone !


The evil eye


The evil eye is a belief that a look, praise or compliment from one person to another has the power to bring a curse or bad luck to the latter.

The "murderous gaze", capable of attracting misfortune, illness or death, appears in the texts of Sumer, Babylon and Assyria.

In Europe during the Middle Ages, witches were known to use the evil eye against anyone who had the misfortune to cross their path.

Their victims were then stricken with various ailments, lost the love of their spouse or were thrown into misery.

In this belief, witches – being associated with the image of old women – would be linked to menopause.

Since witches could no longer see their age expelling their "impurities" through natural channels, they did so through their eyes.

Good day and good game ;)



did you know joue jeu

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